% File nlme/man/pdNatural.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{pdNatural} \title{General Positive-Definite Matrix in Natural Parametrization} \usage{ pdNatural(value, form, nam, data) } \alias{pdNatural} \arguments{ \item{value}{an optional initialization value, which can be any of the following: a \code{pdMat} object, a positive-definite matrix, a one-sided linear formula (with variables separated by \code{+}), a vector of character strings, or a numeric vector. Defaults to \code{numeric(0)}, corresponding to an uninitialized object.} \item{form}{an optional one-sided linear formula specifying the row/column names for the matrix represented by \code{object}. Because factors may be present in \code{form}, the formula needs to be evaluated on a data.frame to resolve the names it defines. This argument is ignored when \code{value} is a one-sided formula. Defaults to \code{NULL}.} \item{nam}{an optional vector of character strings specifying the row/column names for the matrix represented by object. It must have length equal to the dimension of the underlying positive-definite matrix and unreplicated elements. This argument is ignored when \code{value} is a vector of character strings. Defaults to \code{NULL}.} \item{data}{an optional data frame in which to evaluate the variables named in \code{value} and \code{form}. It is used to obtain the levels for \code{factors}, which affect the dimensions and the row/column names of the underlying matrix. If \code{NULL}, no attempt is made to obtain information on \code{factors} appearing in the formulas. Defaults to the parent frame from which the function was called.} } \description{ This function is a constructor for the \code{pdNatural} class, representing a general positive-definite matrix, using a natural parametrization . If the matrix associated with \code{object} is of dimension \eqn{n}, it is represented by \eqn{n(n+1)/2}{n*(n+1)/2} parameters. Letting \eqn{\sigma_{ij}}{S(i,j)} denote the \eqn{ij}-th element of the underlying positive definite matrix and \eqn{\rho_{ij}=\sigma_{i}/\sqrt{\sigma_{ii}\sigma_{jj}},\;i\neq j}{r(i,j) = S(i,j)/sqrt(S(i,i)S(j,j)), i not equal to j} denote the associated "correlations", the "natural" parameters are given by \eqn{\sqrt{\sigma_{ii}}, \;i=1,\ldots,n}{sqrt(Sii), i=1,..,n} and \eqn{\log((1+\rho_{ij})/(1-\rho_{ij})),\; i \neq j}{log((1+r(i,j))/(1-r(i,j))), i not equal to j}. Note that all natural parameters are individually unrestricted, but not jointly unrestricted (meaning that not all unrestricted vectors would give positive-definite matrices). Therefore, this parametrization should NOT be used for optimization. It is mostly used for deriving approximate confidence intervals on parameters following the optimization of an objective function. When \code{value} is \code{numeric(0)}, an uninitialized \code{pdMat} object, a one-sided formula, or a vector of character strings, \code{object} is returned as an uninitialized \code{pdSymm} object (with just some of its attributes and its class defined) and needs to have its coefficients assigned later, generally using the \code{coef} or \code{matrix} replacement functions. If \code{value} is an initialized \code{pdMat} object, \code{object} will be constructed from \code{as.matrix(value)}. Finally, if \code{value} is a numeric vector, it is assumed to represent the natural parameters of the underlying positive-definite matrix. } \value{ a \code{pdNatural} object representing a general positive-definite matrix in natural parametrization, also inheriting from class \code{pdMat}. } \references{ Pinheiro, J.C., and Bates, D.M. (2000) "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS", Springer, esp. p. 162. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{as.matrix.pdMat}}, \code{\link{coef.pdMat}}, \code{\link{pdClasses}}, \code{\link{matrix<-.pdMat}}} \examples{ pdNatural(diag(1:3)) } \keyword{models}