
	Added a 'minlength' argument to .win32consoleCompletion(), so that
	completion can be skipped when the token is too short


	Filename completion made on by default for Windows


	Filename completion using Sys.glob added (off by default)


	Subversion hosting moved to
	https://svn.r-project.org/R-packages/trunk/rcompgen.  rcompgen is
	made a recommended package, with the intent of using it as a
	backend in official R front-ends to provide completion.

	Added some support code to help with completion in Rgui (Windows).
	This can be useful in other front-ends as well, especially those
	with no inherent infrastructure for completion.  Basically, these
	changes provide a way to perform all steps required for
	completion, determination of tokens, given only the current
	incomplete buffer and the cursor position.


	Added support for user defined argument list for specific
	functions (e.g. par, options) where the formal argument list is
	not useful enough.


	Added ? as a non-breaker for .guessTokenFromLine()


	Disabled function checking by default, since that leads to loading
	of lazy loaded symbols all over the place.  Added a new unexported
	function .guessTokenFromLine() for backends that don't
	automatically do token determination.  Also added a
	proof-of-concept implementation of rcompgen-based completion for
	ESS in inst/examples/altesscomp.el

	added support for special completions inside library(), require()
	and data(); help completions after "?"; bumped version to 0.1-2


	split rcompletion 0.0-12 into rcompletion_0.1-1 (readline binding)
	and rcompgen_0.1-1 (code to generate completions, possibly useful
	in contexts other than readline).  It is anticipated that further
	development will be restricted to rcompgen.