% File nlme/man/glsControl.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{glsControl} \title{Control Values for gls Fit} \usage{ glsControl(maxIter, msMaxIter, tolerance, msTol, msVerbose, singular.ok, returnObject = FALSE, apVar, .relStep, opt = c("nlminb", "optim"), optimMethod, minAbsParApVar, natural, sigma = NULL) } \alias{glsControl} \arguments{ \item{maxIter}{maximum number of iterations for the \code{gls} optimization algorithm. Default is 50.} \item{msMaxIter}{maximum number of iterations for the \code{opt}imization step inside the \code{gls} optimization. Default is 50.} \item{tolerance}{tolerance for the convergence criterion in the \code{gls} algorithm. Default is 1e-6.} \item{msTol}{tolerance for the convergence criterion of the first outer iteration when \code{optim} is used. Default is 1e-7.} \item{msVerbose}{a logical value passed as the \code{trace} control value to the chosen \code{opt}imizer (see documentation on that function). Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{singular.ok}{a logical value indicating whether non-estimable coefficients (resulting from linear dependencies among the columns of the regression matrix) should be allowed. Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{returnObject}{a logical value indicating whether the fitted object should be returned when the maximum number of iterations is reached without convergence of the algorithm. Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{apVar}{a logical value indicating whether the approximate covariance matrix of the variance-covariance parameters should be calculated. Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{.relStep}{relative step for numerical derivatives calculations. Default is \code{.Machine$double.eps^(1/3)}.} \item{opt}{the optimizer to be used, either \code{"\link{nlminb}"} (the current default) or \code{"\link{optim}"} (the previous default).} \item{optimMethod}{character - the optimization method to be used with the \code{\link{optim}} optimizer. The default is \code{"BFGS"}. An alternative is \code{"L-BFGS-B"}.} \item{minAbsParApVar}{numeric value - minimum absolute parameter value in the approximate variance calculation. The default is \code{0.05}.} \item{natural}{logical. Should the natural parameterization be used for the approximate variance calculations? Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{sigma}{optionally a positive number to fix the residual error at. If \code{NULL}, as by default, or \code{0}, sigma is estimated.} } \description{ The values supplied in the function call replace the defaults and a list with all possible arguments is returned. The returned list is used as the \code{control} argument to the \code{gls} function. } \value{ a list with components for each of the possible arguments. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}; the \code{sigma} option: Siem Heisterkamp and Bert van Willigen.} \seealso{\code{\link{gls}}} \examples{ # decrease the maximum number of iterations and request tracing glsControl(msMaxIter = 20, msVerbose = TRUE) } \keyword{models}