# Translation of R.po to French
# Copyright (C) 2005 The R Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the R package.
# Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R-2.12.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-29 07:06-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-17 10:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>\n"
"Language-Team: French <R-core@r-project.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n"

#: base.c:43
msgid "no base graphics system is registered"
msgstr "aucun syst�me graphique de base n'est enregistr�"

#: base.c:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incompatible graphics state"
msgstr "�tat des graphiques incorrect"

#: base.c:385 base.c:392 base.c:400
msgid "the base graphics system is not registered"
msgstr "le syst�me graphique de base n'est pas enregistr�"

#: graphics.c:297
#, c-format
msgid "bad units specified in '%s'"
msgstr "mauvaise unit� sp�cifi�e dans '%s'"

#: graphics.c:1791 graphics.c:1813
msgid "attempt to plot on null device"
msgstr "tentative de dessin dans un p�riph�rique null"

#: graphics.c:1843
msgid "outer margins too large (figure region too small)"
msgstr "marges externes trop larges (r�gion de figure trop petite)"

#: graphics.c:1845
msgid "figure region too large"
msgstr "zone de dessin trop large"

#: graphics.c:1847
msgid "figure margins too large"
msgstr "marges de dessin trop larges"

#: graphics.c:1849
msgid "plot region too large"
msgstr "zone de graphe trop large"

#: graphics.c:1896
#, c-format
msgid "relative range of values (%4.0f * EPS) is small (axis %d)"
msgstr "plage relative des valeurs (%4.0f * EPS) trop petite (axe %d)"

#: graphics.c:1948
#, c-format
msgid "nonfinite axis limits [GScale(%g,%g,%d, .); log=%d]"
msgstr "limites d'axes non finis [GScale(%g,%g,%d, .) ; log=%d]"

#: graphics.c:1978
#, c-format
msgid "axis style \"%c\" unimplemented"
msgstr "style d'axe \"%c\" non impl�ment�"

#: graphics.c:2216
msgid "no graphics device is active"
msgstr "aucun p�riph�rique graphique n'est actif"

#: graphics.c:2411
msgid "plot.new has not been called yet"
msgstr "plot.new n'a pas encore �t� appel�"

#: graphics.c:2413
msgid "invalid graphics state"
msgstr "�tat des graphiques incorrect"

#: graphics.c:2564
msgid "graphics device closed during call to locator or identify"
msgstr ""
"le p�riph�rique graphique est ferm� lors de l'appel � locator() ou identify()"

#: graphics.c:2614
msgid "No graphics device is active"
msgstr "Aucun p�riph�rique graphique n'est actif"

#: graphics.c:3073
msgid "zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped"
msgstr "un fl�che de longueur nulle n'a pas d'angle d�termin� et est ignor�e"

#: graphics.c:3154
#, c-format
msgid "invalid par(\"bty\") = '%c'; no box() drawn"
msgstr ""
"par(\"bty\") = '%c' incorrect ; aucune bo�te n'est trac�e � l'aide de box()"

#: graphics.c:3171
msgid "invalid argument to GBox"
msgstr "argument incorrect pour GBox"

#: graphics.c:3416
msgid "metric information not available for this device"
msgstr "information de m�trique non disponible pour ce p�riph�rique"

#: par-common.c:146
msgid "graphical parameter 'family' has a maximum length of 200 bytes"
msgstr "le param�tre graphique 'family' a une longueur maximale de 200 octets"

#: par.c:160
#, c-format
msgid "invalid value specified for graphical parameter \"%s\""
msgstr "valeur sp�cifi�e pour le param�tre graphique \"%s\" incorrect"

#: par.c:167
#, c-format
msgid "graphical parameter \"%s\" has the wrong length"
msgstr "le param�tre graphique \"%s\" est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: par.c:262 par.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "graphical parameter \"%s\" cannot be set"
msgstr "le param�tre graphique \"%s\" ne peut �tre chang�"

