msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 3.5.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-29 07:06-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Łukasz Daniel <>\n"
"Language-Team: Łukasz Daniel <>\n"
"Language: pl_PL\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"na-Revision-Date: 2012-05-29 07:55+0100\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.4\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1167
# G_("Not enough memory")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1209
# G_("Not enough memory")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:1170 src/gnuwin32/console.c:1212
msgid "Not enough memory"
msgstr "Zbyt mało pamięci"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1256
# G_("Insufficient memory: text not copied to the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1260
# G_("Insufficient memory: text not copied to the clipboard")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:1259 src/gnuwin32/console.c:1263
msgid "Insufficient memory: text not copied to the clipboard"
msgstr "Brak wystarczającej pamięci: tekst nie został skopiowany do schowka"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:1299 src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:53
#: src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:79
msgid "Unable to open the clipboard"
msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1914
# G_("Insufficient memory. Please close the console")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:1922
msgid "Insufficient memory. Please close the console"
msgstr "Brak wystarczającej pamięci. Proszę zamknąć konsolę"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1968
# sprintf(msg,
# 		    G_("Font %s-%d-%d  not found.\nUsing system fixed font"),
# 		    fontname, fontsty | FixedWidth, pointsize)
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2022
# G_("Font %s-%d-%d  not found.\nUsing system fixed font")
# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 332
# sprintf(msg,
# 		    G_("Font %s-%d-%d  not found.\nUsing system fixed font"),
# 		    fontname, fontsty | FixedWidth, pointsize)
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:1977 src/gnuwin32/console.c:2031
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:333
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Font %s-%d-%d  not found.\n"
"Using system fixed font"
msgstr ""
"Czcionka %s-%d-%d  nie została znaleziona.\n"
"Używanie ustalonej czcionki systemowej"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2127
# G_("Save selection to")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2136
msgid "Save selection to"
msgstr "Zapisz wybór do"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2129
# G_("Save console contents to")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2138
msgid "Save console contents to"
msgstr "Zapisz zawartość konsoli w"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2237
msgid "Scrolling.\n"
msgstr "Przewijanie.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2238
msgid "  Keyboard: PgUp, PgDown, Ctrl+Arrows, Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End,\n"
msgstr "  Klawiatura: PgUp, PgDown, Ctrl+Strzałki, Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End,\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2230
# G_("  Mouse: use the scrollbar(s).\n\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2239
msgid ""
"  Mouse: use the scrollbar(s).\n"
msgstr ""
"  Myszka: użyj pasków przewijania.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2240
msgid "Editing.\n"
msgstr "Edytowanie.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2241
msgid "  Moving the cursor: \n"
msgstr "  Przesuwanie kursora: \n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2242
msgid "     Left arrow or Ctrl+B: move backward one character;\n"
msgstr "     Lewa strzałka lub Ctrl+B: przesuń wstecz o jeden znak;\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2243
msgid "     Right arrow or Ctrl+F: move forward one character;\n"
msgstr "     Prawa strzałka lub Ctrl+F: przesuń do przodu o jeden znak;\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2244
msgid "     Home or Ctrl+A: go to beginning of line;\n"
msgstr "     Home lub Ctrl+A: idź do początku linii;\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2245
msgid "     End or Ctrl+E: go to end of line;\n"
msgstr "     End lub Ctrl+E: idź do końca linii;\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2246
msgid "  History: Up and Down Arrows, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N\n"
msgstr "  Historia: Strzałki Up oraz Down, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2247
msgid "  Deleting:\n"
msgstr "Kasowanie:\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2248
msgid "     Del or Ctrl+D: delete current character or selection;\n"
msgstr "     Del lub Ctrl+D: usuń bieżący znak lub zaznaczenie;\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2249
msgid "     Backspace: delete preceding character;\n"
msgstr "     Backspace: usuń poprzedni znak;\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2250
msgid ""
"     Ctrl+Del or Ctrl+K: delete text from current character to end of line.\n"
msgstr ""
"     Ctrl+Del lub Ctrl+K: usuń tekst od bieżącego znaku do końca linii.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2251
msgid "     Ctrl+U: delete all text from current line.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+U: usuń cały tekst z bieżącej linii.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2252
msgid "  Copy and paste.\n"
msgstr "Kopiuj i wklej.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2253
msgid ""
"     Use the mouse (with the left button held down) to mark (select) text.\n"
msgstr ""
"     Użyj myszki (z naciśniętym lewym przyciskiem myszki) by zaznaczyć "
"(wybrać) tekst.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2254
msgid ""
"     Use Shift+Del (or Ctrl+C) to copy the marked text to the clipboard and\n"
msgstr ""
"     Użyj Shift+Del (lub Ctrl+C) by skopiować zaznaczony tekst do schowka i\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2255
msgid ""
"     Shift+Ins (or Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Y) to paste the content of the clipboard "
"(if any)  \n"
msgstr ""
"     Shift+Ins (lub Ctrl+V lub Ctrl+Y) by wkleić zawartość schowka (jeśli "
"jakaś jest)  \n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2256
msgid "     to the console, Ctrl+X first copy then paste\n"
msgstr "     do konsoli, Ctrl+X najpierw kopiuje potem wkleja\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2257
msgid "  Misc:\n"
msgstr " Różne:\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2258
msgid "     Ctrl+L: Clear the console.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+L: Wyczyść konsolę.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2259
msgid "     Ctrl+O or INS: Toggle overwrite mode: initially off.\n"
msgstr ""
"     Ctrl+O lub INS: Przełącz tryb nadpisywania: początkowo wyłączony.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2260
msgid "     Ctrl+T: Interchange current char with one to the left.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+T: Zamień bieżący znak z tym po lewej.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2252
# G_("\nNote: Console is updated only when some input is required.\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2261
msgid ""
"Note: Console is updated only when some input is required.\n"
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Konsola jest aktualizowana jedynie gdy jest wymagane jakieś wejście.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2253
# G_("  Use Ctrl+W to toggle this feature off/on.\n\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2262
msgid ""
"  Use Ctrl+W to toggle this feature off/on.\n"
msgstr ""
"  Użyj Ctrl+W by przełączać tę funkcjonalność na wył./wł.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2254
# G_("Use ESC to stop the interpreter.\n\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2263
msgid ""
"Use ESC to stop the interpreter.\n"
msgstr ""
"Użyj ESC aby zatrzymać tłumacza.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2255
# G_("TAB starts completion of the current word.\n\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2264
msgid ""
"TAB starts completion of the current word.\n"
msgstr ""
"TAB uzupełnia bieżące słowo.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2265
msgid "Standard Windows hotkeys can be used to switch to the\n"
msgstr "Standardowe klawisze skrótu mogą być użyte by przełączyć się do\n"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 2257
# G_("graphics device (Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6 in MDI, Alt+Tab in SDI)")
#: src/gnuwin32/console.c:2266
msgid "graphics device (Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6 in MDI, Alt+Tab in SDI)"
msgstr "urządzenia graficznego (Ctrl+Tab lub Ctrl+F6 w MDI, Alt+Tab w SDI)"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 88
# G_("R Editor")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 90
# G_("R Editor")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:91 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:93
msgid "R Editor"
msgstr "Edytor R"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:123
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open file %s for reading"
msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:139
#, c-format
msgid "Could not read from file '%s'"
msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file '%s'"
msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 182
# G_("Save script as")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:187
msgid "Save script as"
msgstr "Zapisz skrypt jako"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1074
# G_("Open script")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 375
# G_("Open script")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 692
# G_("Open script")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 431
# G_("Open script")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:379 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:696 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:430
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1076
msgid "Open script"
msgstr "Otwórz skrypt"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 498
# G_("No RGui console to paste to")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 185
# G_("No RGui console to paste to")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 205
# G_("No RGui console to paste to")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:502 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:184 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:204
msgid "No RGui console to paste to"
msgstr "Brak konsoli RGui do której można wkleić"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:604
msgid "R EDITOR\n"
msgstr "EDYTOR R\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:606
msgid "A standard text editor for editing and running R code.\n"
msgstr ""
"Standardowy edytor tekstuA standard text editor for editing and running R "

