msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 3.5.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-04-01 16:26\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Łukasz Daniel <>\n"
"Language-Team: Łukasz Daniel <>\n"
"Language: pl_PL\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"na-Revision-Date: 2012-05-29 07:55+0100\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.4\n"

#. R/unix/mclapply.R: gettextf("%d function calls resulted in an error", has.errors)
#: R/unix/mclapply.R:0
msgid "%d function calls resulted in an error"
msgstr "wywołania funkcji %d spowodowało błąd"

#. R/clusterApply.R: stop("'X' must have named dimnames")
#: R/clusterApply.R:0
msgid "'X' must have named dimnames"
msgstr "'X' musi mieć nazwane wymiary"

#. R/unix/mcfork.R: stop("'child' must be a valid child process")
#: R/unix/mcfork.R:0
msgid "'child' must be a valid child process"
msgstr "argument 'child' musi być poprawnym procesem potomnym"

#. R/unix/mcfork.R: stop("'children' must be a list of processes or a single process")
#. R/unix/mcfork.R: stop("'children' must be a list of processes or a single process")
#: R/unix/mcfork.R:0
msgid "'children' must be a list of processes or a single process"
msgstr "argument 'children' musi być listą procesów lub pojedynczym procesem"

#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows")
#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows")
#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows")
#: R/windows/mcdummies.R:0
msgid "'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows"
msgstr "argument 'mc.cores' > 1 nie jest wspierany w systemach Windows"

#. R/unix/mclapply.R: stop("'mc.cores' must be >= 1")
#. R/unix/pvec.R: stop("'mc.cores' must be >= 1")
#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'mc.cores' must be >= 1")
#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'mc.cores' must be >= 1")
#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'mc.cores' must be >= 1")
#: R/unix/mclapply.R:0 R/unix/pvec.R:0 R/windows/mcdummies.R:0
msgid "'mc.cores' must be >= 1"
msgstr "argument 'mc.cores' musi być >= 1"

#. R/unix/mclapply.R: warning("'mc.preschedule' must be false if 'affinity.list' is used")
#: R/unix/mclapply.R:0
msgid "'mc.preschedule' must be false if 'affinity.list' is used"
msgstr ""
"'mc.preschedule' musi mieć wartość FALSE jeśli argument 'affinity.list' jest "

#. R/unix/forkCluster.R: stop("'nnodes' must be >= 1")
#: R/unix/forkCluster.R:0
msgid "'nnodes' must be >= 1"
msgstr "argument 'nnodes' musi być >= 1"

#. R/unix/mcfork.R: gettextf("'process' must be of class %s", dQuote("process"))
#: R/unix/mcfork.R:0
msgid "'process' must be of class %s"
msgstr "argument 'process' musi być klasy %s"

#. R/unix/pvec.R: stop("'v' must be a vector")
#. R/windows/mcdummies.R: stop("'v' must be a vector")
#: R/unix/pvec.R:0 R/windows/mcdummies.R:0
msgid "'v' must be a vector"
msgstr "argument 'v' musi być wektorem"

#. R/unix/mcfork.R: stop("'what' must be a character or raw vector")
#: R/unix/mcfork.R:0
msgid "'what' must be a character or raw vector"
msgstr "argument 'what' musi być tekstem albo pustym wektorem"

#. R/snowSOCK.R: stop("PORT must be specified")
#: R/snowSOCK.R:0
msgid "PORT must be specified"
msgstr "argument 'port' musi być określony"

#. R/unix/mcmapply.R: stop("Zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length")
#: R/unix/mcmapply.R:0
msgid "Zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length"
msgstr ""
"Wejścia o zerowej długości nie mogą być pomieszane z tymi o niezerowej "

#. R/unix/mclapply.R: stop("affinity.list and X must have the same length")
#: R/unix/mclapply.R:0
msgid "affinity.list and X must have the same length"
msgstr "'affinity.list' oraz 'X' muszą mieć tę samą długość"

#. R/unix/mclapply.R: warning("all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code")
#: R/unix/mclapply.R:0
msgid "all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code"
msgstr "wszystkie zaplanowane jądra napotkały błędy w kodzie użytkownika"

#. R/clusterApply.R: stop("dim(X) must have a positive length")
#: R/clusterApply.R:0
msgid "dim(X) must have a positive length"
msgstr "'dim(X)' musi mieć dodatnią długość"

