getenv <- function(x) { if (missing(x)) stop("In this version of R, only getenv(aVar) is implemented\n") else structure(.Internal(getenv(x)), names = x) } help.start <- function(gui = "irrelevant", browser = "irrelevant") { a <- system.file("index.html", pkg="doc/html", lib=R.home()) if (a == "") a <- system.file("index.htm", pkg="doc/html", lib=R.home()) if (a == "") stop("I can't find the html help\n") else { a <- gsub("/", "\\\\", a) cat("If nothing happens, you have to open `",a,"' yourself\n") .Internal(help.start()); } invisible("") } system <- function(command, intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE, input = "", show.output.on.console = FALSE, minimized = FALSE, invisible = FALSE) { f <- "" if (input!="") { f <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(f)) cat(input,file=f,sep="\n") } if (intern) flag <- 3 else { if (wait) flag <- ifelse(show.output.on.console, 2, 1) else flag <- 0 } if (invisible) flag <- 20 + flag else if (minimized) flag <- 10 + flag .Internal(system(command, as.integer(flag), f)) } unix <- function(call, intern = FALSE) { .Deprecated("system") system(call,intern) } tempfile <- function(pattern = "file") .Internal(tempfile(pattern)) unlink <- function(x) invisible(.Internal(unlink(x))) flush.console <- function() .Internal(flush.console()) shell <- function(cmd, shell, flag="/c", intern=FALSE, wait=TRUE, translate=FALSE, mustWork=FALSE) { if(missing(shell)) { shell <- getenv("R_SHELL") if(!nchar(shell)) shell <- getenv("SHELL") if(!nchar(shell)) shell <- getenv("COMSPEC") } if(missing(flag) && any(!"bash", "tcsh"), shell)))) flag <- "-c" if(translate) cmd <- gsub("/", "\\\\", cmd) if(!is.null(shell)) cmd <- paste(shell, flag, cmd) res <- system(cmd, intern=intern, wait=wait | intern, show.output.on.console=wait) if(!intern && res !=0) if(mustWork) if(res == -1) stop("cmd could not be run") else stop(paste("cmd execution failed with error code", res)) else if(res == -1) warning("cmd could not be run") else warning(paste("cmd execution failed with error code", res)) if(intern) res else invisible(res) } zip.file.extract <- function(file, zipname="") { ofile <- gsub("\\\\", "/", file) path <- sub("[^/]*$","", ofile) topic <- substr(ofile, nchar(path)+1, 1000) if(file.exists(file.path(path, zipname))) { tempdir <- sub("[^\\]*$","", tempfile()) if((unzip <- options()$unzip) != "internal") { if(!system(paste(unzip, "-oq", file.path(path, zipname), topic, "-d", tempdir), show = FALSE, invisible = TRUE)) file <- paste(tempdir, topic, sep="") } else { rc <- .Internal(int.unzip(file.path(path, zipname), topic, tempdir)) if (rc == 10) warning(paste(R.home(), "unzip\\unzip32.dll cannot be loaded", sep="\\")) if (rc == 0) file <- paste(tempdir, topic, sep="") } } file }