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:608

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:609
msgid "To run a line or section of R code, select the code and either\n"
msgstr "Aby uruchomić linijkę lub sekcję kodu R, zaznacz kod i albo:\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:610
msgid "     Press Ctrl-R\n"
msgstr "    Naciśnij Ctrl-R\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:611
msgid "     Select \"Run line or selection\" from the \"Edit\" menu\n"
msgstr "     Wybierz \"Uruchom linię lub zaznaczenie\" z menu \"Edycja\" \n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:612
msgid "     Press the \"Run line or selection\" icon on the toolbar\n"
msgstr ""
"     Naciśnij ikonę \"Uruchom linię lub zaznaczenie\" na pasku narzędzi\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:613
msgid ""
"This will copy the selected commands to the console and evaluate them.\n"
msgstr "To skopiuje zaznaczone polecenia do konsoli oraz przeliczy je.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:614
msgid ""
"If there is no selection, this will just run the current line and advance\n"
msgstr ""
"Jeśli nie ma zaznaczenia, to uruchomi bieżącą linię i przesunie\n"
"kursor o jedną linię.\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:615
msgid "the cursor by one line.\n"
msgstr "kursor o jedną linię.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 623
# GN_("Run line or selection")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 700
# G_("Run line or selection")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 761
# G_("Run line or selection")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:627 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:704
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:762
msgid "Run line or selection"
msgstr "Uruchom linijkę lub zaznaczenie"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 625
# GN_("Undo")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 746
# G_("Undo")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:629 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:747
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Cofnij"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 627
# GN_("Cut")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 749
# G_("Cut")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:631 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:750
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Wytnij"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 857
# GN_("Copy")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1086
# G_("Copy")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1142
# G_("Copy")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 628
# GN_("Copy")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 751
# G_("Copy")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 305
# GN_("Copy")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 478
# G_("Copy")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:632 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:752 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:304
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:477 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:859 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1088
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1144
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiuj"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 858
# GN_("Paste")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1090
# G_("Paste")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1143
# G_("Paste")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 629
# GN_("Paste")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 753
# G_("Paste")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:633 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:754 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:860
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1092 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1145
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Wklej"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 630
# GN_("Delete")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 755
# G_("Delete")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:634 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:756
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 864
# GN_("Select all")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1147
# G_("Select all")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 632
# GN_("Select all")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 757
# G_("Select all")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 308
# GN_("Select all")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 484
# G_("Select all")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:636 src/gnuwin32/editor.c:758 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:307
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:483 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:866 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1149
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystko"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 696
# G_("Save script")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:700
msgid "Save script"
msgstr "Zapisz skrypt"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 704
# G_("Return focus to Console")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 451
# G_("Return focus to Console")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1593
# G_("Return focus to Console")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:708 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:450
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1613
msgid "Return focus to Console"
msgstr "Ustaw fokus z powrotem na konsolę"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 707
# G_("Print script")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:711
msgid "Print script"
msgstr "Drukuj skrypt"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1102
# G_("Print")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 709
# G_("Print")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 446
# G_("Print")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1587
# G_("Print")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:713 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:445 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1104
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1607
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Drukuj"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1120
# G_("File")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 727
# G_("File")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 467
# G_("File")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1625
# G_("File")
# src/library/tcltk/R/tkGUI.R: 38
# gettext("File")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1790
# G_("File")
# src/library/utils/tests/Sweave-tst.R: 26
# stop("File", file, "does not exist in", getwd())
# src/library/utils/tests/Sweave-tst.R: 30
# stop("File", texF, "does not exist in", getwd())
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:731 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:466 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1122
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1791
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1645
msgid "File"
msgstr "Plik"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1122
# G_("New script")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 728
# G_("New script")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 468
# G_("New script")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:732 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:467 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1124
msgid "New script"
msgstr "Nowy skrypt"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1123
# G_("Open script...")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 730
# G_("Open script...")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 469
# G_("Open script...")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:734 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:468 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1125
msgid "Open script..."
msgstr "Otwórz skrypt..."

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 732
# G_("Save")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:736
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 734
# G_("Save as...")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:738
msgid "Save as..."
msgstr "Zapisz jako..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1136
# G_("Print...")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 737
# G_("Print...")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 470
# G_("Print...")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1688
# G_("Print...")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:741 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:469 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1138
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1666
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1708
msgid "Print..."
msgstr "Drukuj..."