#: par.c:434
msgid "parameter \"mfg\" has the wrong length"
msgstr "le param�tre \"mfg\" est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: par.c:442
msgid "parameter \"i\" in \"mfg\" is out of range"
msgstr "le param�tre \"i\" dans \"mfg\" est hors �chelle"

#: par.c:444
msgid "parameter \"j\" in \"mfg\" is out of range"
msgstr "le param�tre \"j\" dans \"mfg\" est hors �chelle"

#: par.c:449
msgid "value of 'nr' in \"mfg\" is wrong and will be ignored"
msgstr "la valeur de 'nr' dans \"mfg\" est mauvaise et sera ignor�e"

#: par.c:451
msgid "value of 'nc' in \"mfg\" is wrong and will be ignored"
msgstr "la valeur de 'nc' dans \"mfg\" est mauvaise et sera ignor�e"

#: par.c:478
msgid "calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot"
msgstr "appel de par(new=TRUE) sans graphe"

#: par.c:665 par.c:1063
#, c-format
msgid "graphical parameter \"%s\" is obsolete"
msgstr "param�tre graphique \"%s\" incorrect"

#: par.c:669 par.c:1067
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a graphical parameter"
msgstr "\"%s\" n'est pas un param�tre graphique"

#: par.c:1120
msgid "invalid argument passed to par()"
msgstr "param�tre pass� � par() invalide"

#: par.c:1164
#, c-format
msgid "too many rows in layout, limit %d"
msgstr "trop de lignes dans la mise en page, limit� � %d"

#: par.c:1170
#, c-format
msgid "too many columns in layout, limit %d"
msgstr "trop de colonnes dans la mise en page, limit� � %d"

#: par.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "too many cells in layout, limit %d"
msgstr "trop de cellules dans la mise en page, limit� � %d"

#: plot.c:60
msgid "invalid color specification"
msgstr "choix de couleur incorrect"

#: plot.c:126
msgid "only NA allowed in logical plotting symbol"
msgstr "seul NA est permi dans les symboles logiques de graphes"

#: plot.c:128
msgid "invalid plotting symbol"
msgstr "symbole graphique incorrect"

#: plot.c:217
msgid "invalid font specification"
msgstr "choix de fonte incorrect"

#: plot.c:276 plot.c:290 plot.c:481 plot.c:486 plot.c:2112 plot.c:2119
#: plot.c:3141 plot.c:3143 plot.c:3145 plot.c:3300 plot3d.c:1163 plot3d.c:1167
#: plot3d.c:1169 plot3d.c:1903
#, c-format
msgid "invalid '%s' value"
msgstr "valeur '%s' incorrecte"

#: plot.c:293
#, c-format
msgid "invalid 'vfont' value [typeface %d]"
msgstr "valeur 'vfont' incorrecte [typeface %d]"

#: plot.c:317
#, c-format
msgid "invalid 'vfont' value [typeface = %d, fontindex = %d]"
msgstr "valeur 'vfont' incorrecte [typeface = %d, fontindex = %d]"

#: plot.c:391
msgid "invalid graphics parameter"
msgstr "param�tres de dessin incorrects"

#: plot.c:477
msgid "at least 3 arguments required"
msgstr "au moins 3 arguments sont n�cessaires"

#: plot.c:492
msgid "\"log=\" specification must be character"
msgstr ""
"la sp�cification de \"log=\" doit �tre sous forme d'une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: plot.c:503
#, c-format
msgid "invalid \"log=%s\" specification"
msgstr "sp�cification \"log=%s\" incorrecte"

#: plot.c:518
msgid "NAs not allowed in 'xlim'"
msgstr "NAs non autoris�s dans 'xlim'"

#: plot.c:524
msgid "need finite 'xlim' values"
msgstr "'xlim' n�cessite des valeurs finies"

#: plot.c:530
msgid "NAs not allowed in 'ylim'"
msgstr "NAs non autoris�s dans 'ylim'"

#: plot.c:536
msgid "need finite 'ylim' values"
msgstr "valeurs finies requises pour 'ylim'"

#: plot.c:542
msgid "Logarithmic axis must have positive limits"
msgstr "Les axes logarithmiques doivent avoir des limites positives"

