% File nlme/man/print.summary.pdMat.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{print.summary.pdMat} \title{Print a summary.pdMat Object} \usage{ \method{print}{summary.pdMat}(x, sigma, rdig, Level, resid, \dots) } \alias{print.summary.pdMat} \arguments{ \item{x}{an object inheriting from class \code{"\link{summary.pdMat}"}, generally resulting from applying \code{\link{summary}} to an object inheriting from class \code{"\link{pdMat}"}.} \item{sigma}{an optional numeric value used as a multiplier for the square-root factor of the positive-definite matrix represented by \code{object} (usually the estimated within-group standard deviation from a mixed-effects model). Defaults to 1.} \item{rdig}{an optional integer value with the number of significant digits to be used in printing correlations. Defaults to 3.} \item{Level}{an optional character string with a description of the grouping level associated with \code{object} (generally corresponding to levels of grouping in a mixed-effects model). Defaults to NULL.} \item{resid}{an optional logical value. If \code{TRUE} an extra row with the \code{"residual"} standard deviation given in \code{sigma} will be included in the output. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments passed to \code{print.default}; see the documentation on that method function.} } \description{ The standard deviations and correlations associated with the positive-definite matrix represented by \code{object} (considered as a variance-covariance matrix) are printed, together with the formula and the grouping level associated \code{object}, if any are present. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{summary.pdMat}},\code{\link{pdMat}}} \examples{ pd1 <- pdCompSymm(3 * diag(2) + 1, form = ~age + age^2, data = Orthodont) print(summary(pd1), sigma = 1.2, resid = TRUE) } \keyword{models}