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 740
# G_("Close script")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:744
msgid "Close script"
msgstr "Zamknij skrypt"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1141
# G_("Edit")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 745
# G_("Edit")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 477
# G_("Edit")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1796
# G_("Edit")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:746 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:476 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1143
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1797
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edytuj"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1148
# G_("Clear console")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 759
# G_("Clear console")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:760 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1150
msgid "Clear console"
msgstr "Wyczyść konsolę"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 763
# G_("Run all")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:764
msgid "Run all"
msgstr "Uruchom wszystko"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 766
# G_("Find...")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:767
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Znajdź..."

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 768
# G_("Replace...")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:769
msgid "Replace..."
msgstr "Zamień..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1152
# G_("GUI preferences...")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 771
# G_("GUI preferences...")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:772 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1154
msgid "GUI preferences..."
msgstr "Preferencje GUI..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1184
# G_("Help")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 781
# G_("Help")
# src/library/tcltk/R/tkGUI.R: 41
# gettext("Help")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1697
# GN_("Help")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1807
# G_("Help")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:782 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1186
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1698
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1808
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 782
# G_("Editor")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:783
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Edytor"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 841
# G_("Maximum number of editors reached")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:842
msgid "Maximum number of editors reached"
msgstr "Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę edytorów"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:847
msgid "Unable to create editor window"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna edytora"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 854
# G_("Untitled")
#: src/gnuwin32/editor.c:855
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Bez tytułu"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1222
# G_("Select file")
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 823
# G_("Select file")
#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:844
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Wybierz plik"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 89
# G_("Error opening file")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:88
msgid "Error opening file"
msgstr "Błąd podczas otwierania pliku"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 96
# G_("Insufficient memory to display file in internal pager")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:95
msgid "Insufficient memory to display file in internal pager"
msgstr "Brak wystarczającej pamięci aby wyświetlić plik w wewnętrznej stronie"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 236
# G_("No selection")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 263
# G_("No selection")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 177
# G_("No selection")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 189
# G_("No selection")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 209
# G_("No selection")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:176 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:188 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:208
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:237 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:264
msgid "No selection"
msgstr "Brak zaznaczenia"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 306
# GN_("Paste to console")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 436
# G_("Paste to console")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 480
# G_("Paste to console")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:305 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:435 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:479
msgid "Paste to console"
msgstr "Wklej do konsoli"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 307
# GN_("Paste commands to console")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 441
# G_("Paste commands to console")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 482
# G_("Paste commands to console")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:306 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:440 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:481
msgid "Paste commands to console"
msgstr "Wklej polecenia do konsoli"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 867
# GN_("Stay on top")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 310
# GN_("Stay on top")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1685
# G_("Stay on top")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1703
# GN_("Stay on top")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:309 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:869
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1704
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1705
msgid "Stay on top"
msgstr "Zawsze na wierzchu"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 312
# GN_("Close")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 475
# G_("Close")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1705
# GN_("Close")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1792
# G_("Close")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:311 src/gnuwin32/pager.c:474
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1706
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1793
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1137
# G_("Save to File...")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 472
# G_("Save to File...")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:471 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1139
msgid "Save to File..."
msgstr "Zapisz do pliku..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1154
# G_("View")
# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 487
# G_("View")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:486 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1156
msgid "View"
msgstr "Widok"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#: src/gnuwin32/pager.c:518
msgid "Unable to create pager window"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna strony"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 302
# G_("The overall console properties cannot be changed\non a running console.\n\nSave the preferences and restart Rgui to apply them.\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:302
msgid ""
"The overall console properties cannot be changed\n"
"on a running console.\n"
"Save the preferences and restart Rgui to apply them.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nie można zmienić ogólnych właściwości konsoli\n"
"dla działającej konsoli.\n"
"Zapisz ustawienia oraz zrestartuj Rgui aby je zastosować.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 306
# G_("The language for menus cannot be changed on a\n running console.\n\nSave the preferences and restart Rgui to apply to menus.\n")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:306
msgid ""
"The language for menus cannot be changed on a\n"
" running console.\n"
"Save the preferences and restart Rgui to apply to menus.\n"
msgstr ""
"Język menu nie może zostać zmieniony dla\n"
" działającej konsoli.\n"
"Zapisz ustawienia oraz zrestartuj Rgui by zastosować zmiany do menu.\n"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 371
# G_("Changes in pager size will not apply to any open pagers")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:371
msgid "Changes in pager size will not apply to any open pagers"
msgstr ""
"Zmiany w rozmiarze strony nie zostaną zastosowane w żadnych otwartych "

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 377
# G_("Do not change pager type if any pager is open\nProceed?")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:377
msgid ""
"Do not change pager type if any pager is open\n"
msgstr ""
"Nie zmieniaj typu stony jeśli jakakolwiek strona jest otwarta\n"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 410
# G_("Select directory for file 'Rconsole'")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:410
msgid "Select directory for file 'Rconsole'"
msgstr "Wybierz katalog dla pliku 'Rconsole'"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 503
# G_("Select 'Rconsole' file")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:503
msgid "Select 'Rconsole' file"
msgstr "Wybierz plik 'Rconsole'"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 688
# G_("Ignored '%s' at line %d of file %s")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:688
#, c-format
msgid "Ignored '%s' at line %d of file %s"
msgstr "Zignorowano '%s' w linii %d pliku %s"

