% File nlme/man/plot.ranef.lme.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{plot.ranef.lme} \title{Plot a ranef.lme Object} \description{ Plots (class \code{"Trellis"} from package \CRANpkg{lattice}) of the random effects from linear mixed effects model, i.e., the result of \code{\link{ranef}(\link{lme}(*))} (of class \code{"\link{ranef.lme}"}). } \usage{ \method{plot}{ranef.lme}(x, form = NULL, omitFixed = TRUE, level = Q, grid = TRUE, control, xlab, ylab, strip, \dots) } \alias{plot.ranef.lme} \arguments{ \item{x}{an object inheriting from class \code{"\link{ranef.lme}"}, representing the estimated coefficients or estimated random effects for the \code{lme} object from which it was produced.} \item{form}{an optional formula specifying the desired type of plot. \itemize{ \item If given as a one-sided formula, a \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{dotplot}()} of the estimated random effects (coefficients) grouped according to all combinations of the levels of the factors named in \code{form} is returned. \item If given as a two-sided formula (or by default, \code{NULL}), an \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}()} Trellis display of the random effect (coefficient) versus the named covariates is returned. In \code{NULL} case the row names of the random effects (coefficients) are used (as covariates). } See also \sQuote{Details:}. } \item{omitFixed}{an optional logical value indicating whether columns with values that are constant across groups should be omitted. Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{level}{an optional integer value giving the level of grouping to be used for \code{x}. Only used when \code{x} is a list with different components for each grouping level. Defaults to the highest or innermost level of grouping.} \item{grid}{an optional logical value indicating whether a grid should be added to plot. Only applies to plots associated with two-sided formulas in \code{form}. Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{control}{an optional list with control values for the plot, when \code{form} is given as a two-sided formula. The control values are referenced by name in the \code{control} list and only the ones to be modified from the default need to be specified. Available values include: \code{drawLine}, a logical value indicating whether a \code{loess} smoother should be added to the scatter plots and a line connecting the medians should be added to the boxplots (default is \code{TRUE}); \code{span.loess}, used as the \code{span} argument in the call to \code{panel.loess} (default is \code{2/3}); \code{degree.loess}, used as the \code{degree} argument in the call to \code{panel.loess} (default is \code{1}); \code{cex.axis}, the character expansion factor for the x-axis (default is \code{0.8}); \code{srt.axis}, the rotation factor for the x-axis (default is \code{0}); and \code{mgp.axis}, the margin parameters for the x-axis (default is \code{c(2, 0.5, 0)}).} \item{xlab, ylab}{axis labels, each with a sensible default.} \item{strip}{a \code{\link{function}} or \code{FALSE}, see \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{dotplot}()} from package \CRANpkg{lattice}.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments passed to the Trellis \code{dotplot} function.} } \details{ If \code{form} is missing, or is given as a one-sided formula, a Trellis dot-plot (via \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{dotplot}()} from pkg \CRANpkg{lattice}) of the random effects is generated, with a different panel for each random effect (coefficient). Rows in the dot-plot are determined by the \code{form} argument (if not missing) or by the row names of the random effects (coefficients). Single factors (\code{~g}) or crossed factors (\code{~g1*g2}) are allowed. For a single factor, its levels determine the dot-plot rows (with possibly multiple dots per row); otherwise, if \code{form} specifies a crossing of factors, the dot-plot rows are determined by all combinations of the levels of the individual factors in the formula. If \code{form} is a two-sided formula, the left hand side must be a single random effect (coefficient) and the right hand side is formed by covariates in \code{x} separated by \code{+}. An \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}()} Trellis display is generated, with a different panel for each variable listed in the right hand side of \code{form}. Scatter plots are generated for numeric variables and boxplots are generated for categorical (\code{factor} or \code{ordered}) variables. } \value{ a Trellis plot of the estimated random-effects (coefficients) versus covariates, or groups. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{ranef.lme}}, \code{\link{lme}}, \code{\link{dotplot}}. } \examples{ fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ age | Subject) plot(ranef(fm1)) fm1RE <- ranef(fm1, augFrame = TRUE) plot(fm1RE, form = ~ Sex) plot(fm1RE, form = age ~ Sex) # "connected" boxplots } \keyword{models}