% File nlme/man/summary.lmList.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{summary.lmList} \title{Summarize an lmList Object} \usage{ \method{summary}{lmList}(object, pool, \dots) } \alias{summary.lmList} \arguments{ \item{object}{an object inheriting from class \code{"\link{lmList}"}, representing a list of \code{lm} fitted objects. } \item{pool}{an optional logical value indicating whether a pooled estimate of the residual standard error should be used. Default is \code{attr(object, "pool")}. } \item{\dots}{some methods for this generic require additional arguments. None are used in this method.} } \description{ The \code{summary.lm} method is applied to each \code{lm} component of \code{object} to produce summary information on the individual fits, which is organized into a list of summary statistics. The returned object is suitable for printing with the \code{print.summary.lmList} method. } \value{ a list with summary statistics obtained by applying \code{summary.lm} to the elements of \code{object}, inheriting from class \code{summary.lmList}. The components of \code{value} are: \item{call}{a list containing an image of the \code{lmList} call that produced \code{object}. } \item{coefficients}{a three dimensional array with summary information on the \code{lm} coefficients. The first dimension corresponds to the names of the \code{object} components, the second dimension is given by \code{"Value"}, \code{"Std. Error"}, \code{"t value"}, and \code{"Pr(>|t|)"}, corresponding, respectively, to the coefficient estimates and their associated standard errors, t-values, and p-values. The third dimension is given by the coefficients names. } \item{correlation}{a three dimensional array with the correlations between the individual \code{lm} coefficient estimates. The first dimension corresponds to the names of the \code{object} components. The third dimension is given by the coefficients names. For each coefficient, the rows of the associated array give the correlations between that coefficient and the remaining coefficients, by \code{lm} component. } \item{cov.unscaled}{a three dimensional array with the unscaled variances/covariances for the individual \code{lm} coefficient estimates (giving the estimated variance/covariance for the coefficients, when multiplied by the estimated residual errors). The first dimension corresponds to the names of the \code{object} components. The third dimension is given by the coefficients names. For each coefficient, the rows of the associated array give the unscaled covariances between that coefficient and the remaining coefficients, by \code{lm} component. } \item{df}{an array with the number of degrees of freedom for the model and for residuals, for each \code{lm} component. } \item{df.residual}{the total number of degrees of freedom for residuals, corresponding to the sum of residuals df of all \code{lm} components. } \item{fstatistics}{an array with the F test statistics and corresponding degrees of freedom, for each \code{lm} component. } \item{pool}{the value of the \code{pool} argument to the function. } \item{r.squared}{a vector with the multiple R-squared statistics for each \code{lm} component. } \item{residuals}{a list with components given by the residuals from individual \code{lm} fits. } \item{RSE}{the pooled estimate of the residual standard error.} \item{sigma}{a vector with the residual standard error estimates for the individual \code{lm} fits. } \item{terms}{the terms object used in fitting the individual \code{lm} components. } } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{lmList}}, \code{\link{summary}} } \examples{ fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont) summary(fm1) } \keyword{models}