#: plot.c:664
msgid "invalid type for axis labels"
msgstr "type incorrect pour les �tiquettes des axes"

#: plot.c:765 plot.c:1298 plot.c:1621 plot.c:1686 plot.c:1761 plot.c:1827
#: plot.c:1901 plot.c:1996 plot.c:2072 plot.c:2350 plot.c:2524 plot.c:2740
#: plot.c:3282 plot.c:3409 plot.c:3485 plot.c:3651 plot.c:3931 plot3d.c:1872
msgid "too few arguments"
msgstr "trop peu d'arguments"

#: plot.c:776
#, c-format
msgid "invalid axis number %d"
msgstr "nombre d'axes %d incorrect"

#: plot.c:866
msgid "'hadj' must be of length one"
msgstr "'hadj' doit �tre de longueur unitaire"

#: plot.c:873 plot.c:2084 plot.c:2361 plot.c:2367 plot.c:2374 plot.c:2382
#: plot.c:2389 plot.c:2396 plot.c:2403 plot.c:2410 plot.c:2418 plot.c:2425
#: plot.c:3148
#, c-format
msgid "zero-length '%s' specified"
msgstr "'%s' choisi de taille nulle"

#: plot.c:942
msgid "'labels' is supplied and not 'at'"
msgstr "'labels' est fourni, mais pas 'at'"

#: plot.c:946
#, c-format
msgid "'at' and 'labels' lengths differ, %d != %d"
msgstr "les longueurs de 'at' et de 'labels' diff�rent, %d != %d"

#: plot.c:963
msgid "no locations are finite"
msgstr "aucune localisation n'est finie"

#: plot.c:1314
msgid "invalid plotting structure"
msgstr "structure de graphique incorrecte"

#: plot.c:1316
#, c-format
msgid "'x' and 'y' lengths differ in %s()"
msgstr "les longueurs 'x' et 'y' diff�rent dans %s()"

#: plot.c:1327
#, c-format
msgid "plot type '%s' will be truncated to first character"
msgstr "le type de graphe '%s' sera tronqu� au premier caract�re"

#: plot.c:1331 plot.c:3002
msgid "invalid plot type"
msgstr "type de graphe incorrect"

#: plot.c:1533
#, c-format
msgid "invalid plot type '%c'"
msgstr "type de graphe incorrect '%c'"

#: plot.c:1576
msgid "invalid first argument"
msgstr "premier argument incorrect"

#: plot.c:1583
msgid "invalid second argument"
msgstr "second argument incorrect"

#: plot.c:1591
msgid "invalid third argument"
msgstr "troisi�me argument incorrect"

#: plot.c:1599
msgid "invalid fourth argument"
msgstr "quatri�me argument incorrect"

#: plot.c:1607
msgid "cannot mix zero-length and non-zero-length coordinates"
msgstr ""
"impossible de m�langer des coordonn�es de longueur nulle avec des autres"

#: plot.c:1832
msgid "Empty raster"
msgstr "graphique raster vide"

#: plot.c:1914
msgid "invalid arrow head length"
msgstr "longueur incorrecte pour la pointe de fl�che"

#: plot.c:1919
msgid "invalid arrow head angle"
msgstr "angle incorrect pour la pointe de fl�che"

#: plot.c:1924
msgid "invalid arrow head specification"
msgstr "choix incorrect de pointe de fl�che"

#: plot.c:2158
msgid "no coordinates were supplied"
msgstr "aucunes coordonn�es sp�cifi�es"

#: plot.c:2781
msgid "invalid a=, b= specification"
msgstr "choix a=, b= incorrect"

#: plot.c:2790
msgid "'a' and 'b' must be finite"
msgstr "'a' et 'b' doivent �tre finis"

#: plot.c:2925 plot.c:4051 plot.c:4055 plot.c:4058 plot.c:4078 plot.c:4082
#: plot.c:4085 plot3d.c:1085 plot3d.c:1089 plot3d.c:1094 plot3d.c:1098
#: plot3d.c:1102 plot3d.c:1106 stem.c:153 stem.c:154 stem.c:156 stem.c:157
#: stem.c:203 stem.c:204
#, c-format
msgid "invalid '%s' argument"
msgstr "argument '%s' incorrect"

