% File nlme/man/summary.corStruct.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{summary.corStruct} \title{Summarize a corStruct Object} \usage{ \method{summary}{corStruct}(object, structName, \dots) } \alias{summary.corStruct} \alias{summary.corAR1} \alias{summary.corARMA} \alias{summary.corCAR1} \alias{summary.corCompSymm} \alias{summary.corExp} \alias{summary.corGaus} \alias{summary.corLin} \alias{summary.corNatural} \alias{summary.corRatio} \alias{summary.corSpher} \alias{summary.corSymm} \arguments{ \item{object}{an object inheriting from class \code{"\link{corStruct}"}, representing a correlation structure.} \item{structName}{an optional character string defining the type of correlation structure associated with \code{object}, to be used in the \code{print.summary} method. Defaults to \code{class(object)[1]}.} \item{\dots}{some methods for this generic require additional arguments. None are used in this method.} } \description{ This method function prepares \code{object} to be printed using the \code{print.summary} method, by changing its class and adding a \code{structName} attribute to it. } \value{ an object identical to \code{object}, but with its class changed to \code{summary.corStruct} and an additional attribute \code{structName}. The returned value inherits from the same classes as \code{object}. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates } \seealso{ \code{\link{corClasses}}, \code{\link{corNatural}}, \code{\link{Initialize.corStruct}}, \code{\link{summary}} } %\seealso{\code{\link{print.summary.corStruct}}} \examples{ cs1 <- corAR1(0.2) summary(cs1) } \keyword{models}