# src/gnuwin32/preferences.c: 789
# G_("Rgui Configuration Editor")
#: src/gnuwin32/preferences.c:789
msgid "Rgui Configuration Editor"
msgstr "Edytor konfiguracji Rgui"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 139
# G_("Select file to source")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:140
msgid "Select file to source"
msgstr "Wybierz plik źródłowy"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 160
# G_("Select image to load")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:161
msgid "Select image to load"
msgstr "Wybierz obraz do załadowania"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 175
# G_("Save image in")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:176
msgid "Save image in"
msgstr "Zapisz obraz w"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 189
# G_("Load history from")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:190
msgid "Load history from"
msgstr "Załaduj historię z"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 198
# G_("Save history in")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:199
msgid "Save history in"
msgstr "Zapisz historię w"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 245
# G_("No text available")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 254
# G_("No text available")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:246 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:255
msgid "No text available"
msgstr "Brak dostępnego tekstu"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 303
# G_("Name of data frame or matrix")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:304
msgid "Name of data frame or matrix"
msgstr "Nazwa ramki lub macierzy"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:311
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be found"
msgstr "'%s' nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 449
# G_("Are you sure?")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:451
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Jesteś pewien?"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 544
# G_("Help on")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:546
msgid "Help on"
msgstr "Pomoc na temat"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 600
# G_("Search help")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:602
msgid "Search help"
msgstr "Przeszukaj pomoc"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 615
# G_("Search for words in help list archives and documentation")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:617
msgid "Search for words in help list archives and documentation"
msgstr "Szukaj słów w liście archiwum pomocy lub dokumentacji"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 630
# G_("Apropos")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:632
msgid "Apropos"
msgstr "Apropos"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 853
# G_("Can only drag-and-drop .R, .RData and .rda files")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:855
msgid "Can only drag-and-drop .R, .RData and .rda files"
msgstr "Można przeciągać jedynie pliki .R, .RData oraz .rda"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 859
# GN_("Paste commands only")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1144
# G_("Paste commands only")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:861 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1146
msgid "Paste commands only"
msgstr "Wklej tylko polecenia"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 860
# GN_("Copy and paste")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1094
# G_("Copy and paste")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:862 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1096
msgid "Copy and paste"
msgstr "Kopiuj i wklej"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 862
# GN_("Clear window")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:864
msgid "Clear window"
msgstr "Wyczyść okno"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 866
# GN_("Buffered output")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1167
# G_("Buffered output")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:868 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1169
msgid "Buffered output"
msgstr "Buforowanie wyjścia"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 906
# G_("Packages")
# src/library/tcltk/R/tkGUI.R: 40
# gettext("Packages")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:908
msgid "Packages"
msgstr "Pakiety"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 907
# G_("Load package...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:909
msgid "Load package..."
msgstr "Załaduj pakiet..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 909
# G_("Set CRAN mirror...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:911
msgid "Set CRAN mirror..."
msgstr "Ustaw serwer lustrzany CRAN..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 911
# G_("Select repositories...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:913
msgid "Select repositories..."
msgstr "Wybierz repozytoria..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 913
# G_("Install package(s)...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:915
msgid "Install package(s)..."
msgstr "Zainstaluj pakiet(y)..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 915
# G_("Update packages...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:917
msgid "Update packages..."
msgstr "Zaktualizuj pakiety..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 918
# G_("Install package(s) from local zip files...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:920
msgid "Install package(s) from local files..."
msgstr "Zainstaluj pakiet(y) z lokalnych plików..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 942
# G_("FAQ on R")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:944
msgid "FAQ on R"
msgstr "FAQ dotyczący R"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 944
# G_("FAQ on R for &Windows")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:946
msgid "FAQ on R for &Windows"
msgstr "FAQ dotyczący R dla &Windows"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 950
# G_("Manuals (in PDF)")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 953
# G_("Manuals (in PDF)")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:952 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:955
msgid "Manuals (in PDF)"
msgstr "Podręczniki (w PDF)"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 983
# G_("R functions (text)...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:985
msgid "R functions (text)..."
msgstr "Funkcje R (tekst)..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 985
# G_("Html help")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:987
msgid "Html help"
msgstr "Pomoc html"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 987
# G_("Search help...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:989
msgid "Search help..."
msgstr "Przeszukaj pomoc..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 992
# G_("Apropos...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:994
msgid "Apropos..."
msgstr "Apropos..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 994
# G_("R Project home page")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:996
msgid "R Project home page"
msgstr "Strona domowa projektu R"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 995
# G_("CRAN home page")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:997
msgid "CRAN home page"
msgstr "Strona domowa CRAN"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 997
# G_("About")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:999
msgid "About"
msgstr "O programie"

# src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c: 52
# G_("Windows")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1006
# G_("Windows")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1008 src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:52
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Okna"

# src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c: 53
# G_("Cascade")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1007
# G_("Cascade")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1009 src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:53
msgid "Cascade"
msgstr "Kaskada"

# src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c: 54
# G_("Tile &Horizontally")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1008
# G_("Tile &Horizontally")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1010 src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:54
msgid "Tile &Horizontally"
msgstr "Ułóż &poziomo"

# src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c: 55
# G_("Tile &Vertically")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1009
# G_("Tile &Vertically")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1011 src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:55
msgid "Tile &Vertically"
msgstr "Ułóż pionowo"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1010
# G_("Minimize group")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1012
msgid "Minimize group"
msgstr "Zminimalizuj grupę"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1011
# G_("Restore group")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1013
msgid "Restore group"
msgstr "Przywróć grupę"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1078
# G_("Load workspace")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1080
msgid "Load workspace"
msgstr "Załaduj obszar roboczy"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1082
# G_("Save workspace")
# src/library/tcltk/R/tkGUI.R: 50
# gettext("Save workspace")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1084
msgid "Save workspace"
msgstr "Zapisz obszar roboczy"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1098
# G_("Stop current computation")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1100
msgid "Stop current computation"
msgstr "Przerwij bieżące obliczenia"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1121
# G_("Source R code...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1123
msgid "Source R code..."
msgstr "Źródłowy kod R..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1124
# G_("Display file(s)...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1126
msgid "Display file(s)..."
msgstr "Wyświetl plik(i)"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1126
# G_("Load Workspace...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1128
msgid "Load Workspace..."
msgstr "Załaduj obszar roboczy..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1127
# G_("Save Workspace...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1129
msgid "Save Workspace..."
msgstr "Zapisz obszar roboczy..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1129
# G_("Load History...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1131
msgid "Load History..."
msgstr "Załaduj historię..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1131
# G_("Save History...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1133
msgid "Save History..."
msgstr "Zapisz historię..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1134
# G_("Change dir...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1136
msgid "Change dir..."
msgstr "Zmień katalog..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1139
# G_("Exit")
# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 743
# G_("Exit")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1141
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Wyjście"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1146
# G_("Copy and Paste")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1148
msgid "Copy and Paste"
msgstr "Kopiuj i wklej"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1150
# G_("Data editor...")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1152
msgid "Data editor..."
msgstr "Edytor danych..."

