# Translation of stats.pot to French
# Copyright (C) 2005 The R Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the stats R package.
# Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 2.12.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-29 07:06-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-17 10:58+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>\n"
"Language-Team: French <R-core@r-project.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n"

#: Srunmed.c:54
msgid "bandwidth/span of running medians is larger than n"
msgstr "largeur de fen�tre de m�diane mobile sup�rieure � n"

#: ansari.c:118
msgid "probabilities outside [0,1] in qansari()"
msgstr "probabilit�s en dehors de [0,1] dans qansari()"

#: approx.c:113
msgid "approx(): invalid f value"
msgstr "approx() : valeur f incorrecte"

#: approx.c:116
msgid "approx(): invalid interpolation method"
msgstr "approx() : m�thode d'interpolation incorrecte"

#: approx.c:122
msgid "approx(): attempted to interpolate NA values"
msgstr "approx() : tentative d'interpolation de valeurs NA"

#: arima.c:81 arima.c:192 arima.c:377 arima.c:608 optim.c:39
msgid "invalid argument type"
msgstr "type d'argument incorrect"

#: arima.c:444 arima.c:530 pacf.c:324 pacf.c:363
msgid "can only transform 100 pars in arima0"
msgstr "impossible de transformer plus de 100 pars dans arima0"

#: arima.c:1016
msgid "maximum supported lag is 350"
msgstr "d�calage maximum support� de 350"

#: bandwidths.c:126
#, c-format
msgid "non-finite x[%d] in bandwidth calculation"
msgstr ""

#: complete_cases.c:26
#, c-format
msgid "invalid 'type' (%s) of argument"
msgstr "'type' (%s) de l'argument incorrect"

#: complete_cases.c:120
msgid "no input has determined the number of cases"
msgstr "aucune entr�e n'a d�termin� le nombre de cas"

#: complete_cases.c:223
msgid "not all arguments have the same length"
msgstr "les arguments n'ont pas tous la m�me taille"

#: cov.c:569
msgid "missing observations in cov/cor"
msgstr "observations manquantes dans cov / cor"

#: cov.c:643
msgid "'x' is NULL"
msgstr "'x' est 'NULL'"

#: cov.c:645
#, fuzzy
msgid "'x' is a factor"
msgstr "'x' n'est pas une matrice"

#: cov.c:665
#, fuzzy
msgid "'y' is a factor"
msgstr "'fn' n'est pas une fonction"

#: cov.c:673 cov.c:679
msgid "incompatible dimensions"
msgstr "dimensions incompatibles"

#: cov.c:698 cov.c:739 cov.c:772
msgid "no complete element pairs"
msgstr "paires d'�l�ments incompl�tes"

#: cov.c:711
msgid "invalid 'use' (computational method)"
msgstr "'use' incorrect (m�thode de calcul)"

#: cov.c:714
msgid "'x' is empty"
msgstr "'x' est vide"

#: cov.c:808
msgid "the standard deviation is zero"
msgstr "l'�cart type est nulle"

#: deriv.c:158
msgid "invalid form in unary minus check"
msgstr "forme incorrecte dans la v�rification d'un moins unitaire"

#: deriv.c:682
#, c-format
msgid "Function '%s' is not in the derivatives table"
msgstr "La fonction '%s' n'est pas dans la table des d�riv�es"

#: deriv.c:789
#, c-format
msgid "expression must not be type '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: deriv.c:792
msgid "variable must be a character string"
msgstr "la variable doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: deriv.c:794
msgid "only the first element is used as variable name"
msgstr "seulement le premier �l�ment est utilis� comme nom de variable"

#: deriv.c:807
#, c-format
msgid "invalid expression in '%s'"
msgstr "expression incorrecte dans '%s'"

#: deriv.c:1085 model.c:99
msgid "invalid variable names"
msgstr "nom de variable incorrect"

#: deriv.c:1094
msgid "invalid tag"
msgstr "marque (tag) incorrecte"

#: distance.c:152
msgid "treating non-finite values as NA"
msgstr "valeurs infinies trait�es comme NA"

#: distance.c:225
msgid "distance(): invalid p"
msgstr "distance() : p incorrect"

#: distance.c:229
msgid "distance(): invalid distance"
msgstr "distance() : distance incorrecte"

