# Translation of R-grDevices.pot to French # Copyright (C) 2005 The R Foundation # This file is distributed under the same license as the grDevices R package. # Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>, 2005. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: R 2.12.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bugs.r-project.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-29 07:06\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-17 10:46+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>\n" "Language-Team: French <R-core@r-project.org>\n" "Language: fr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" msgid "invalid 'filename'" msgstr "argument 'filename' incorrect" msgid "'coef' must not be negative" msgstr "'coef' ne peut pas �tre n�gatif" msgid "no 'z' matrix specified" msgstr "aucune matrice 'z' n'est sp�cifi�e" msgid "increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected" msgstr "valeurs croissantes de 'x' et 'y' attendues" msgid "no proper 'z' matrix specified" msgstr "la matrice 'z' sp�cifi�e est incorrecte" msgid "dimensions of 'x', 'y' and 'z' do not match" msgstr "les dimensions de 'x', 'y' et 'z' ne correspondent pas" msgid "finite coordinates are needed" msgstr "" msgid "'bias' must be positive" msgstr "'bias' doit �tre positif" msgid "'alpha' must be false if 'space' is specified" msgstr "'alpha' doit �tre faux si 'space' est fourni" msgid "at least 3 columns needed" msgstr "il faut au moins 3 colonnes" msgid "rgb matrix must be numeric" msgstr "la matrice 'rgb' doit �tre num�rique" msgid "rgb matrix must have 3 rows" msgstr "la matrice 'rgb' doit avoir 3 lignes" msgid "rgb values must be in [0, maxColorValue]" msgstr "les valeurs de 'rgb' doivent �tre dans [0, maxColorValue]" msgid "'start' and 'end' must be distinct and in [0, 1]." msgstr "'start' et 'end' doivent �tre diff�rents et dans [0, 1]." msgid "'gamma' must be a scalar or 'sRGB'" msgstr "'gamma' doit �tre une valeur simple ou 'sRGB'" msgid "Color space converter: %s" msgstr "Convertisseur de l'espace des couleurs : %s" msgid "Reference white: %s" msgstr "Blanc de r�f�rence : %s" msgid "display gamma = %s" msgstr "valeur gamma d'affichage = %s" msgid "'from' must be a \"colorConverter\" object or a string" msgstr "" "'from' doit �tre un objet \"colorConverter\" ou une cha�ne de caract�res" msgid "'to' must be a \"colorConverter\" object or a string" msgstr "'to' doit �tre un objet \"colorConverter\" ou une cha�ne de caract�res" msgid "'from.ref.white' disagrees with definition of %s" msgstr "'from.ref.white' en d�saccord avec la d�finition de %s" msgid "'to.ref.white' disagrees with definition of %s" msgstr "'to.ref.white' en d�saccord avec la d�finition de %s" msgid "color spaces use different reference whites" msgstr "les espaces de couleurs utilisent diff�rents blancs de r�f�rence" msgid "'name' must be a character vector" msgstr "'name' doit �tre un vecteur de type cha�ne de caract�re" msgid "cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)" msgstr "impossible de fermer le p�riph�rique 1 (p�riph�rique null)" msgid "cannot supply 'which' and 'device' at the same time" msgstr "fixer 'which' et 'device' en m�me temps n'est pas autoris�" msgid "cannot copy from the null device" msgstr "impossible de copier du p�riph�rique null" msgid "cannot copy to the null device" msgstr "impossible de copier vers le p�riph�rique null" msgid "cannot copy device to itself" msgstr "impossible de copier le p�riph�rique vers lui-m�me" msgid "'device' should be a function" msgstr "'device' doit �tre une fonction" msgid "no device to print from" msgstr "aucun p�riph�rique d'o� imprimer" msgid "can only print from a screen device" msgstr "seul un p�riph�rique �cran peut �tre imprim�" msgid "need to specify one of 'width' and 'height'" msgstr "il faut sp�cifier 'width' ou 'height'" msgid "dev.control() called without an open graphics device" msgstr "dev.control() appel� sans p�riph�rique graphique ouvert" msgid "argument is missing with no default" msgstr "argument manquant sans valeur par d�faut" msgid "dev.displaylist() called without an open graphics device" msgstr "dev.displaylist() appel� sans p�riph�rique graphique ouvert" msgid "invalid setting for 'getOption(\"device\")'" msgstr "param�tres incorrects por 'getOption(\"device\")'" msgid "device '%s' not found" msgstr "le p�riph�rique '%s' est introuvable" msgid "no suitable unused file name for pdf()" msgstr "pas de nom de fichier utilisable pour pdf()" msgid "dev.new(): using pdf(file=\"%s\")" msgstr "deV.new() : utilisation de pdf(file=\"%s\")" msgid "no suitable unused file name for postscript()" msgstr "pas de nom de fichier utilisable disponible pour postscript()" msgid "dev.new(): using postscript(file=\"%s\")" msgstr "dev.new() : utilisation de postscript(file=\"%s\")" msgid "invalid arguments in '%s' (need named args)" msgstr "arguments incorrects dans '%s' (les arguments doivent �tre nomm�s)" msgid "'name.opt' must be character, name of an existing list" msgstr "" "'name.opt' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�re ou le nom d'une liste existante" msgid "cannot reset non-existent '%s'" msgstr "impossible de r�initialiser '%s' car il n'existe pas" msgid "invalid options in '%s'" msgstr "options incorrectes dans '%s'" msgid "NOT changing %s" msgstr "%s NE change(nt) PAS" msgid "argument 'append' is for back-compatibility and will be ignored" msgstr "" "l'argument 'append' est pr�sent pour raison de compatibilit� descendante " "mais sera ignor�" msgid "unknown family '%s'" msgstr "famille inconnue '%s'" msgid "invalid 'family' argument" msgstr "argument 'family' incorrect" msgid "invalid 'file' argument '%s'" msgstr "argument 'file' incorrect '%s'" msgid "invalid PDF version" msgstr "version de PDF incorrecte" msgid "Invalid font type" msgstr "Type de police incorrect" msgid "invalid family name in font specification" msgstr "nom de famille incorrect dans la sp�cification de la police" msgid "invalid metric information in font specification" msgstr "information de m�trique incorrecte dans la sp�cification de police" msgid "invalid encoding in font specification" msgstr "encodage incorrect dans la sp�cification de police" msgid "Not a CID font" msgstr "Ce n'est pas une police CID" msgid "invalid CMap name in font specification" msgstr "nom CMap incorrect dans la sp�cification de police" msgid "invalid 'cmapEncoding' in font specification" msgstr "'cmapEncoding' incorrect dans la sp�cification de police" msgid "invalid PDF resource in font specification" msgstr "ressource PDF incorrecte dans la sp�cification de police" msgid "Invalid font database name" msgstr "Nom de base de donn�es de polices incorrect" msgid "font %s already in use" msgstr "police %s d�j� utilis�e" msgid "invalid arguments in '%s' (must be font names)" msgstr "arguments incorrects dans '%s' (il faut des noms de police)" msgid "unknown font" msgstr "fonte inconnue" msgid "font encoding mismatch '%s'/'%s'" msgstr "incoh�rence d'encodage pour la police '%s/%s'" msgid "'file' must be a non-empty character string" msgstr "'file' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�re non vide" msgid "GhostScript was not found" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "invalid output format" msgstr "Format de sortie incorrect" msgid "status %d in running command '%s'" msgstr "statut %d dans la commande en cours d'ex�cution '%s'" msgid "failed to add more ticks; 'min.n' too large?" msgstr "" msgid "a raster matrix must be character, or