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1155
# G_("Toolbar")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1157
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr "Pasek narzędzi"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1156
# G_("Statusbar")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1158
msgid "Statusbar"
msgstr "Pasek stanu"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1160
# G_("Misc")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1162
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Różne"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1161
# G_("Stop current computation           \tESC")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1163
msgid "Stop current computation           \tESC"
msgstr "Przerwij bieżące obliczenia           \tESC"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1163
# G_("Stop all computations")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1165
msgid "Stop all computations"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj wszystkie obliczenia"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1165
# G_("Break to debugger")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1167
msgid "Break to debugger"
msgstr "Przerwij by przejść do debuggera"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1168
# G_("Word completion")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1170
msgid "Word completion"
msgstr "Uzupełnianie słów"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1170
# G_("Filename completion")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1172
msgid "Filename completion"
msgstr "Uzupełnianie nazw plików"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1177
# G_("List objects")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1179
msgid "List objects"
msgstr "Wylistuj obiekty"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1178
# G_("Remove all objects")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1180
msgid "Remove all objects"
msgstr "Usuń wszystkie obiekty"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1179
# G_("List search &path")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1181
msgid "List search &path"
msgstr "Ścieżka &przeszukiwania listy"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1185
# G_("Console")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1187
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Konsola"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1361
# G_("'menu' is limited to 500 bytes")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1248
msgid "'mname' is limited to 1000 bytes"
msgstr "'mname' jest ograniczone do 1000 bajtów"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1371
# G_("base menu does not exist")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1293
#, c-format
msgid "menu %s does not exist"
msgstr "menu %s nie istnieje"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1361
# G_("'menu' is limited to 500 bytes")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1346
msgid "'menu' is limited to 500 bytes"
msgstr "'menu' jest ograniczone do 500 bajtów"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1371
# G_("base menu does not exist")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1356
msgid "base menu does not exist"
msgstr "bazowe menu nie istnieje"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1371
msgid "failed to allocate menu"
msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla menu"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1403
# G_("menu + item is limited to 1000 bytes")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1527
# G_("menu + item is limited to 1000 bytes")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1388 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1512
msgid "menu + item is limited to 1000 bytes"
msgstr "menu + pozycja są łącznie ograniczone do 1000 bajtów"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1371
# G_("base menu does not exist")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1396 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1479
msgid "menu does not exist"
msgstr "menu nie istnieje"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1414 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1437 src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1442
msgid "failed to allocate char storage"
msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla znaku"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1450
msgid "failed to allocate menuitem"
msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla pozycji menu"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 900
# G_("\"%s\" not found")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 906
# G_("\"%s\" not found")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1502
msgid "menu not found"
msgstr "menu nie zostało znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1371
# G_("base menu does not exist")
#: src/gnuwin32/rui.c:1520
msgid "menu or item does not exist"
msgstr "menu lub pozycja nie istnieje"

# src/gnuwin32/system.c: 442
# G_("Save workspace image?")
#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:447
msgid "Save workspace image?"
msgstr "Zapisać obraz obszaru roboczego?"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 69
# G_("Insufficient memory: cell not copied to the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 73
# G_("Insufficient memory: cell not copied to the clipboard")
#: src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:69 src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:73
msgid "Insufficient memory: cell not copied to the clipboard"
msgstr "Brak wystarczającej pamięci: komórka nie została skopiowana do schowka"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 147
# G_("Question")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 164
# G_("Question")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 181
# G_("Question")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:148 src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:165
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:182
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Pytanie"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 202
# G_(" Change working directory to:")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:203
msgid " Change working directory to:"
msgstr "Zmień katalog roboczy na:"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 205
# G_("Unable to set '%s' as working directory")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:206
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to set '%s' as working directory"
msgstr "Nie można ustawić '%s' jako katalogu roboczego"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 602
# G_("Cancel")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 620
# G_("Cancel")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 626
# G_("Cancel")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 725
# G_("Cancel")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 739
# G_("Cancel")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 745
# G_("Cancel")
# src/library/tcltk/R/utils.R: 50
# gettext("Cancel")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/widgets.c: 125
# G_("Cancel")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:604 src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:622
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:628 src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:727
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:741 src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:747
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/widgets.c:125
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 622
# G_("OK")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 741
# G_("OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 270
# message(" OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 281
# message(" OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 319
# message(" OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 407
# message(" OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 531
# message(" OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 551
# message("OK")
# src/library/tools/R/testing.R: 562
# message("OK")
# src/library/tcltk/R/utils.R: 49
# gettext("OK")
# src/library/parallel/tests/Master.R: 21
# message(" OK")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/widgets.c: 124
# G_("OK")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:624 src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:743
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/widgets.c:124
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 733
# G_("User")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:735
msgid "User"
msgstr "Użytkownik"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 734
# G_("Password")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 736
# (_("Password"), rect(10, h*4, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft)
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:736
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Hasło"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 900
# G_("\"%s\" not found")
# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 906
# G_("\"%s\" not found")
#: src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:902 src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:908
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "\"%s\" nie znaleziono"

# src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c: 56
# G_("Arrange Icons")
#: src/extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:56
msgid "Arrange Icons"
msgstr "Organizuj ikony"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:223
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1851
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1854
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1885
msgid "invalid argument"
msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:270
msgid "invalid type for value"
msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 281
# G_("Data Editor")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:281
msgid "Data Editor"
msgstr "Edytor danych"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 439
# error("dataentry: internal memory problem")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 331
# error(G_("dataentry: internal memory problem"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:331
msgid "dataentry: internal memory problem"
msgstr "dataentry: wewnętrzny problem pamięci"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 915
# error("dataentry: internal memory error")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 634
# error(G_("dataentry: internal memory error"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1221
# error(G_("dataentry: internal memory error"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:634
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1222
msgid "dataentry: internal memory error"
msgstr "dataentry: wewnętrzny błąd pamięci"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:757
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:770
msgid "internal type error in dataentry"
msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1145
# warning("dataentry: parse error on string")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 852
# warning(G_("dataentry: parse error on string"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:853
msgid "dataentry: parse error on string"
msgstr "dataentry: błąd składni dla łańcucha"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1345
# warning("dataentry: expression too long")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1755
# warning("dataentry: expression too long")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 995
# warning(G_("dataentry: expression too long"))
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:996
msgid "dataentry: expression too long"
msgstr "dataentry: wyrażenie zbyt długie"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1472
# G_("column names cannot be blank")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1473
msgid "column names cannot be blank"
msgstr "nazwy kolumn nie mogą być puste"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1518
# G_("Variable editor")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1519
msgid "Variable editor"
msgstr "Edytor zmiennych"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1249
# G_("Variable name")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1524
msgid "variable name"
msgstr "Nazwa zmiennej"