#: plot.c:2997 plot.c:3137
#, c-format
msgid "invalid number of points in %s"
msgstr "nombre de points incorrect dans %s"

#: plot.c:3139
msgid "incorrect argument type"
msgstr "type d'argument incorrect"

#: plot.c:3151
msgid "different argument lengths"
msgstr "longueurs d'arguments diff�rentes"

#: plot.c:3153
msgid "more 'labels' than points"
msgstr "plus d'�tiquettes (labels) que de points"

#: plot.c:3202
#, c-format
msgid "warning: no point within %.2f inches\n"
msgstr "avis : aucun point � une distance inf�rieure ou �gale � %.2f pouces\n"

#: plot.c:3208
msgid "warning: nearest point already identified\n"
msgstr "avis : le point le plus proche est d�j� identifi�\n"

#: plot.c:3293
msgid "invalid units"
msgstr "unit�s incorrectes"

#: plot.c:3469 plot.c:3576
msgid "invalid dendrogram input"
msgstr "entr�e de dendrogramme incorrecte"

#: plot.c:3633
msgid "invalid symbol parameter vector"
msgstr "vecteur de param�tre symbole incorrect"

#: plot.c:3656
msgid "invalid symbol coordinates"
msgstr "coordonn�es des symboles incorrectes"

#: plot.c:3664
msgid "x/y/parameter length mismatch"
msgstr "les longueurs des param�tres x et y diff�rent"

#: plot.c:3683
msgid "invalid circles data"
msgstr "donn�es de cercles incorrectes"

#: plot.c:3685 plot.c:3706 plot.c:3731 plot.c:3761
msgid "invalid symbol parameter"
msgstr "param�tre de symbole incorrect"

#: plot.c:3704
msgid "invalid squares data"
msgstr "donn�es de carr�s incorrectes"

#: plot.c:3729
msgid "invalid rectangles data (need 2 columns)"
msgstr "donn�es de rectangles incorrectes (n�cessite 2 colonnes)"

#: plot.c:3759
msgid "invalid stars data"
msgstr "donn�es d'�toiles incorrectes"

#: plot.c:3801
msgid "invalid thermometers data (need 3 or 4 columns)"
msgstr "donn�es de jauges incorrectes (n�cessite 3 ou 4 colonnes)"

#: plot.c:3804
#, c-format
msgid "invalid 'thermometers[, %s]'"
msgstr "'thermometers[, %s]' incorrects"

#: plot.c:3807
#, c-format
msgid "'thermometers[, %s]' not in [0,1] -- may look funny"
msgstr "'thermometers[, %s]' non compris dans [0,1] -- aspect �trange possible"

#: plot.c:3810
msgid "invalid 'thermometers[, 1:2]'"
msgstr "'thermometers[, 1:2]' incorrects"

#: plot.c:3849
msgid "invalid 'boxplots' data (need 5 columns)"
msgstr "donn�es 'boxplot' incorrectes (n�cessite 5 colonnes)"

#: plot.c:3858
msgid "'boxplots[, 5]' outside [0,1] -- may look funny"
msgstr "'boxplots[, 5]' en dehors de [0,1] -- peut paraitre bizarre"

#: plot.c:3860
msgid "invalid 'boxplots[, 1:4]'"
msgstr "'boxplots[, 1:4]' incorrect"

#: plot.c:3906
msgid "invalid symbol type"
msgstr "type de symbole incorrect"

#: plot.c:3944 plot.c:3946 plot.c:3951 plot.c:3953
#, c-format
msgid "incorrect length for '%s' argument"
msgstr "mauvaise longueur pour l'argument '%s'"

#: plot3d.c:181 plot3d.c:1929
msgid "insufficient 'x' or 'y' values"
msgstr "valeurs 'x' ou 'y' insuffisantes"

#: plot3d.c:185 plot3d.c:1932
msgid "dimension mismatch"
msgstr "dimensions en d�saccord"