#: distn.c:44
msgid "NaNs produced"
msgstr "production de NaN"

#: distn.c:45
msgid "Non-numeric argument to mathematical function"
msgstr "Argument non num�rique pour une fonction math�matique"

#: family.c:45
#, c-format
msgid "Value %g out of range (0, 1)"
msgstr "Valeur %g hors de l'intervalle (0, 1)"

#: family.c:66 family.c:80 family.c:98
#, c-format
msgid "Argument %s must be a nonempty numeric vector"
msgstr "L'argument %s doit �tre un vecteur num�rique non vide"

#: family.c:131 family.c:134
#, c-format
msgid "argument %s must be a numeric vector of length 1 or length %d"
msgstr "l'argument %s doit �tre un vecteur num�rique de longueur 1 ou %d"

#: fexact.c:273
#, c-format
msgid "integer overflow would happen in 'mult * ldkey' = %g"
msgstr ""

#: fexact.c:653
#, c-format
msgid ""
"FEXACT error 6.  LDKEY=%d is too small for this problem,\n"
"  (ii := key2[itp=%d] = %d, ldstp=%d)\n"
"Try increasing the size of the workspace and possibly 'mult'"
msgstr ""

#: fexact.c:1035
#, c-format
msgid "Bug in fexact3, it[i=%d]=%d: negative key %d (kyy=%d)\n"
msgstr ""

#: fexact.c:1064
#, c-format
msgid ""
"FEXACT error 30.  Stack length exceeded in f3xact,\n"
"  (ldst=%d, key=%d, ipn=%d, itp=%d, ist[ii=%d]=%d).\n"
"Increase workspace or consider using 'simulate.p.value=TRUE'"
msgstr ""

#: fexact.c:1399
#, c-format
msgid ""
"FEXACT error 6 (f5xact).  LDKEY=%d is too small for this problem: kval=%d.\n"
"Try increasing the size of the workspace."
msgstr ""

#: fexact.c:1412
#, c-format
msgid ""
"FEXACT error 7(%s). LDSTP=%d is too small for this problem,\n"
"  (kval=%d, itop-ldstp=%d).\n"
"Increase workspace or consider using 'simulate.p.value=TRUE'."
msgstr ""

#: fexact.c:1449
#, c-format
msgid ""
"FEXACT error 7(%s). LDSTP=%d is too small for this problem,\n"
"  (pastp=%g, ipn_0:=ipoin[itp=%d]=%d, stp[ipn_0]=%g).\n"
"Increase workspace or consider using 'simulate.p.value=TRUE'"
msgstr ""

#: fourier.c:66 fourier.c:161
msgid "non-numeric argument"
msgstr "argument non num�rique"

#: fourier.c:84 fourier.c:102 fourier.c:175
msgid "fft factorization error"
msgstr "erreur de factorisation fft"

#: fourier.c:147
msgid "vector-valued (multivariate) series required"
msgstr "serie multivari�e requise"

#: fourier.c:223
msgid "no factors"
msgstr "pas de variables facteur"

#: fourier.c:226
msgid "invalid factors"
msgstr "variables facteur incorrectes"

#: integrate.c:84 integrate.c:86 integrate.c:128
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "'%s' must be of length one"
msgstr "'m' doit �tre une liste"

#: ksmooth.c:69
msgid "only 2500 rows are allowed for sm.method=\"spline\""
msgstr "seulement 2500 lignes autoris�es pour sm.method=\"spline\""

#: lm.c:57
msgid "'x' is not a matrix"
msgstr "'x' n'est pas une matrice"

#: lm.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "dimensions of 'x' (%d,%d) and 'y' (%d) do not match"
msgstr "les dimensions de 'x' (%d,%d) et de 'y' (%d) ne correspondent pas"

#: lm.c:77 lm.c:81
#, c-format
msgid "NA/NaN/Inf in '%s'"
msgstr "NA/NaN/Inf dans '%s'"

#: loessc.c:240
msgid "span is too small"
msgstr "fen�tre trop �troite"

#: loglin.c:371
msgid "this should not happen"
msgstr "ceci ne devrait pas se produire"

#: loglin.c:373
msgid "algorithm did not converge"
msgstr "l'algorithme n'a pas converg�"