# src/modules/X11/devX11.c: 3235
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/modules/X11/devX11.c: 3262
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/library/grDevices/src/cairo/cairoBM.c: 475
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1525
# G_("type")
# src/main/dotcode.c: 485
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/main/attrib.c: 196
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/main/character.c: 139
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/main/character.c: 142
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/main/character.c: 203
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/main/connections.c: 4551
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
# src/main/connections.c: 4581
# error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1526
msgid "type"
msgstr "typ"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1639
# G_("Cell width(s)")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1640
msgid "Cell width(s)"
msgstr "Szerokość(i) komórki"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1645
# G_("Cell width")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1646
msgid "Cell width"
msgstr "Szerokość"

# src/library/base/man/gettext.Rd: 87
# ngettext(length(miss), "variable", "variables")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1648
# G_("variable")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1649
msgid "variable"
msgstr "zmienna"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1691
# GN_("Navigation.\n  Keyboard: cursor keys move selection\n\tTab move right, Shift+Tab moves left\n\tPgDn or Ctrl+F: move down one screenful\n\tPgUp or Ctrl+B: move up one screenful\n\tHome: move to (1,1) cell\n\tEnd: show last rows of last column.\n   Mouse: left-click in a cell, use the scrollbar(s).\n\nEditing.\n  Type in the currently hightlighted cell\n  Double-click in a cell for an editable field\n\nMisc.\n  Ctrl-L redraws the screen, auto-resizing the columns\n  Ctrl-C copies selected cell\n  Ctrl-V pastes to selected cell\n  Right-click menu for copy, paste, autosize currently selected column\n\n")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1692
msgid ""
"  Keyboard: cursor keys move selection\n"
"\tTab move right, Shift+Tab moves left\n"
"\tPgDn or Ctrl+F: move down one screenful\n"
"\tPgUp or Ctrl+B: move up one screenful\n"
"\tHome: move to (1,1) cell\n"
"\tEnd: show last rows of last column.\n"
"   Mouse: left-click in a cell, use the scrollbar(s).\n"
"  Type in the currently hightlighted cell\n"
"  Double-click in a cell for an editable field\n"
"  Ctrl-L redraws the screen, auto-resizing the columns\n"
"  Ctrl-C copies selected cell\n"
"  Ctrl-V pastes to selected cell\n"
"  Right-click menu for copy, paste, autosize currently selected column\n"
msgstr ""
"  Klawiatura: sposób poruszania się z użyciem klawiszy\n"
"\tTab przesuń w prawo, Shift+Tab przesuń w lewo\n"
"\tPgDn lub Ctrl+F: przesuń w dół o jeden ekran\n"
"\tPgUp lub Ctrl+B: przesuń w górę o jeden ekran\n"
"\tHome: przesuwań do komórki (1,1) cell\n"
"\tEnd: pokaż ostatnie wiersze ostatniej kolumny.\n"
"   Myszka: kliknij lewym przyciskiem myszy na komórkę, używaj paska "
"  Wprowadzaj wartości w aktualnie zaznaczonej komórce\n"
"  Kliknij dwukrotnie na komórkę, aby rozpocząć edycję\n"
"  Ctrl-L przerysowuje ekran, automatycznie ustawianie rozmiaru kolumn\n"
"  Ctrl-C kopiuje zaznaczoną komórkę\n"
"  Ctrl-V wkleja do zaznaczonej komórki\n"
"  Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy aby skopiować, wkleić automatycznie "
"stawić aktualnie zaznaczoną kolumnę\n"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1699
# GN_("Copy selected cell")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1700
msgid "Copy selected cell"
msgstr "Kopiuj zaznaczoną komórkę"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1700
# GN_("Paste to selected cell")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1701
msgid "Paste to selected cell"
msgstr "Wklej do zaznaczonej komórki"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1701
# GN_("Autosize column")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1702
msgid "Autosize column"
msgstr "Automatycznie dopasuj kolumnę"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1797
# G_("Copy  \tCTRL+C")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1798
msgid "Copy  \tCTRL+C"
msgstr "Kopiuj  \tCTRL+C"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1799
# G_("Paste \tCTRL+V")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1800
msgid "Paste \tCTRL+V"
msgstr "Wklej \tCTRL+V"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1801
# G_("Delete\tDEL")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1802
msgid "Delete\tDEL"
msgstr "Usuń\tDEL"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1804
# G_("Cell widths ...")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1805
msgid "Cell widths ..."
msgstr "Szerokości komórki..."

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1808
# G_("Data editor")
#: src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c:1809
msgid "Data editor"
msgstr "Edytor danych"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 932
# G_("Portable network graphics file")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:949
msgid "Portable network graphics file"
msgstr "Plik PNG"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 935
# G_("Windows bitmap file")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:952
msgid "Windows bitmap file"
msgstr "Plik bitmapy windowsa"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 938
# G_("TIFF file")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:955
msgid "TIFF file"
msgstr "Plik TIFF"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 941
# G_("Jpeg file")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:958
msgid "Jpeg file"
msgstr "Plik jpeg"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 963
# G_("Postscript file")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:980
msgid "Postscript file"
msgstr "Plik Postscript"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 975
# G_("PDF file")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:992
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr "Plik PDF"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 987
# G_("Enhanced metafiles")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1004
msgid "Enhanced metafiles"
msgstr "Rozszerzone metapliki"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 990
# G_("file path selected is too long: only 512 bytes are allowed")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 3435
# G_("file path selected is too long: only 512 bytes are allowed")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1007
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3455
msgid "file path selected is too long: only 512 bytes are allowed"
msgstr ""
"wybrana ścieżka do pliku jest zbyt długa: tylko 512 bajtów jest dozwolone"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1201
# G_("No plot to replace!")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1218
msgid "No plot to replace!"
msgstr "Brak wykresu do zastąpienia!"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1249
# G_("Variable name")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1268
msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Nazwa zmiennej"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1256
# G_("Variable doesn't exist or doesn't contain any plots!")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1277
msgid "Variable doesn't contain any plots!"
msgstr "Zmienna nie zawiera żadnych wykresów!"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1272
# G_("Name of variable to save to")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1292
msgid "Name of variable to save to"
msgstr "Nazwa zmiennej do której zapisać"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1581
# G_("Copy to the clipboard as a metafile")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1601
msgid "Copy to the clipboard as a metafile"
msgstr "Kopiuj do schowka jako metaplik"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1599
# G_("Stop locator")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1610
# G_("Stop locator")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1619
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1630
msgid "Stop locator"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj lokalizator"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1609
# G_("Stop")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1613
# G_("Stop")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1629
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1633
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stop"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1615
# G_("Continue")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1635
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Kontynuuj"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1619
# G_("Next")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1639
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Następny"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1620
# G_("Next plot")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1640
msgid "Next plot"
msgstr "Następny wykres"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1626
# G_("Save as")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1646
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Zapisz jako"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1635
# G_("%s quality...")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1637
# G_("%s quality...")
# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1639
# G_("%s quality...")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1655
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1657
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1659
#, c-format
msgid "%s quality..."
msgstr "%s jakości..."

