% File nlme/man/pairs.compareFits.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{pairs.compareFits} \title{Pairs Plot of compareFits Object} \usage{ \method{pairs}{compareFits}(x, subset, key, \dots) } \alias{pairs.compareFits} \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{compareFits}.} \item{subset}{an optional logical or integer vector specifying which rows of \code{x} should be used in the plots. If missing, all rows are used.} \item{key}{an optional logical value, or list. If \code{TRUE}, a legend is included at the top of the plot indicating which symbols (colors) correspond to which objects being compared. If \code{FALSE}, no legend is included. If given as a list, \code{key} is passed down as an argument to the \code{trellis} function generating the plots (\code{splom} or \code{xyplot}). Defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments passed down to the \code{trellis} function generating the plots.} } \description{ Scatter plots of the values being compared are generated for each pair of coefficients in \code{x}. Different symbols (colors) are used for each object being compared and values corresponding to the same group are joined by a line, to facilitate comparison of fits. If only two coefficients are present, the \code{trellis} function \code{xyplot} is used; otherwise the \code{trellis} function \code{splom} is used. } \value{ Pairwise scatter plots of the values being compared, with different symbols (colors) used for each object under comparison. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates } \seealso{ \code{\link{compareFits}}, \code{\link{plot.compareFits}}, \code{\link{pairs.lme}}, \code{\link{pairs.lmList}}, \code{\link{xyplot}}, \code{\link{splom}} } \examples{ example(compareFits) # cF12 <- compareFits(coef(lmList(Orthodont)), .. lme(*)) pairs(cF12) } \keyword{models}