numeric, or logical" msgstr "" "une matrice de pixels doit contenir des cha�nes de caract�res, des nombres " "ou des valeurs logiques" msgid "a raster array must be numeric" msgstr "une matrice de pixels doit �tre num�rique" msgid "a raster array must have exactly 3 dimensions" msgstr "une matrice de pixels doit avoir exactement 3 dimensions" msgid "a raster array must have exactly 3 or 4 planes" msgstr "une matrice de pixels doit avoir exactement 3 ou 4 plans" msgid "'drop' is always implicitly FALSE in '[.raster'" msgstr "'drop' est toujours implicitement faux (FALSE) dans '[.raster'" msgid "invalid raster subsetting" msgstr "indi�age d'image en mode point incorrect" msgid "invalid raster subassignment" msgstr "sous-assignement d'image en mode point incorrect" msgid "operator not meaningful for raster objects" msgstr "op�rateur incoh�rent pour des objets de type 'raster'" msgid "no current device to record from" msgstr "aucun p�riph�rique � partir duquel enregistrer" msgid "argument is not of class %s" msgstr "l'argument n'est pas de classe %s" #, fuzzy msgid "snapshot recorded in different R version (pre 3.3.0)" msgstr "chargement d'un instantan� graphique � partir d'une version diff�rente" #, fuzzy msgid "snapshot recorded in different R version (%s)" msgstr "chargement d'un instantan� graphique � partir d'une version diff�rente" msgid "snapshot contains invalid graphics call" msgstr "" msgid "'nbin' must be numeric of length 1 or 2" msgstr "'nbin' doit �tre num�rique et de longueur 1 ou 2" msgid "'bandwidth' must be numeric" msgstr "'bandwidth' doit �tre num�rique" msgid "'bandwidth' must be positive" msgstr "'bandwidth' doit �tre positif" msgid "'r' must be a \"range\", hence of length 2" msgstr "'r' doit indiquer une �tendue des valeurs, donc �tre de longueur 2" msgid "invalid first argument" msgstr "premier argument incorrect" msgid "'x' is a list, but does not have components 'x' and 'y'" msgstr "'x' est une liste, mais n'a pas les composants 'x' et 'y' requis" msgid "'x' and 'y' lengths differ" msgstr "les longueurs de 'x' et 'y' diff�rent" msgid "invalid first argument [bad language object]" msgstr "premier argument incorrect \"[bad language object]\"" msgid "at least 2 columns needed" msgstr "il faut au moins 2 colonnes" msgid "'x' is a list, but does not have components 'x', 'y' and 'z'" msgstr "'x' est une liste, mais n'a pas les composants 'x', 'y' et 'z' requis" msgid "'x', 'y' and 'z' lengths differ" msgstr "les longueurs de 'x', 'y' et 'z' diff�rent" msgid "'file' is missing with no default" msgstr "'file' est manquant sans valeur par d�faut" msgid "unrecognized format of gs -help" msgstr "format de gs - help inconnu" msgid "device '%s' is not available" msgstr "le p�riph�rique '%s' n'est pas disponible" #, fuzzy msgid "" "Available devices are:\n" "%s" msgstr "Les p�riph�riques disponibles sont %s" msgid "'res' must be specified unless 'units = \"px\"'" msgstr "'res' doit �tre sp�cifi� � moins que 'units = \"px\"" msgid "invalid 'title'" msgstr "'title' incorrect" msgid "invalid 'file'" msgstr "argument 'file' incorrect" msgid "invalid Quartz font: must be 4 strings" msgstr "police Quartz incorrecte : doit �tre 4 cha�nes de caract�res" msgid "invalid arguments in 'quartzFonts' (must be font names)" msgstr "arguments incorrects dans 'quartzFonts' (il faut des noms de police)" msgid "invalid arguments in 'quartzFonts' (need named args)" msgstr "" "arguments incorrects dans 'quartzFonts' (les arguments doivent �tre nomm�s)" msgid "cairo-based types are not supported on this build - using \"Xlib\"" msgstr "" "les types bas�s sur cairo ne sont pas support� dans cette compilation - " "utilisation de \"Xlib\"" msgid "unknown family for X11(type = \"XLib\")" msgstr "famille inconnue pour