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1641
# G_("Copy to the clipboard")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1661
msgid "Copy to the clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiuj do schowka"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1642
# G_("as a Bitmap\tCTRL+C")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1662
msgid "as a Bitmap\tCTRL+C"
msgstr "jako Bitmapę\tCTRL+C"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1643
# G_("as a Metafile\tCTRL+W")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1663
msgid "as a Metafile\tCTRL+W"
msgstr "jako Metaplik\tCTRL+W"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1648
# G_("close Device")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1668
msgid "close Device"
msgstr "Zamknij okno"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1649
# G_("History")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1669
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historia"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1650
# G_("Recording")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1670
msgid "Recording"
msgstr "Nagrywanie"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1653
# G_("Add\tINS")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1673
msgid "Add\tINS"
msgstr "Kopiuj\tINS"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1654
# G_("Replace")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1674
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Zamień"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1656
# G_("Previous\tPgUp")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1676
msgid "Previous\tPgUp"
msgstr "Poprzedni\tPgUp"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1657
# G_("Next\tPgDown")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1677
msgid "Next\tPgDown"
msgstr "Następny\tPgDown"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1659
# G_("Save to variable...")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1679
msgid "Save to variable..."
msgstr "Zapisz do zmiennej..."

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1660
# G_("Get from variable...")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1680
msgid "Get from variable..."
msgstr "Pobierz ze zmiennej..."

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1662
# G_("Clear history")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1682
msgid "Clear history"
msgstr "Wyczyść historię"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1663
# G_("Resize")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1683
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Zmień rozmiar"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1664
# G_("R mode")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1684
msgid "R mode"
msgstr "Tryb R"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1666
# G_("Fit to window")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1686
msgid "Fit to window"
msgstr "Dopasuj do okna"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1668
# G_("Fixed size")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1688
msgid "Fixed size"
msgstr "Ustalony rozmiar"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1675
# G_("Copy as metafile")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1695
msgid "Copy as metafile"
msgstr "Kopiuj jako metaplik"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1677
# G_("Copy as bitmap")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1697
msgid "Copy as bitmap"
msgstr "Kopiuj jako bitmapę"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1680
# G_("Save as metafile...")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1700
msgid "Save as metafile..."
msgstr "Zapisz jako metaplik..."

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1682
# G_("Save as postscript...")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1702
msgid "Save as postscript..."
msgstr "Zapisz jako postscript..."

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 3135
# G_("Locator is active")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3147
msgid "Locator is active"
msgstr "Lokalizator jest aktywny"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 3758
# G_("Waiting to confirm page change...")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3779
msgid "Waiting to confirm page change..."
msgstr "Oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie zmiany strony..."

