% File nlme/man/needUpdate.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{needUpdate} \title{Check if Update is Needed} \usage{ needUpdate(object) } \alias{needUpdate} \alias{needUpdate.default} \alias{needUpdate.varComb} \alias{needUpdate.varIdent} \arguments{ \item{object}{any object} } \description{ This function is generic; method functions can be written to handle specific classes of objects. By default, it tries to extract a \code{needUpdate} attribute of \code{object}. If this is \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE} it returns \code{FALSE}; else it returns \code{TRUE}. Updating of objects usually takes place in iterative algorithms in which auxiliary quantities associated with the object, and not being optimized over, may change. } \value{ a logical value indicating whether \code{object} needs to be updated. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{needUpdate.modelStruct}} } \examples{ vf1 <- varExp() vf1 <- Initialize(vf1, data = Orthodont) needUpdate(vf1) } \keyword{models}