# Copyright (C) YEAR The R Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 3.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-01 10:01-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-28 23:18+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Joe <joedalton2@yahoo.dk>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: da\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"

#: grid.c:212
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot clip to rotated viewport"
msgstr "Kan ikke klippe til roteret viewport"

#: grid.c:697 grid.c:702 grid.c:792 grid.c:797
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot pop the top-level viewport ('grid' and 'graphics' output mixed?)"
msgstr "Kan ikke pop topniveau-viewporten (gitter og grafiks uddata blandet?)"

#: grid.c:977
msgid "attempt to plot on null device"
msgstr "forsøg på at plotte på null-enhed"

#: grid.c:1309
#, fuzzy
msgid "there is no layout defined"
msgstr "Der er ingen layout defineret"

#: grid.c:1529
#, fuzzy
msgid "polygon edge not found (zero-width or zero-height?)"
msgstr "Polygonkant ikke fundet (nulbredde eller nulhøjde?)"

#: grid.c:1538
#, fuzzy
msgid "polygon edge not found"
msgstr "Polygonkant ikke fundet"

#: grid.c:1692
#, fuzzy
msgid "require at least two points to draw arrow"
msgstr "Kræver mindst to punkter at tegne pil"

#: grid.c:2008
#, fuzzy
msgid "non-finite control point in Xspline"
msgstr "Ikkebegrænsende kontrolpunkter i Xspline"

#: grid.c:2873
msgid "non-finite x or y in graphics path"
msgstr "ikkebegrænsende x eller y i grafiksti"

#: grid.c:2914
msgid "Empty raster"
msgstr ""

#: grid.c:3368
msgid "invalid plotting symbol"
msgstr "ugyldigt plotsymbol"

#: grid.c:3454
#, fuzzy
msgid "unable to clip to rotated rectangle"
msgstr "Kan ikke klippe til roteret rektangel"

#: layout.c:589
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid 'layout.pos.row'"
msgstr "ugyldig layout.pos.row"

#: layout.c:593
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid 'layout.pos.col'"
msgstr "ugyldig layout.pos.col"

#: matrix.c:50
msgid "singular transformation matrix"
msgstr "entalstransformationsmatrix"

#: state.c:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "unable to store 'grid' state.  Too many devices open?"
msgstr "Kan ikke lagre gittertilstand.  For mange enheder åbne?"

#: unit.c:260 unit.c:410 unit.c:1210 unit.c:1290 unit.c:1370 unit.c:1450
#, fuzzy
msgid "unimplemented unit function"
msgstr "Ikke implementeret enhedsfunktion"

#: unit.c:893 unit.c:1645
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid unit or unit not yet implemented"
msgstr "Illegal enhed eller enhed er endnu ikke implementeret"

#: unit.c:1702 unit.c:1733
msgid "Viewport has zero dimension(s)"
msgstr ""

#: unit.c:1765 unit.c:1780 unit.c:1795 unit.c:1810
msgid "Unsupported unit conversion"
msgstr ""

#: unit.c:1898
msgid "Invalid unit"
msgstr "Ugyldig enhed"

#: unit.c:1914
#, fuzzy
msgid "'units' must be character"
msgstr "Enheder skal være tegn"

#: unit.c:1917
#, fuzzy
msgid "'units' must be of length > 0"
msgstr "Enheder skal have længde > 0"

#: viewport.c:315
#, fuzzy
msgid "non-finite location and/or size for viewport"
msgstr "Ikkebegrænsende placeirng og/eller størrelse for viewport"