#: plot3d.c:193 plot3d.c:1935
msgid "no contour values"
msgstr "aucune valeur de contour"

#: plot3d.c:255
msgid "invalid x / y values or limits"
msgstr "valeurs ou limites x / y incorrectes"

#: plot3d.c:257
msgid "invalid contour levels: must be strictly increasing"
msgstr "niveaux de contour incorrects : doivent �tre strictement croissants"

#: plot3d.c:1049 plot3d.c:1062
msgid "Axis orientation not calculated"
msgstr "Orientation de l'axe non calcul�e"

#: plot3d.c:1082
msgid "too few parameters"
msgstr "trop peu de param�tres"

#: plot3d.c:1112
msgid "invalid 'x' limits"
msgstr "limites 'x' incorrectes"

#: plot3d.c:1114
msgid "invalid 'y' limits"
msgstr "limites 'y' incorrectes"

#: plot3d.c:1116
msgid "invalid 'z' limits"
msgstr "limites 'z' incorrectes"

#: plot3d.c:1137
msgid "'xlab' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'xlab' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: plot3d.c:1139
msgid "'ylab' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'ylab' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: plot3d.c:1141
msgid "'zlab' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'zlab' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: plot3d.c:1161
msgid "invalid viewing parameters"
msgstr "param�tres de visualisation incorrects"

#: plot3d.c:1179 plot3d.c:1183
#, c-format
msgid "invalid '%s' specification"
msgstr "sp�cification de '%s' incorrecte"

#: plot3d.c:1529
#, c-format
msgid "contour(): circular/long seglist -- set %s > %d?"
msgstr "contour() : seglist longue / circulaire -- est-ce que %s > %d ?"

#: plot3d.c:1939
msgid "missing 'x' values"
msgstr "valeurs 'x' manquantes"

#: plot3d.c:1941
msgid "increasing 'x' values expected"
msgstr "des valeurs croissantes sont attendues pour 'x'"

#: plot3d.c:1946
msgid "missing 'y' values"
msgstr "valeurs 'y' manquantes"

#: plot3d.c:1948
msgid "increasing 'y' values expected"
msgstr "des valeurs croissantes sont attendues pour 'y'"

#: plot3d.c:1953
msgid "invalid NA contour values"
msgstr "valeurs de contours NA incorrectes"

#: plot3d.c:1965
msgid "all z values are equal"
msgstr "toutes les valeurs en z sont �gales"

#: plot3d.c:1967
msgid "all z values are NA"
msgstr "toutes les valeurs z sont NA"

#: stem.c:150
#, c-format
msgid "long vector '%s' is not supported"
msgstr "le vecteur long '%s' n'est pas support�"

#~ msgid "unable to allocate memory (in GPolygon)"
#~ msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire (dans GPolygon)"

#~ msgid "invalid number of points in identify()"
#~ msgstr "nombre de points incorrect dans identify()"

#~ msgid "Event GE_ScalePS requires a single numeric value"
#~ msgstr "L'�v�nement GE_ScalePS exige une valeur num�rique unique"

#~ msgid "zero length 'padj' specified"
#~ msgstr "'padj' de longueur nulle sp�cifi�"

#~ msgid "unable to allocate memory (in GPath)"
#~ msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire (dans GPath)"

#~ msgid "invalid x or y (in GPath)"
#~ msgstr "x ou y incorrect (dans GPath)"

#~ msgid "zero length 'labels'"
#~ msgstr "'labels' de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'text' specified"
#~ msgstr "'text' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'line' specified"
#~ msgstr "'line' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'outer' specified"
#~ msgstr "'outer' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'at' specified"
#~ msgstr "'at' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'adj' specified"
#~ msgstr "'adj' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'cex' specified"
#~ msgstr "'cex' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'col' specified"
#~ msgstr "'col' choisi de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "zero length 'font' specified"
#~ msgstr "'font' fourni de taille nulle"

#~ msgid "unable to allocate memory (in xspline)"
#~ msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire (dans xspline)"