% File nlme/man/comparePred.Rd % Part of the nlme package for R % Distributed under GPL 2 or later: see nlme/LICENCE.note \name{comparePred} \title{Compare Predictions} \usage{ comparePred(object1, object2, primary, minimum, maximum, length.out, level, \dots) } \alias{comparePred} \alias{comparePred.gls} \alias{comparePred.lme} \alias{comparePred.lmList} \arguments{ \item{object1,object2}{fitted model objects, from which predictions can be extracted using the \code{predict} method.} \item{primary}{an optional one-sided formula specifying the primary covariate to be used to generate the augmented predictions. By default, if a covariate can be extracted from the data used to generate the objects (using \code{getCovariate}), it will be used as \code{primary}.} \item{minimum}{an optional lower limit for the primary covariate. Defaults to \code{min(primary)}, after \code{primary} is evaluated in the \code{data} used in fitting \code{object1}.} \item{maximum}{an optional upper limit for the primary covariate. Defaults to \code{max(primary)}, after \code{primary} is evaluated in the \code{data} used in fitting \code{object1}.} \item{length.out}{an optional integer with the number of primary covariate values at which to evaluate the predictions. Defaults to 51.} \item{level}{an optional integer specifying the desired prediction level. Levels increase from outermost to innermost grouping, with level 0 representing the population (fixed effects) predictions. Only one level can be specified. Defaults to the innermost level.} \item{\dots}{some methods for the generic may require additional arguments.} } \description{ Predicted values are obtained at the specified values of \code{primary} for each object. If either \code{object1} or \code{object2} have a grouping structure (i.e. \code{getGroups(object)} is not \code{NULL}), predicted values are obtained for each group. When both objects determine groups, the group levels must be the same. If other covariates besides \code{primary} are used in the prediction model, their group-wise averages (numeric covariates) or most frequent values (categorical covariates) are used to obtain the predicted values. The original observations are also included in the returned object. } \value{ a data frame with four columns representing, respectively, the values of the primary covariate, the groups (if \code{object} does not have a grouping structure, all elements will be \code{1}), the predicted or observed values, and the type of value in the third column: the objects' names are used to classify the predicted values and \code{original} is used for the observed values. The returned object inherits from classes \code{comparePred} and \code{augPred}. } \author{José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates \email{bates@stat.wisc.edu}} \note{ This function is generic; method functions can be written to handle specific classes of objects. Classes which already have methods for this function include: \code{gls}, \code{lme}, and \code{lmList}. } \seealso{\code{\link{augPred}}, \code{\link{getGroups}}} \examples{ fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age * Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ age) fm2 <- update(fm1, distance ~ age) comparePred(fm1, fm2, length.out = 2) } \keyword{models}