% File nlme/man/varConstPower.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{varConstPower} \title{Constant Plus Power Variance Function} \usage{ varConstPower(const, power, form, fixed) } \alias{varConstPower} \arguments{ \item{const, power}{optional numeric vectors, or lists of numeric values, with, respectively, the coefficients for the constant and the power terms. Both arguments must have length one, unless a grouping factor is specified in \code{form}. If either argument has length greater than one, it must have names which identify its elements to the levels of the grouping factor defined in \code{form}. If a grouping factor is present in \code{form} and the argument has length one, its value will be assigned to all grouping levels. Only positive values are allowed for \code{const}. Default is \code{numeric(0)}, which results in a vector of zeros of appropriate length being assigned to the coefficients when \code{object} is initialized (corresponding to constant variance equal to one).} \item{form}{an optional one-sided formula of the form \code{~ v}, or \code{~ v | g}, specifying a variance covariate \code{v} and, optionally, a grouping factor \code{g} for the coefficients. The variance covariate must evaluate to a numeric vector and may involve expressions using \code{"."}, representing a fitted model object from which fitted values (\code{fitted(.)}) and residuals (\code{resid(.)}) can be extracted (this allows the variance covariate to be updated during the optimization of an object function). When a grouping factor is present in \code{form}, a different coefficient value is used for each of its levels. Several grouping variables may be simultaneously specified, separated by the \code{*} operator, as in \code{~ v | g1 * g2 * g3}. In this case, the levels of each grouping variable are pasted together and the resulting factor is used to group the observations. Defaults to \code{~ fitted(.)} representing a variance covariate given by the fitted values of a fitted model object and no grouping factor. } \item{fixed}{an optional list with components \code{const} and/or \code{power}, consisting of numeric vectors, or lists of numeric values, specifying the values at which some or all of the coefficients in the variance function should be fixed. If a grouping factor is specified in \code{form}, the components of \code{fixed} must have names identifying which coefficients are to be fixed. Coefficients included in \code{fixed} are not allowed to vary during the optimization of an objective function. Defaults to \code{NULL}, corresponding to no fixed coefficients.} } \description{ This function is a constructor for the \code{varConstPower} class, representing a constant plus power variance function structure. Letting \eqn{v} denote the variance covariate and \eqn{\sigma^2(v)}{s2(v)} denote the variance function evaluated at \eqn{v}, the constant plus power variance function is defined as \eqn{\sigma^2(v) = (\theta_1 + |v|^\theta_2)^2}{s2(v) = (t1 + |v|^t2)^2}, where \eqn{\theta_1,\theta_2}{t1, t2} are the variance function coefficients. When a grouping factor is present, different \eqn{\theta_1,\theta_2}{t1, t2} are used for each factor level. } \value{ a \code{varConstPower} object representing a constant plus power variance function structure, also inheriting from class \code{varFunc}. } \references{ Pinheiro, J.C., and Bates, D.M. (2000) "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS", Springer. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{varClasses}}, \code{\link{varWeights.varFunc}}, \code{\link{coef.varConstPower}}} \examples{ vf1 <- varConstPower(1.2, 0.2, form = ~age|Sex) } \keyword{models}