X11(type = \"Xlib\")" msgid "invalid X11 font specification:" msgstr "sp�cification de police X11 incorrecte :" msgid "invalid arguments in 'X11Fonts' (must be font names)" msgstr "arguments incorrects dans 'X11Fonts' (il faut des noms de police)" msgid "invalid arguments in 'X11Fonts' (need named args)" msgstr "" "arguments incorrects dans 'X11Fonts' (les arguments doivent �tre nomm�s)" msgid "no such device" msgstr "aucun p�riph�rique ne correspond" msgid "can only copy from 'X11(type=\"*cairo\")' devices" msgstr "" "il n'est possible de copier qu'� partir de p�riph�riques 'X11(type=\"*cairo" "\")'" msgid "invalid value for 'rescale'" msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'rescale'" msgid "can only bring windows devices to the front" msgstr "" "seules les fen�tres des p�riph�riques graphiques peuvent �tre amen�es au " "premier plan" msgid "'type' not applicable to the R console" msgstr "'type' ne s'applique pas � la console R" msgid "can only manipulate windows devices" msgstr "seuls les p�riph�riques 'windows' peuvent �tre manipul�s" msgid "can only copy from 'windows' devices" msgstr "il n'est possible de copier qu'� partir d'un p�riph�rique 'windows'" msgid "subscript out of range" msgstr "indice hors plage" msgid "invalid Windows font: must be a single font family name" msgstr "police Windows incorrecte : il faut un seul nom de famille de police" msgid "invalid arguments in 'windowsFonts' (must be font names)" msgstr "arguments incorrects dans 'windowsFonts' (il faut des noms de police)" msgid "invalid arguments in 'windowsFonts' (need named args)" msgstr "" "arguments incorrects dans 'windowsFonts' (les arguments doivent �tre nomm�s)" msgid "invalid argument name %s in '%s'" msgid_plural "invalid argument names %s in '%s'" msgstr[0] "nom d'argument %s incorrect dans '%s'" msgstr[1] "noms d'arguments %s incorrects dans '%s'" msgid "differs between new and previous" msgid_plural "differ between new and previous" msgstr[0] "diff�re entre le nouveau et le pr�c�dent" msgstr[1] "diff�rent entre le nouveau et le pr�c�dent" msgid "%d x value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot" msgid_plural "%d x values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot" msgstr[0] "%d valeur x <= 0 est ignor�e pour le graphe logarithmique" msgstr[1] "%d valeurs x <= 0 sont ignor�es pour le graphe logarithmique" msgid "%d y value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot" msgid_plural "%d y values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot" msgstr[0] "%d valeur y <= 0 est ignor�e pour le graphe logarithmique" msgstr[1] "%d valeurs y <= 0 sont ignor�es pour le graphe logarithmique" msgid "%d z value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot" msgid_plural "%d z values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot" msgstr[0] "%d valeur z <= 0 est ignor�e pour le graphe logarithmique" msgstr[1] "%d valeurs z <= 0 sont ignor�es pour le graphe logarithmique" #~ msgid "range too small for 'min.n'" #~ msgstr "�tendue des valeurs trop petite pour 'min.n'" #~ msgid "sorry, 'gs' cannot be found" #~ msgstr "d�sol�, 'gs' est introuvable" #~ msgid "loading snapshot from pre-3.0.0 R version" #~ msgstr "" #~ "chargement d'un instantan� graphique � partir d'une version de R pre-3.0.0" #~ msgid "can only print from screen device" #~ msgstr "seul un p�riph�rique �cran peut �tre imprim�" #~ msgid "'maxRasters' is no longer needed, and will be ignored" #~ msgstr "'maxRasters' n'est plus n�cessaire, et il sera ignor�" #~ msgid "The 'gamma' argument is deprecated and has no effect" #~ msgstr "L'argument 'gamma' est obsol�te et n'a aucun effet" #~ msgid "invalid value for 'antialias'" #~ msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'antialias'"