#: loglin.c:375
msgid "incorrect specification of 'table' or 'start'"
msgstr "sp�cification de 'table' ou 'start' incorrecte"

#: lowess.c:292
msgid "'f' must be finite and > 0"
msgstr "'f' doit �tre fini et > 0"

#: lowess.c:295
msgid "'iter' must be finite and >= 0"
msgstr "'iter' doit �tre fini et >= 0"

#: lowess.c:298
msgid "'delta' must be finite and > 0"
msgstr "'delta' doit �tre fini et > 0"

#: mAR.c:470
msgid "Singular matrix in qr_solve"
msgstr "Matrice singuli�re dans qr_solve"

#: mAR.c:513
msgid "Singular matrix in ldet"
msgstr "Matrice singuli�re dans ldet"

#: mAR.c:700
msgid "Invalid vmethod"
msgstr "vmethod incorrecte"

#: mAR.c:836
msgid "Burg's algorithm failed to find partial correlation"
msgstr "l'algorithme de Burg n'a pas trouv� la correlation partielle"

#: model.c:97
msgid "invalid variables"
msgstr "variables incorrectes"

#: model.c:101 model.c:106
msgid "number of variables != number of variable names"
msgstr "le nombre de variables n'est pas �gal au nombre de noms de variables"

#: model.c:104
msgid "invalid extra variables"
msgstr "variables suppl�mentaires incorrectes"

#: model.c:108
msgid "invalid extra variable names"
msgstr "noms de variables suppl�mentaires incorrects"

#: model.c:129
#, c-format
msgid "overlong names in '%s'"
msgstr "noms trop longs dans '%s'"

#: model.c:156
#, c-format
msgid "invalid type (%s) for variable '%s'"
msgstr "type (%s) incorrect pour la variable '%s'"

#: model.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "variable lengths differ (found for '%s')"
msgstr "les longueurs des variables diff�rent (trouv� pour '%s')"

#: model.c:215
msgid "invalid result from na.action"
msgstr "r�sultat incorrect de na.action"

#: model.c:372 model.c:380 optim.c:199
#, c-format
msgid "invalid '%s' argument"
msgstr "argument '%s' incorrect"

#: model.c:391
msgid "invalid model frame"
msgstr "trame de mod�le incorrect"

#: model.c:393
msgid "do not know how many cases"
msgstr "nombre de cas inconnu"

#: model.c:417
#, c-format
msgid "variable lengths differ (found for variable %d)"
msgstr "les longueurs des variables diff�rent (trouv� pour la variable %d)"

#: model.c:421 model.c:428
#, c-format
msgid "variable %d has no levels"
msgstr "la variable %d n'a pas de niveaux"

#: model.c:540
msgid "the response appeared on the right-hand side and was dropped"
msgstr "la r�ponse est apparue dans le membre de droite et y a �t� �limin�e"

#: model.c:560
#, c-format
msgid "term %d would require %.0g columns"
msgstr "le terme %d n�cessite %.0g colonnes "

#: model.c:564
#, c-format
msgid "matrix would require %.0g columns"
msgstr "la matrice n�cessite %.0g colonnes"

#: model.c:575
#, c-format
msgid "problem with term %d in model.matrix: no columns are assigned"
msgstr ""
"probl�me avec le terme %d dans model.matrix : aucune colonne n'est assign�e"

#: model.c:624 model.c:629 model.c:635 model.c:646 model.c:652 model.c:658
msgid "term names will be truncated"
msgstr "les noms des termes seront tronqu�s"

#: model.c:638
msgid "complex variables are not currently allowed in model matrices"
msgstr ""
"des variables complexes ne sont pas encore accept�es dans les matrices de "

#: model.c:662
#, c-format
msgid "variables of type '%s' are not allowed in model matrices"
msgstr ""
"les variables de type '%s' ne sont pas autoris�es dans des matrices de mod�le"

#: model.c:884
msgid "invalid formula in 'update'"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte dans 'update'"

#: model.c:918
msgid "formula expected"
msgstr "formule de mod�le attendue"

#: model.c:1050
msgid "invalid term in model formula"
msgstr "terme incorrect dans une formule de mod�le"

#: model.c:1125
msgid "invalid model formula"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte"

#: model.c:1151 model.c:1411
msgid "invalid power in formula"
msgstr "puissance incorrecte dans une formule de mod�le"

#: model.c:1187
msgid "invalid model formula in ExtractVars"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte dans ExtractVars"

#: model.c:1534
#, c-format
msgid "duplicated name '%s' in data frame using '.'"
msgstr "nom dupliqu� '%s' dans le data frame utilisant '.'"

