#! /bin/sh # ${RHOME}/etc/REMOVE for removing add-on packages # Usage: # R REMOVE pkg [lib] if [ "$1" ] then pkg=$1 else echo "usage: R REMOVE pkg [lib]" exit 1 fi lib=${2:-${RHOME}/library} if test -d ${lib} then lib=`cd ${lib}; pwd` else echo "Cannot find directory \`${lib}'" exit 1 fi cd ${lib} if test -d ${pkg}; then rm -rf ${pkg} cat */TITLE > LibIndex 2> /dev/null else echo "There is no pkg \`${pkg}' in lib \`${lib}'" exit 1 fi NO_PERL5="@NO_PERL5@" if [ "$NO_PERL5" ] then echo "*** Cannot update the file" echo "*** ${RHOME}/library/index.html" echo "*** without perl, version 5. Please remove the entry for" echo "*** package \`${pkg}' manually." exit 0 fi $RHOME/etc/build-htmlpkglist