#. R/windows/forkCluster.R: stop("fork clusters are not supported on Windows")
#: R/windows/forkCluster.R:0
msgid "fork clusters are not supported on Windows"
msgstr "rozgałęzione klastry nie są obsługiwane w systemie Windows"

#. R/unix/mcfork.R: stop("invalid 'child' argument")
#. R/unix/mcfork.R: stop("invalid 'child' argument")
#: R/unix/mcfork.R:0
msgid "invalid 'child' argument"
msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'child'"

#. R/unix/mcparallel.R: stop("invalid 'jobs' argument")
#: R/unix/mcparallel.R:0
msgid "invalid 'jobs' argument"
msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'jobs'"

#. R/RngStream.R: gettextf("invalid value of %s", "'seed'")
#. R/RngStream.R: gettextf("invalid value of %s", "'seed'")
#: R/RngStream.R:0
msgid "invalid value of %s"
msgstr "niepoprawna wartość '%s'"

#. R/clusterApply.R: stop("need at least one argument")
#: R/clusterApply.R:0
msgid "need at least one argument"
msgstr "co najmniej jeden argument jest wymagany"

#. R/snow.R: stop("no cluster 'cl' supplied and none is registered")
#: R/snow.R:0
msgid "no cluster 'cl' supplied and none is registered"
msgstr ""
"nie dostarczono argumentu klastr 'cl' oraz żaden nie jest zarejestrowany"

#. R/snowSOCK.R: gettextf("node of a socket cluster on host %s with pid %d", sQuote(x[["host"]]),     pid)
#: R/snowSOCK.R:0
msgid "node of a socket cluster on host %s with pid %d"
msgstr "węzeł gniazda klastra na hoście %s z pid %d"

#. R/snow.R: stop("not a valid cluster")
#: R/snow.R:0
msgid "not a valid cluster"
msgstr "to nie jest poprawny klaster"

#. R/clusterApply.R: stop("not all elements of 'MARGIN' are names of dimensions")
#: R/clusterApply.R:0
msgid "not all elements of 'MARGIN' are names of dimensions"
msgstr "nie wszystkie elementy 'MARGIN' są nazwami wymiarów"

#. R/snowSOCK.R: stop("numeric 'names' must be >= 1")
#: R/snowSOCK.R:0
msgid "numeric 'names' must be >= 1"
msgstr "argument 'names' musi być >= 1"

#. R/unix/pvec.R: warning("some results may be missing, folded or caused an error")
#: R/unix/pvec.R:0
msgid "some results may be missing, folded or caused an error"
msgstr ""
"niektórych wyników może brakować, mogą być zwinięte lub spowodowały błąd"

#. R/snow.R: stop("unknown cluster type")
#: R/snow.R:0
msgid "unknown cluster type"
msgstr "nieznany typ klastra"

#. R/clusterApply.R: stop("zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length")
#: R/clusterApply.R:0
msgid "zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length"
msgstr ""
"wejścia o zerowej długości nie mogą być pomieszane z tymi o niezerowej "

#. R/unix/mclapply.R: ngettext(has.errors, "scheduled core %s encountered error in user code, all values of the job will be affected",     "scheduled cores %s encountered errors in user code, all values of the jobs will be affected")
#: R/unix/mclapply.R:0
msgid ""
"scheduled core %s encountered error in user code, all values of the job will "
"be affected"
msgid_plural ""
"scheduled cores %s encountered errors in user code, all values of the jobs "
"will be affected"
msgstr[0] ""
"zaplanowane jądro '%s' napotkało błąd w kodzie użytkownika, wpłynie to na "
"wszystkie wartości zadania"
msgstr[1] ""
"zaplanowane jądra '%s' napotkały błędy w kodzie użytkownika, wpłynie to na "
"wszystkie wartości zadań"
msgstr[2] ""
"zaplanowane jądra '%s' napotkały błędy w kodzie użytkownika, wpłynie to na "
"wszystkie wartości zadań"

#. R/snowSOCK.R: ngettext(length(hosts), "socket cluster with %d nodes on host %s",     "socket cluster with %d nodes on hosts %s")
#: R/snowSOCK.R:0
msgid "socket cluster with %d nodes on host %s"
msgid_plural "socket cluster with %d nodes on hosts %s"
msgstr[0] "gniazdo klastra z %d węzłem na hoście %s"
msgstr[1] "gniazdo klastra z %d węzłami na hoście %s"
msgstr[2] "gniazdo klastra z %d węzłami na hoście %s"