<- function(topic, path, file="AnIndex", type="help") .Internal(, path, file, .Platform$file.sep, type)) help <- function(topic, offline = FALSE, package = c(.packages(), .Autoloaded), lib.loc = .lib.loc, verbose = .Options$verbose, chmhelp = .Options$chmhelp, htmlhelp = .Options$htmlhelp, winhelp = .Options$winhelp) { chmhelp <- is.logical(chmhelp) && chmhelp htmlhelp <- is.logical(htmlhelp) && htmlhelp winhelp <- is.logical(winhelp) && winhelp if (!missing(package)) if ( <- substitute(package))) package <- as.character(y) if (!missing(topic)) { topic <- substitute(topic) if ( topic <- as.character(topic) else if (!is.character(topic)) stop("Unimplemented help feature") # for cmd/help .. if (!, c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%")))) topic <- "Arithmetic" else if (!, c("<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=")))) topic <- "Comparison" else if (!, c("[", "[[", "$")))) topic <- "Extract" else if (!, c("&", "&&", "|", "||", "!")))) topic <- "Logic" else if (!, c("%*%")))) topic<- "matmult" type <- "help" if(offline) type <- "latex" else if (htmlhelp) type <- "html" ## no longer, with! topic <- gsub("\\[","\\\\[", topic) INDICES <- system.file(pkg=package, lib=lib.loc) file <-, INDICES, "AnIndex", type) if (file == "") { # try data .doc -- this is OUTDATED file <- system.file(file.path("data", paste(topic, ".doc", sep = "")), pkg = package, lib = lib.loc) } if (length(file) && file != "") { if (verbose) cat("\t\t\t\t\t\tHelp file name `", sub(".*/", "", file), ".Rd'\n", sep = "") if (!offline) { if(chmhelp) { chm.dll <- file.path(R.home(), "bin", "Rchtml.dll") if(!file.exists(chm.dll)) stop("Compiled HTML is not installed") if(!is.loaded(symbol.C("Rchtml"))) dyn.load(chm.dll) wfile <- sub("/help/([^/]*)$", "", file) thispkg <- sub(".*/([^/]*)$", "\\1", wfile) hlpfile <- paste(wfile, "/chtml/", thispkg, ".chm", sep = "") if(verbose) print(hlpfile) if(file.exists(hlpfile)) { err <- .C("Rchtml", hlpfile, topic, err=integer(1))$err if(verbose) cat("help() for `", topic, "' is shown in Compiled HTML\n", sep="") return(invisible()) } else { if(verbose) cat("No `", thispkg, ".chm' is available\n", sep="") file <-, INDICES, "AnIndex", "help") } } if(htmlhelp) { file <- gsub("/", "\\\\", file) if(file.exists(file)) { .Internal(, 1, "")) cat("help() for `", topic, "' is shown in browser\n", sep="") return(invisible()) } else { if(verbose) cat("no HTML help for `", topic, "' is available\n", sep = "") file <-, INDICES, "AnIndex", "help") } } if(winhelp) { wfile <- sub("/help/([^/]*)$", "", file) thispkg <- sub(".*/([^/]*)$", "\\1", wfile) hlpfile <- paste(wfile, "/winhlp/", thispkg, ".hlp", sep = "") hlpfile <- gsub("/", "\\\\", hlpfile) if(verbose) print(hlpfile) if(file.exists(hlpfile)) { .Internal(, 2, hlpfile)) if(verbose) cat("help() for `", topic, "' is shown in WinHelp\n", sep="") return(invisible()) } else { if(verbose) cat("No `", thispkg, ".hlp' is available\n", sep="") file <-, INDICES, "AnIndex", "help") } } ## experimental code zfile <- zip.file.extract(file, "") ## end of experimental code if(file.exists(zfile)), header = paste("Help for `", topic, "'", sep=""), delete.file = (zfile!=file)) else stop(paste("The help file for `", topic, "' is missing", sep = "")) return(invisible()) } else { ## experimental code zfile <- zip.file.extract(file, "") if(zfile != file) on.exit(unlink(zfile)) ## end of experimental code if(file.exists(zfile)) { FILE <- "Rdoc" tFILE <- paste(FILE, ".tex", sep="") cat("\\documentclass[", .Options$papersize, "paper]{article}\n", file = tFILE, sep = "") file.append(tFILE, file.path(R.home(), "doc", "manual", "Rd.sty")) cat("\\InputIfFileExists{Rhelp.cfg}{}{}\n\\begin{document}\n", file = tFILE, append = TRUE) file.append(tFILE, zfile) cat("\\end{document}\n", file = tFILE, append = TRUE) system(paste(paste(R.home(), "bin", "helpPRINT", sep="/"), FILE, topic), wait=F) return(invisible()) } else stop(paste("No offline documentation for", topic, "is available")) } } else stop(paste("No documentation for `", topic, "'", sep = "")) } else if (!missing(package)) library(help = package, lib = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE) else if (!missing(lib.loc)) library(lib = lib.loc) else help("help", package = "base", lib.loc = .Library) }