o completion after $ works on names(). This is not OK for non-list named objects. On the other hand, we want to be able to $ completion on other objects that have a $method. Not sure what the best approach would be. o make filename completion work better. Do it in R? o what are the .__* things in S4 namespaces? Need to filter these out. > getNamespaceExports("stats4") [1] "AIC" "BIC" ".__C__mle" [4] "coef" "confint" ".__C__profile.mle" [7] ".__C__summary.mle" "logLik" ".__M__AIC:stats" ... > stats4::.__C__mle Slots: Name: call coef fullcoef vcov min details minuslogl Class: language numeric numeric matrix numeric list function Name: method Class: character > .__C__mle Error: object ".__C__mle" not found