#: model.c:1595
msgid "invalid model formula in EncodeVars"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte dans EncodeVars"

#: model.c:1681
msgid "argument is not a valid model"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas un mod�le correct"

#: model.c:1691
msgid "'specials' must be NULL or a character vector"
msgstr "'specials' doit �tre NULL ou un vecteur de cha�ne de caract�res"

#: model.c:1703
msgid "'data' argument is of the wrong type"
msgstr "l'argument 'data' est d'un mauvais type"

#: model.c:1974
msgid "'.' in formula and no 'data' argument"
msgstr "'.' dans la formule et pas d'argument 'data'"

#: monoSpl.c:36
msgid "n must be at least two"
msgstr "n doit valoir deux ou plus"

#: monoSpl.c:69
msgid "Argument m must be numeric"
msgstr "L'argument m doit �tre num�rique"

#: monoSpl.c:72
msgid "length(m) must be at least two"
msgstr "length(m) doit valoir deux ou plus"

#: monoSpl.c:74
msgid "Argument Sx must be numeric vector one shorter than m[]"
msgstr ""
"L'argument Sx doit �tre un vecteur num�rique plus court que m[] d'un �l�ment"

#: nls.c:99
msgid "'control' must be a list"
msgstr "'control' doit �tre une liste"

#: nls.c:101
msgid "'m' must be a list"
msgstr "'m' doit �tre une liste"

#: nls.c:107 nls.c:112 nls.c:117 nls.c:122 nls.c:127 nls.c:168 nls.c:173
#: nls.c:178 nls.c:183 nls.c:188 nls.c:193
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' absent"
msgstr "'%s' absent"

#: nls.c:234
msgid "singular gradient"
msgstr "gradient singulier"

#: nls.c:255
#, c-format
msgid "step factor %g reduced below 'minFactor' of %g"
msgstr "le pas %g est devenu inf�rieur � 'minFactor' de %g"

#: nls.c:264
#, c-format
msgid "number of iterations exceeded maximum of %d"
msgstr "le nombre d'it�rations a d�pass� le maximum de %d"

#: nls.c:269
msgid "converged"
msgstr "convergence obtenue"

#: nls.c:290
msgid "'theta' should be of type character"
msgstr "'theta' doit �tre de type caract�re"

#: nls.c:292 port.c:376
msgid "use of NULL environment is defunct"
msgstr "l'utilisation de l'environnement NULL n'est plus autoris�e"

#: nls.c:296
msgid "'rho' should be an environment"
msgstr "'rho' doit �tre un environnement"

#: nls.c:299
msgid "'dir' is not a numeric vector of the correct length"
msgstr "'dir' n'est pas un vecteur num�rique de longueur correcte"

#: nls.c:313 nls.c:347
msgid "Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model"
msgstr "Valeur manquante ou infinie obtenue au cours du calcul du mod�le"

#: nls.c:321
#, c-format
msgid "variable '%s' is integer, not numeric"
msgstr ""
"la variable '%s' est une valeur enti�re, non un nombre � virgule flottante"

#: nls.c:323
#, c-format
msgid "variable '%s' is not numeric"
msgstr "la variable '%s' n'est pas num�rique"

#: optim.c:82 optim.c:109
msgid "non-finite value supplied by optim"
msgstr "valeur non-finie fournie par optim"

#: optim.c:89
#, c-format
msgid "objective function in optim evaluates to length %d not 1"
msgstr ""
"la fonction objective dans optim est �valu�e � une longueur %d diff�rente de "

#: optim.c:116
#, c-format
msgid "gradient in optim evaluated to length %d not %d"
msgstr "le gradient dans optim est �valu� � une longueur %d diff�rente de %d"

#: optim.c:195 optim.c:401
msgid "'fn' is not a function"
msgstr "'fn' n'est pas une fonction"