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 3770
# G_("Click or hit ENTER for next page")
#: src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3791
msgid "Click or hit ENTER for next page"
msgstr "Kliknij lub naciśnij ENTER aby przejść do następnej strony"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c: 1646
# G_("Print...\tCTRL+P")
#~ msgid "Print...\tCTRL+P"
#~ msgstr "Drukuj...\tCTRL+P"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#~ msgid "invalid device"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to save metafile to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 846
# G_("Unable to create editor window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to create metafile"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna edytora"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to choose printer"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna strony"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 96
# G_("Insufficient memory to display file in internal pager")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insufficient memory for new printer"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Brak wystarczającej pamięci aby wyświetlić plik w wewnętrznej stronie"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to start the print job"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna strony"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid regexp"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error in trio library"
#~ msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid range"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 202
# G_(" Change working directory to:")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "cannot get working directory"
#~ msgstr "Zmień katalog roboczy na:"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "file '%s' was not found"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "problem in displaying file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "file '%ls' was not found"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid '%s' argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid '%s' value"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "incorrect argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid graphical device number"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "bad device"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1914
# G_("Insufficient memory. Please close the console")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insufficient memory (rpipeOpen)"
#~ msgstr "Brak wystarczającej pamięci. Proszę zamknąć konsolę"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "cannot open file '%s': %s"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1308
# G_("menu %s does not exist")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " file '%s' does not exist\n"
#~ msgstr "menu %s nie istnieje"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open TIFF file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open '%s'"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to open %ls"
#~ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid call %s"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid length"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid unary operator"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid second argument of length 0"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid argument 'base' of length 0"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid '%s' value (< 0)"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1345
# warning("dataentry: expression too long")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1755
# warning("dataentry: expression too long")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 995
# warning(G_("dataentry: expression too long"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "data is too long"
#~ msgstr "dataentry: wyrażenie zbyt długie"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "'%s' argument cannot be of length 0"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid first argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid second argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid type '%s' for slot name"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid type or length for slot name"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1411
# G_("menu does not exist")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1494
# G_("menu does not exist")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dialogs.c: 319
#  _("menu does not exist")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "argument is not a list"
#~ msgstr "menu nie istnieje"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid value"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid substring arguments"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid environment"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid body for function"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid length 0 argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid argument list"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid environment specified"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1170
# G_("Filename completion")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unimplemented complex operation"
#~ msgstr "Uzupełnianie nazw plików"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1517
# G_("menu not found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "connection was not found"
#~ msgstr "nie znaleziono menu"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid connection"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "cannot open file '%ls': %s"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "connection is not open for reading"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to write to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 841
# G_("Maximum number of editors reached")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "maximum number of pushback lines exceeded"
#~ msgstr "Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę edytorów"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not allocate space for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error %d in '%s' function"
#~ msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error in '%s'"
#~ msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "object '%s' was not found"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid graphics state"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid argument count in 'call_R()'"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " not overwriting file '%s"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "zip file '%s' cannot be opened"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid zip name argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1411
# G_("menu does not exist")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1494
# G_("menu does not exist")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dialogs.c: 319
#  _("menu does not exist")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "'exdir' does not exist"
#~ msgstr "menu nie istnieje"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error in 'unz' code"
#~ msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "cannot open zip file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid body argument for 'function'"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid argument to edit()"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open file"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 846
# G_("Unable to create editor window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to run editor '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna edytora"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1465
# G_("failed to allocate menuitem")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to allocate memory (in 'GEregister')"
#~ msgstr "nie można przydzielić pozycji menu"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid line end"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid line join"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid line type: zeroes are not allowed"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid line type"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not find function '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid name in position %d"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "'%s' is not a function"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1266
# G_("'mname' is limited to 1000 bytes")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "R character strings are limited to 2^31-1 bytes"
#~ msgstr "'mname' jest ograniczone do 1000 bajtów"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 89
# G_("Error opening file")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error in function:"
#~ msgstr "Błąd podczas otwierania pliku"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid number of arguments"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid argument type"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "incompatible arguments"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 135
# G_("Could not read from file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rprof: cannot open profile file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było odczytać z pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to create profiling thread"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna strony"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid '%s' argument of type '%s'"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid body"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid symbol"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1523
# G_("variable name")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "bad file name"
#~ msgstr "nazwa zmiennej"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 915
# error("dataentry: internal memory error")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 634
# error(G_("dataentry: internal memory error"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1221
# error(G_("dataentry: internal memory error"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error"
#~ msgstr "dataentry: wewnętrzny błąd pamięci"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid prompt"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal parser error at line %d"
#~ msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid 'socket' argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid 'port' argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1472
# G_("column names cannot be blank")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "LAPACK routines cannot be loaded"
#~ msgstr "nazwy kolumn nie mogą być puste"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "failed to set alternate signal stack"
#~ msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla znaku"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open the base package\n"
#~ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 846
# G_("Unable to create editor window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to restore saved data in %s\n"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna edytora"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid 'status' argument, 0 assumed"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unused argument %s"
#~ msgid_plural "unused arguments %s"
#~ msgstr[0] "błędny argument"
#~ msgstr[1] "błędny argument"
#~ msgstr[2] "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid length for pairlist"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1266
# G_("'mname' is limited to 1000 bytes")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "variable names are limited to %d bytes"
#~ msgstr "'mname' jest ograniczone do 1000 bajtów"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid .Internal() argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid value for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid separator"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid filename argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1170
# G_("Filename completion")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "file name is too long"
#~ msgstr "Uzupełnianie nazw plików"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid accent"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid group delimiter"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid row labels"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid 'tryS4' internal argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid arguments"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "file '%s' cannot be opened for reading"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid multibyte format string"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "connection not open for reading"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid decimal separator"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid quote symbol set"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "NA/NaN argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 245
# G_("No text available")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 254
# G_("No text available")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "no restore method available"
#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnego tekstu"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 135
# G_("Could not read from file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not determine file position"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było odczytać z pliku '%s'"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1523
# G_("variable name")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "bad variable names"
#~ msgstr "nazwa zmiennej"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid type of argument[%d]: '%s'"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1032
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/modules/X11/dataentry.c: 1045
# error("internal type error in dataentry")
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 757
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 770
# error(G_("internal type error in dataentry"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error: index %d from length %d"
#~ msgstr "wewnętrzny błąd typu przy wprowadzaniu danych"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid subscript for pairlist"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid 'type' (%s) of argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "non-numeric argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "no arguments"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid input type"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid filename pattern"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 270
# error(G_("invalid type for value"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "wrong type for argument"
#~ msgstr "błędny typ dla wartości"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1535
# G_("menu or item does not exist")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "... used in a situation where it does not exist"
#~ msgstr "menu lub pozycja nie istnieją"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1386
# G_("failed to allocate menu")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "failed to set ICU locale"
#~ msgstr "nie można przydzielić menu"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "failed to open ICU collator"
#~ msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla znaku"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid input"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "width cannot be zero"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "can only open URLs for reading"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "failed to connect to server"
#~ msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla znaku"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1429
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1452
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 1457
# G_("failed to allocate char storage")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "failed to create a data connection"
#~ msgstr "nie można przydzielić pamięci dla znaku"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 846
# G_("Unable to create editor window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to create socket"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna edytora"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "port %d cannot be opened"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open display"
#~ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 846
# G_("Unable to create editor window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to create fontset %s"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna edytora"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 119
# G_("unable to open file %s for reading")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open window for data editor"
#~ msgstr "nie można otworzyć pliku %s do czytania"

# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 53
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/extra/graphapp/clipboard.c: 79
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
# src/gnuwin32/console.c: 1296
# G_("Unable to open the clipboard")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to open X Input Method"
#~ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć schowka"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not open PNG file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not open JPEG file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not open BMP file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unable to create pixmap"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna strony"

# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 574
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 576
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 599
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 601
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/gnuwin32/extra.c: 636
# error(_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 282
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1891
# error(G_("invalid device"))
# src/main/gevents.c: 60
#  _("invalid device")
# src/main/gevents.c: 97
#  _("invalid device")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " (inactive device)"
#~ msgstr "niepoprawne urządzenie"

# src/gnuwin32/pager.c: 519
# G_("Unable to create pager window")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to create XImage"
#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć okna strony"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid 'width' or 'height' arguments"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "cannot open file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/extra/graphapp/dialogs.c: 202
# G_(" Change working directory to:")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "cannot get working directory!"
#~ msgstr "Zmień katalog roboczy na:"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 310
# G_("'%s' cannot be found")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "symbol '%s' was not found"
#~ msgstr "'%s nie może zostać znalezione"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "problem in saving the history file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/gnuwin32/editor.c: 166
# G_("Could not save file '%s'")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Cannot open file '%s': %s\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr "Nie można było zapisać pliku '%s'"

# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1523
# G_("variable name")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enter file name: "
#~ msgstr "nazwa zmiennej"

# src/library/grDevices/src/devices.c: 52
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 187
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c: 714
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 223
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1850
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1853
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c: 1884
# error(G_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 889
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/builtin.c: 899
# error(_("invalid argument"))
# src/main/options.c: 629
# error(_("invalid argument"))
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid timestamp"
#~ msgstr "błędny argument"

# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 245
# G_("No text available")
# src/gnuwin32/rui.c: 254
# G_("No text available")
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "X11 is not available"
#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnego tekstu"