R-related Conferences

The R project actively supports two conference series, organized regularly by members from the R community: useR! - providing a forum to the R user community - and DSC - a platform for developers of statistical software. A rough outline of the format for the respective conferences is given below; both conference formats were developed by the Austrian Association for Statistical Computing (AASC) in cooperation with the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R-related conferences are coordinated by the "R Foundation Conference Committee" (RFCC) currently consisting of Torsten Hothorn (Universität Zürich) and Achim Zeileis (Universität Innsbruck) plus ex officio secretary and treasurer of the R Foundation. The RFCC can be contacted by email at R-conferences@r-project.org.

useR! - International R User Conference

useR logo This is the main meeting of the R user and developer community, its program consisting of both invited and user-contributed presentations: Usually, no proceedings are published for useR! conferences.

useR! 2004, Vienna, Austria: homepage, local copy
useR! 2006, Vienna, Austria: homepage, local copy
useR! 2007, Ames, IA, USA: homepage, local copy
useR! 2008, Dortmund, Germany: homepage, local copy
useR! 2009, Rennes, France: homepage, local copy
useR! 2010, Gaithersburg, MD, USA: copy of homepage
useR! 2011, Coventry, UK: homepage, local copy
useR! 2012, Nashville, TN, USA: homepage, local copy
useR! 2013, Albacete, Spain: homepage, local copy
useR! 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA: homepage
useR! 2015, Aalborg, Denmark: homepage

DSC - Directions in Statistical Computing

DSC logo DSC is a conference for the developers of statistical software and researchers in statistical computing which is somewhat focused on but not exclusively devoted to R. It aims at providing a platform for exchanging ideas about developments in statistical computing (rather than `only' the usage of statistical software for applications). As the associated papers are often technical and difficult to publish even in computational statistical journals, the DSC publishes post-conference proceedings of the papers that were accepted for publication.

DSC 1999, Vienna, Austria: homepage, local copy
DSC 2001, Vienna, Austria: homepage, local copy, proceedings
DSC 2003, Vienna, Austria: homepage, local copy, proceedings
DSC 2005, Seattle, USA: homepage, local copy
DSC 2007, Auckland, New Zealand: homepage, local copy, proceedings have been published as issue 24/2 of Computational Statistics
DSC 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark: homepage, local copy