This directory contains an extended version of GraphApp (version 2.45 for MsWindows). Extensions and changes are copyrighted by Guido Masarotto ( and Brian D. Ripley ( Extesion include: (1) Better support for MDI application (MDI clients can have menus, toolbar and status bar which are displayed, in the standard way, on the MDI frame). (2) Threaded safe drawing operation (essentially all the operation defined in drawing.c but without any reference to current[state,window]. In addition, there is support for line styles (in all the fashion needed by R) and rotated fonts). (3) Popup menus. (4) Windows printer and metafiles. (5) Tooltips. (6) bitmap -> image conversion. (7) Win32 Api memory allocation functions (C library free/realloc don't release memory!!). (8) Possibility to specify color by name. (9) A simple console/pager widget. All new function are defined in ga.h; include this file not graphapp.h. ORIGINAL README FILE FOR GRAPHAPP --------------------------------- This Zip file contains the following files: COPYLIB.TXT - Describes the GNU General Public License for library files. You should read this file so you know under what terms you are making use of the GraphApp library. Basically the license says you can freely use and modify the library, but any modifications made to the library must be made available as source code to anyone who wants them. It does not restrict your use of the library in an unmodified form to produce programs for profit. pizza.c - A simple example GraphApp program. example.prj - A Borland C++ 3.11 project file for making programs. example.dsk - An associated Borland C++ 3.11 project desktop file. graphapp.prj - A Borland C++ 3.11 project file for building GraphApp. graphapp.dsk - An associated Borland C++ 3.11 project desktop file. You should ignore the Borland C++ 3.11 project files if you are not using that version of the Borland C compiler. I'm not sure they'll work with any other version of Borland C or with any other compiler. graphapp.h - The GraphApp header file - use this in your projects. Better still, copy it into your compiler's include directory (e.g. C:\BORLANDC\INCLUDE) str.h - A simple C++ string class - include it in your programs if you want, or else use the strings included with the standard templates library (STL). internal.h - Used in building the library - do not include it in your projects. graphapp.c - Compiling this file will compile the entire library. *.c - The remaining C files are all part of the GraphApp library source code. Place these in a directory called SRCWIN and leave them alone unless you want to build a new version of the library.