CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.61.3 NEW FEATURES o find(.) function [on wish of many...] BUG FIXES o Remove "Alpha" revision from opening blurb. Didn't make sense with our development model o set SHELL=/bin/sh in Makefile and use $(MAKE). Avoid use of wildcards in $(MANSRC) for non-gnu "make" (notably Solaris). o rhyper gave wrong results in degenerate cases o Using get with pos=length(search()) or envir=NULL was actually actually starting the search in .GlobalEnv. o first=0 (or negative) argument to substr() caused trouble. o 1%o%1 would segfault o .Dyn.libs would linger in .RData causing code not to be dyn.loaded. Now removed in .First(), if necessary o system.time() expression could not access local variables in functions. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.61.2 BUG FIXES o Output of correlation matrix in summary.glm() no longer default o Docs for predict.lm o Subset and transform functions (to make life with dataframes easier) copied from 0.62. o (copy from 0.62) check.names argument to data.frame, default rownames 1:n o Axes were labeled strangely for extreme extents. This should be much better thanks to a fix to GPretty(.) in graphics/graphics.c o pretty(999) resulted in an infinite loop due to integer overflow. pretty(.) now sometimes returns different results than before. o pi:6 now works as in S. o [.data.frame caused segfault if called with non-dataframe argument o hist() now is more compatible to S, has a new `labels' argument, and should work ok for non-equidistant breaks. o lgamma(-1e7) segfaulted. o formatC(pi,dig=20,wid=2) segfaulted. o quantile(..., pr = c(1,2,5)/1000) gave all names as "0%". o In 0.61.1, model.matrix was fixed to pay attention to the names of the names of its data arg, but the data arg was defaulting to an unnamed list, so model.matrix(~x) failed... o Indexing with [[]] and a zero-length vector segfaulted. o Coercion of factors as in S-plus o dyn.load statement in demos/dynload/zero.R fixed o Factors could get allocated without the OBJECT bit, which nearly drove Kurt mad trying to write plot.factor... o Fixed confidence limit problem in t.test CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.61.1 NEW FEATURES o None (by definition, x.y.z releases are bugfix releases now) BUG FIXES o Return statements of the form return(x,y) will now return a list with named components. o Parsing of nested "if" statments was broken. This is fixed now. (Reported by Paul Gilbert). o Wrong declaration of ConsoleBufCnt in src/main/scan.c caused crash in Irix (George White ) o if(nmatch = 0) bug in src/main/character.c fixed (Doug Bates) o R_alloc/S_alloc fixes. The former allocated 4 times more than needed, the latter zeroed half of what it got, sizeof() mistakes in both cases. o c(ordered factor) caused segfault (uninitalised pointer), now fixed. o behaviour of as.numeric() on factors changed recently; now documented. o model.matrix() now pays attention to the names on its dataframe argument. o Fixes to group methods. o autoload() caused infinite loop if function wasn't found in library on loading o The pager ate the rest of stdin in batch mode, now fixed. Also, stdout was not flushed before call to system(). "make tests" should work now. o Empty directories now created by configure (so that it doesn't matter that "CVS export" doesn't do it) o made idempotent (i.e. if then o 3 problems with glm, 2 in and a one in print.glm fixed [Jim Lindsey] o binomial (family) now works when 'n=0'. [J.Lindsey] o split() now also works in split(1:10,1:2) o strsplit() now also works for strsplit(c,NULL) o A LANG='..' environment variable no longer affects scan()ing of numbers. o seq(.) doesn't segfault anymore in gl(2,3):gl(1,6) o contour(.) now also works with integer arguments CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.61 We try to make development more flexible by creating a "CVS branch". This should make it easier to produce patches for obvious bugs in the releases, without having to wait for changes in other areas to stabilize. NEW FEATURES o New functions "all.vars" and "all.names" added. o There has been a small change in the include file structure. All include files now live in RHOME/src/include and are copied to RHOME/include when needed. o The "noquote" functions are now documented. o A new `language' demo, "is.things", is provided. o symnum(.) function o The files in R/library/base/data have had a .R suffix added. BUG_FIXES o A nasty bug which showed when attempt was made to create a zero length call has been fixed. o model.matrix(.) now allows a contrasts argument. o barplot(.) now also works for barplot(table(rpois(100,3))). o make clean ; make now should work; ./ eliminated o format(.) is now generic; the default method has a `digits' argument. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.60.1 NEW FEATURES o "split" is now a generic function, with a method for data frames. (contributed by Doug Bates). o S compatible functions "all.names" and "all.vars" added. BUG FIXES o A file was closed multiple times if an error message occurred after sourcing a file. In some versions of Linux this caused a core dump. o The inclusion was causing problems with some versions of readline because the file did not exist. This is now detected by configure. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.60 R is about to become an official part of the GNU project. To quote RMS (Richard Stallman) ``I hereby dub R GNU software!'' NEW FEATURES o There has been a major change in directory structure masterminded by Kurt Hornik. library(.) now attaches ``package''s which are better integrated, see "?library". Packages may be available from outside the RHOME path via the .lib.loc variable. o The documentation format (of files in src/library//man/ ) has changed to a more easily parsable LaTeX like format. The doc files now all end in `.Rd'. etc/Rman2Rd can be used to translate old-style documentation to the new one. The translation to *roff, LaTeX and HTML is now done using etc/Rdconv, written in Perl by Fritz Leisch. The HTML online help produced has now links which work. The manual (in doc/manual/) now includes a section on the documentation format and on mathematical text in graphs. etc/ further contains `Sd2Rd' for (partial) translation of S `.d' documentation to Rd, and `Rd2txt' and `Rd2dvi' for easy previewing of single Rd files. o The use of "names" on one dimensional arrays will now produce sensible results. This means that for most purposes, one dimensional arrays can be treated like vectors. o We have a applied a patch from which should substantially improve the speed of (vector) arithmetic. o The modeling formula handler has been expanded so that it accepts y ~ 0 + x as a "through the origin" specification. models with no parameters are now acceptable. o "cov", "cor" and "var" now produce a matrix result if either of their x or y arguments is a matrix. Dimnames are propagated in a sensible fashion. o New chisq.test(.) and prop.test() from Kurt Hornik. o New read.fwf(.) for reading fixed width format (KH). o New str(.) [alternative to summary(.) for programmers] (MM). o New example data sets "esoph", "infert" and "anscombe" (TL), "iris3" (KH) and "stackloss" (MM). o source(.) has several new arguments, notably ``echo = FALSE''. This is applied in the new function demo(.) which runs all the code in demos/ (but dynload). o strheight(.) is new, accompanying strwidth(.). Both now work for mathematical expressions (Paul Murrell). o The LaTeX version of the manual (-> doc/manual/) now has an index. o EVERY *.Rd file in src/library/base/man/ has now at least one \keyword o New package (`library(.)') "stepfun" for step functions, incl. empirical distributions. BUG FIXES o Regular expression matching is now done with system versions of the regexp library. This should fix compilation problems on some platforms. o "approx" and "approxfun", have had some minor adjustments. which fix the interpretation of the rule= argument. The code for piecewise constant case is now internal C code that than interpreted. This should boost performance in this case. o There has been a minor fixup of "model.frame" to ensure that subsets, weights, etc are handled properly. o Model fitting of the form lm(y~., data=df) glm(y~., data=df) will now work. The RHS of the model will consist of an additive model containing all (non-response) variables in the given data frame. o The following type of assignment to data frame subsets z <- data.frame(x=rnorm(10),y=rnorm(10),z=rnorm(10)) z[,1:2] <- matrix(1:20,nc=2) was producing incorrect results. The solution was to wrap an implicit "" around the RHS. o "[.data.frame" no longer has a default drop=TRUE argument. This means that subsetting a data frame with "[" will always yield a data frame. o There was a swap of coordinates internally in "mtext" which meant that labels were coming out in the wrong place. Fixed. o Syntax errors in parse(text="...") would cause R to terminate with a segmentation violation. This no longer happens, although the result is still not perfect (the parse() returns). This will be