##-- Keep 'library' and 'library.dynam' PLATFORM-Indepedent ! ##-- Use .Platform in ./system.unix.R [./system.win.R , ...] to configure! ## ~~~~~~~~~ library <- function (name, help, lib.loc = .lib.loc, character.only = FALSE, logical.return = FALSE, warn.conflicts = name != "MASS") { if (!missing(name)) { if (!character.only) name <- as.character(substitute(name)) lib.source <- function(file, env) { exprs <- parse(n = -1, file = file) if (length(exprs) == 0) return(invisible()) for (i in exprs) yy <- eval(i, env) invisible() } pkgname <- paste("package", name, sep = ":") if (is.na(match(pkgname, search()))) { packagedir <- system.file("", pkg = name, lib = lib.loc) if (packagedir == "") { txt <- paste("There is no package called `", name, "'", sep = "") if (logical.return) { warning(txt) return(FALSE) } else stop(txt) } which.lib.loc <- lib.loc[match(packagedir[1], file.path(lib.loc, name))] if (length(packagedir) > 1) { warning(paste("Package `", name, "' found more than once,\n ", "using the one found in `", which.lib.loc, "'", sep = "")) } file <- system.file("R", name, pkg = name, lib = lib.loc) ## allowed zipped R source files if (file == "") { tfile <- file.path(which.lib.loc, name, "R", name) zfile <- zip.file.extract(tfile) if (zfile != tfile) { file <- zfile on.exit(unlink(file)) } } # create environment env <- attach(NULL, name = pkgname) # "source" file into env if (file == "") warning(paste("Package `", name, "' contains no R code", sep = "")) else lib.source(file, env) lib.fixup(env, .GlobalEnv) if (exists(".First.lib", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) { firstlib <- get(".First.lib", envir = env, inherits = FALSE) firstlib(which.lib.loc, name) } if (warn.conflicts) { ##-- Check for conflicts dont.mind <- c("last.dump", "last.warning", ".Last.value", ".Random.seed") ## Currently, package is ALWAYS at "pos=2" lib.pos <- 2 ob <- objects(lib.pos) ipos <- seq(along = sp <- search())[-c(lib.pos, match("Autoloads", sp))] for (i in ipos) { obj.same <- match(objects(i), ob, nomatch = 0) fst <- TRUE if (any(obj.same > 0) && length(same <- (ob <- ob[obj.same])[!ob %in% dont.mind])) { if (fst) { fst <- FALSE cat("\nAttaching Package \"", pkgname, "\":\n\n", sep = "") } cat("\n\tThe following object(s) are masked", if (i < lib.pos) "by" else "from", sp[i], ":\n\n\t", same, "\n\n") } } } } else { if (options()$verbose) warning(paste("Package", pkgname, "already present in search()")) } } else if (!missing(help)) { if (!character.only) help <- as.character(substitute(help)) file <- system.file("INDEX", pkg=help, lib=lib.loc) if (file == "") stop(paste("No documentation for package `", help, "'", sep = "")) else file.show(file, title = paste("Contents of package", help)) } else { ## library(): libfil <- tempfile("R.") avail <- NULL for (lib in lib.loc) { cat("\nPackages in library `", lib, "':\n\n", sep = "", file = libfil, append = TRUE) if (file.exists(libind <- file.path(lib, "LibIndex"))) { file.append(libfil, libind) ## This gives warnings and partly garbage, ## since contrib's LibIndex isn't really "clean": ## scan(libind, what=list("",""), sep="\t", a <- NULL } else { a <- .packages(all.available = TRUE, lib.loc = lib) for (i in sort(a)) { title <- system.file("TITLE", pkg=i, lib=lib) if (title != "") file.append(libfil, title) else cat(i, "\n", file = libfil, append = TRUE) } } avail <- c(avail, a) } file.show(libfil, delete.file = TRUE, title = "R packages available") return(invisible(avail)) } if (logical.return) TRUE else invisible(.packages()) } library.dynam <- function (chname, package = .packages(), lib.loc = .lib.loc, verbose = .Options$verbose, file.ext = .Platform$dynlib.ext) { if (!exists(".Dyn.libs")) assign(".Dyn.libs", character(0), envir = .AutoloadEnv) if (missing(chname) || (LEN <- nchar(chname)) == 0) return(.Dyn.libs) nc.ext <- nchar(file.ext) if (substr(chname, LEN - nc.ext + 1, LEN) == file.ext) chname <- substr(chname, 1, LEN - nc.ext) if (is.na(match(chname, .Dyn.libs))) { file <- system.file(file.path("libs", paste(chname, file.ext, sep = "")), pkg = package, lib = lib.loc) if (file == "") { stop(paste("dynamic library `", chname, "' not found", sep = "")) } if (verbose) cat("now dyn.load(", file, ")..\n", sep = "") .Internal(dyn.load(file)) assign(".Dyn.libs", c(.Dyn.libs, chname), envir = .AutoloadEnv) } invisible(.Dyn.libs) } require <- function(name, quietly = FALSE) { name <- as.character(substitute(name)) # allowing "require(eda)" if (!exists(".Provided", inherits = TRUE)) assign(".Provided", character(0), envir = .GlobalEnv) if (is.na(match(paste("package", name, sep = ":"), search())) && is.na(match(name, .Provided))) { if (!quietly) cat("Loading required package:", name, "\n") library(name, char = TRUE, logical = TRUE) } else TRUE } provide <- function(name) { if (!exists(".Provided", inherits = TRUE)) assign(".Provided", character(0), envir = .GlobalEnv) if (missing(name)) .Provided else { name <- as.character(substitute(name)) if (is.na(match(name, .packages())) && is.na(match(name, .Provided))) { assign(".Provided", c(name, .Provided), envir = .GlobalEnv) TRUE } else FALSE } } .packages <- function(all.available = FALSE, lib.loc = .lib.loc) { if(all.available) { a <- list.files(lib.loc, all.files=FALSE, full.names=FALSE) ans <- character(0) for (name in a) { pkg <- system.file(file.path("R",name), pkg=name, lib=lib.loc) if (pkg != "") ans <- c(ans,name) } return(ans) } ## else s <- search() return(invisible(substring(s[substr(s, 1, 8) == "package:"], 9))) }