#: optim.c:213 optim.c:407
msgid "'parscale' is of the wrong length"
msgstr "'parscale' est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: optim.c:242
msgid "'maxit' is not an integer"
msgstr "'maxit n'est pas un entier"

#: optim.c:262
msgid "'tmax' is not a positive integer"
msgstr "'tmax' n'est pas un entier positif"

#: optim.c:264 optim.c:281 optim.c:306 optim.c:336 optim.c:415
msgid "'gr' is not a function"
msgstr "'gr' n'est pas une fonction"

#: optim.c:287 optim.c:312 optim.c:342 optim.c:421
msgid "'ndeps' is of the wrong length"
msgstr "'ndeps' est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: optim.c:372
msgid "unknown 'method'"
msgstr "'method' inconnue"

#: optimize.c:220 optimize.c:306 optimize.c:528
msgid "NA replaced by maximum positive value"
msgstr "NA remplac� par la valeur maximale positive"

#: optimize.c:228 optimize.c:318 optimize.c:536
msgid "NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value"
msgstr "NA / Inf remplac� par la valeur maximale positive"

#: optimize.c:237
msgid "invalid function value in 'optimize'"
msgstr "valeur de fonction incorrecte dans 'optimize'"

#: optimize.c:255 optimize.c:347 optimize.c:721
msgid "attempt to minimize non-function"
msgstr "tentative de minimisation d'un objet qui n'est pas une fonction"

#: optimize.c:262 optimize.c:269 optimize.c:278 optimize.c:352 optimize.c:357
#: optimize.c:373
#, c-format
msgid "invalid '%s' value"
msgstr "valeur '%s' incorrecte"

#: optimize.c:271 optimize.c:358
msgid "'xmin' not less than 'xmax'"
msgstr "'xmin' n'est pas plus petit que 'xmax'"

#: optimize.c:315
msgid "-Inf replaced by maximally negative value"
msgstr "-Inf remplac� par la valeur n�gative la plus large possible"

#: optimize.c:328
msgid "invalid function value in 'zeroin'"
msgstr "valeur de fonction incorrecte dans 'zeroin'"

#: optimize.c:363 optimize.c:368
#, c-format
msgid "NA value for '%s' is not allowed"
msgstr "une valeur NA n'est pas autoris�e pour '%s'"

#: optimize.c:378
msgid "'maxiter' must be positive"
msgstr "'maxiter' doit �tre positif"

#: optimize.c:520
msgid "non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'"
msgstr "valeur non finie fournie par 'nlm'"

#: optimize.c:555
msgid "invalid function value in 'nlm' optimizer"
msgstr "valeur de fonction incorrecte dnas l'optimisateur 'nlm'"

#: optimize.c:566 optimize.c:581
msgid "function value caching for optimization is seriously confused"
msgstr ""
"le cache de valeur de fonction pour l'optimisation est s�rieusement perturb�"

#: optimize.c:596
msgid "numeric parameter expected"
msgstr "param�tre num�rique attendu"

#: optimize.c:600
msgid "conflicting parameter lengths"
msgstr "conflit de tailles de param�tres"

#: optimize.c:604
msgid "invalid parameter length"
msgstr "taille de param�tre incorrecte"

#: optimize.c:614 optimize.c:621
msgid "missing value in parameter"
msgstr "valeur manquante dans le param�tre"

#: optimize.c:626
msgid "invalid parameter type"
msgstr "type incorrect de param�tre"

#: optimize.c:637
msgid "non-positive number of parameters in nlm"
msgstr "nombre de param�tres nul ou n�gatif dans nlm"

#: optimize.c:639
msgid "nlm is inefficient for 1-d problems"
msgstr "nlm est inefficace pour les probl�mes 1-d"

#: optimize.c:641
msgid "invalid gradient tolerance in nlm"
msgstr "tol�rance de gradient incorrecte dans nlm"

#: optimize.c:643
msgid "invalid iteration limit in nlm"
msgstr "limite d'it�ration incorrecte dans nlm"

#: optimize.c:645
msgid "minimization function has no good digits in nlm"
msgstr "la fonction de minimisation n'a pas des nombres acceptables dans nlm"

#: optimize.c:647
msgid "no analytic gradient to check in nlm!"
msgstr "pas de gradient analytique � v�rifier dans nlm !"