fixed by a future parse rewrite. o rainbow, topo.colors, etc., now also work with n in {1,2}; don't return duplicate neighbor colors anymore. o legend has new `text.width' argument and now also works with mathematical expressions as text. o hist() now works better, has a `plot = TRUE' argument, and returns something useful. o barplot() improved for `names', now returns vector of midpoints. o lm(),, lm.wfit (was `'): Made more compatible. Dealing with (close to) collinear situations is still not flexible enough. o internal postscript() improved (missing lines in boxplot(.)). o Improvement to many (even most ?) documentation (.Rd) files. o Numerous other fixes of minor things ... CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.50 WARNING!!! o A change in the way that "expressions" are implemented means that saved data images which contain expressions will probably not restore properly. NEW FEATURES o The installation of documentation has now been streamlined. Many manual entries have been revised. o "expressions" are now implemented as a basic type rather than as a class of object. This change was made as move toward compatibility with S and also to implement mathematical annotation in graphs. For some examples of the latter, see ?text and ?title. o "eigen" can now handle complex and non-symmetric matrices. o Libraries are now attached by loading their code into newly created environment frames on the search path rather than in with the general system code. This means that libraries can be unloaded as well as loaded. They can also have .First.lib and .Last.lib functions. The variable .Libraries has been replaced by .library() but should not be needed much anymore. o There is now an experimental function called "delay" which creates a promise to evaluate an expression. This provides direct access to the lazy evaluation mechanism used by R. o >>>> 'make tests' allows to test--run all the help() examples. o New functions matplot / matpoints / matlines. o cut has 2 new arguments. 'right = TRUE' gives intervals closed on the right, open to the left (as S); 'right = FALSE' allows to reverse this. The code for default label construction has been enhanced, and can be controlled by the new argument 'dig.lab'. o legend(.) has 2 new arguments 'cex' (obvious) and 'merge = FALSE'. -> ?legend. o deparse has a 2nd argument allowing for a kind of line width. o There is now print.density (method). o many help(.) pages have been updated with working examples, and several new ones have been created. o influence.measures() and lm.influence now allow to get at the usual regression diagnostics. BUG FIXES o The "is.object" function has been with drawn. o A bug which prevented the "pictex" graphics driver from working has been fixed. o Regression diagnostics obtained with "lm.influence" now work when there are weights. This means they should work for glms. o There was a problem in parsing files from statements which were separated from following statements by ";" (e.g. data(iris); iris). This is fixed. o Comments are handled better in functions. The rule is that they are shifted to just before their statements. Comments after the last statement of a function are lost. o It is now possible to perform complicated mutations of expressions. For example e <- quote(f(x=1,y=2)) names(e)[[2]] <- "a" will change the x= argument tag into a=. In the past this produced odd error messages. o The length function now tries to return a "sensible" value for all the built-in types. For example, symbols now have length 1. o "update" should now work in both "lm" and "glm" models. o The functions Re, Im, Mod, Arg and Conj will now accept real-valued arguments and return the obvious results. o Minor graphics cleanup. o A fix for convergence problems in glm from Thomas Lumley included. o A new version of qt() should not take infinitely long to get an answer in the large degrees if freedom case. The underlying code (Hill 1970, CACM) appears to be much faster and more accurate than Splus. o A final Newton step has been added to give a final "polish" to the quantiles produced by pnorm(). These should be close to full accuracy now. o A bug in qbeta found by Martin Maechler has been fixed. This should speed up quantile computation for the F and Beta distributions. Further improvements in qbeta(.) by MM. No infinite loops anymore. o rainbow(.) now allows "start > end" indexing the "color circle". topo.colors(n), terrain.colors(n), heat.colors(n) now also work for n=1,2. o ?"+" now works. o tapply has been fixed as indicated by T. Lumley.