#: optimize.c:649
msgid "no analytic Hessian to check in nlm!"
msgstr "pas de Hessien analytique � v�rifier dans nl m!"

#: optimize.c:651
msgid "probable coding error in analytic gradient"
msgstr "erreur d'encodage probable dans le gradient analytique"

#: optimize.c:653
msgid "probable coding error in analytic Hessian"
msgstr "erreur d'encodage probable dans le Hessien analytique"

#: optimize.c:655
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*** unknown error message (msg = %d) in nlm()\n"
"*** should not happen!"
msgstr ""
"*** message d'erreur inconnu (msg = %d) dans nlm()\n"
"*** ne devrait pas se produire !"

#: optimize.c:666
msgid "Relative gradient close to zero.\n"
msgstr "Gradient relatif proche de z�ro.\n"

#: optimize.c:667 optimize.c:671
msgid "Current iterate is probably solution.\n"
msgstr "L'it�ration courante est probablement la solution.\n"

#: optimize.c:670
msgid "Successive iterates within tolerance.\n"
msgstr "It�ration successsives � l'int�rieur du seuil de tol�rance.\n"

#: optimize.c:674
msgid "Last global step failed to locate a point lower than x.\n"
msgstr "Le dernier pas global n'a pas pu localiser un point plus bas que x.\n"

#: optimize.c:675
msgid ""
"Either x is an approximate local minimum of the function,\n"
"the function is too non-linear for this algorithm,\n"
"or steptol is too large.\n"
msgstr ""
"Soit x est un mimimum local approximatif de la fonction,\n"
"soit la fonction est par trop non lin�aire pour cet algorithme,\n"
"soit steptol est trop large.\n"

#: optimize.c:680
msgid "Iteration limit exceeded.  Algorithm failed.\n"
msgstr "Limite d'it�rations d�pass�. L'algorithme a �chou�.\n"

#: optimize.c:683
msgid ""
"Maximum step size exceeded 5 consecutive times.\n"
"Either the function is unbounded below,\n"
"becomes asymptotic to a finite value\n"
"from above in some direction,\n"
"or stepmx is too small.\n"
msgstr ""
"La taille maximale de pas d�passe 5 essais cons�cutifs.\n"
"Soit la fonction n'a pas de limite inf�rieure,\n"
"parce qu'elle est asymptotique � une valeur finie\n"
"vers le haut dans une direction,\n"
"soit stepmx est trop petit.\n"

#: optimize.c:745 optimize.c:750 optimize.c:754 optimize.c:758 optimize.c:762
#: optimize.c:766 optimize.c:771
msgid "invalid NA value in parameter"
msgstr "valeur NA incorrecte dans le param�tre"

#: optimize.c:800
msgid "hessian supplied is of the wrong length or mode, so ignored"
msgstr "le Hessien fourni est de la mauvaise longueur ou mode, et est ignor�"

#: optimize.c:804
msgid "gradient supplied is of the wrong length or mode, so ignored"
msgstr "le gradient fourni est de mauvaise longueur ou mode, et est ignor�"

#: pacf.c:87
msgid "bad Starma struct"
msgstr "Starma struct incorrecte"

#: pacf.c:233
#, c-format
msgid "starma error code %d"
msgstr "code d'erreur starma %d"

#: pacf.c:293
#, c-format
msgid "forkal error code %d"
msgstr "code d'erreur forkal %d"

#: pacf.c:466
msgid "invalid value of lag.max"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte de 'lag.max'"

#: port.c:133
#, c-format
msgid "Rf_divset: alg = %d must be 1, 2, 3, or 4"
msgstr "Rf_divset : alg = %d doit �tre 1, 2, 3, ou 4"

#: port.c:149
msgid "port algorithms 3 or higher are not supported"
msgstr ""

#: port.c:313
#, c-format
msgid "gradient function must return a numeric vector of length %d"
msgstr ""
"la fonction de gradient doit renvoyer un vecteur num�rique de longueur %d"

#: port.c:325
#, c-format
msgid "Hessian function must return a square numeric matrix of order %d"
msgstr ""
"la function Hessian doit renvoyer une matrice carr�e num�rique d'ordre %d"

#: port.c:380
msgid "'rho' must be an environment"
msgstr "'rho' doit �tre un environnement"

#: port.c:382 port.c:548
msgid "'d' must be a nonempty numeric vector"
msgstr "'d' doit �tre un vecteur num�rique non vide"

#: port.c:384
msgid "When Hessian defined must also have gradient defined"
msgstr "Qaund Hessian est d�fini, un gradient doit l'�tre aussi"

#: port.c:387
#, c-format
msgid "environment 'rho' must contain a numeric vector '.par' of length %d"
msgstr ""
"l'environnement 'rho' doit contenir un vecteur num�rique '.par' de longueur "

#: port.c:401
msgid "'lower' and 'upper' must be numeric vectors"
msgstr "'lower' et 'upper' doivent tous deux �tre des vecteurs num�riques"

#: port.c:460
msgid "'getElement' applies only to named lists"
msgstr "'getElement' n'est applicable que pour des listes nomm�es"

#: port.c:481
#, c-format
msgid "%s$%s() not found"
msgstr "%s$%s() introuvable"

#: port.c:494
#, c-format
msgid "'gradient' must be a numeric matrix of dimension (%d,%d)"
msgstr "'gradient' doit �tre une matrice num�rique de dimension (%d, %d)"

#: port.c:515
#, c-format
msgid "fcn produced mode %d, length %d - wanted mode %d, length %d"
msgstr ""
"'fcn' a produit un mode %d de longueur %d - il fallait un mode %d de "
"longueur %d"

#: port.c:528
msgid "invalid type for eval_check_store"
msgstr "type incorrect pour 'eval_check_store'"

#: port.c:549
msgid "m must be a list"
msgstr "'m' doit �tre une liste"

#: port.c:569
msgid "'lowerb' and 'upperb' must be numeric vectors"
msgstr "'lowerb' et 'upperb' doivent tous deux �tre des vecteurs num�riques"

#: rWishart.c:53
msgid "inconsistent degrees of freedom and dimension"
msgstr "degr�s de libert�s et dimension incoh�rents"

#: rWishart.c:86
msgid "'scal' must be a square, real matrix"
msgstr "'scal' doit �tre une matrice carr�e de r�els"

#: rWishart.c:98
msgid "'scal' matrix is not positive-definite"
msgstr "la matrice 'scal' n'est pas d�finie et positive"

#: random.c:53 random.c:128 random.c:200 random.c:284
msgid "NAs produced"
msgstr "production de NAs"

#: random.c:60 random.c:66 random.c:72 random.c:90 random.c:161 random.c:242
#: random.c:376
msgid "invalid arguments"
msgstr "arguments incorrects"

#: random.c:310
msgid "NA in probability vector"
msgstr ""

#: random.c:312
msgid "negative probability"
msgstr ""

#: random.c:318
msgid "no positive probabilities"
msgstr ""

#: random.c:330
msgid "invalid first argument 'n'"
msgstr "premier argument 'n' incorrect"

#: random.c:332
msgid "invalid second argument 'size'"
msgstr "second argument 'size' incorrect"

#: rcont.c:83
#, c-format
msgid "rcont2 [%d,%d]: exp underflow to 0; algorithm failure"
msgstr ""
"rcont2 [%d,%d]: exp provoque un d�passement m�moire vers le bas � 0; "
"l'algorithme a �chou�"

#: smooth.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "invalid end-rule for running median of 3: %d"
msgstr "r�gle finale incorrecte pour une m�diane mobile de 3 : %d"

#: starma.c:364
#, c-format
msgid "missing value in last %d observations"
msgstr "valeur manquante dans les %d derni�res observations"

#~ msgid "stats"
#~ msgstr "stats"

#~ msgid "allocation error in smooth(*, '3RSR')."
#~ msgstr "erreur d'allocation dans smooth(*, '3RSR')."

#~ msgid "allocation error in smooth(*, '3RSS')."
#~ msgstr "erreur d'allocation dans smooth(*, '3RSS')."

#~ msgid "allocation error in smooth(*, '3R')."
#~ msgstr "erreur d'allocation dans smooth(*, '3R')."