###            Fit a general linear mixed effects model
### Copyright 2005-2024  The R Core team
### Copyright 1997-2003  Jose C. Pinheiro,
###                      Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.
### A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
### http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

lme <-
  ## fits general linear mixed effects model by maximum likelihood, or
  ## residual maximum likelihood using Newton-Raphson algorithm.
           data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
           correlation = NULL,
           weights = NULL,
           method = c("REML", "ML"),
           na.action = na.fail,
           control = list(),
           contrasts = NULL, keep.data = TRUE)

lme.groupedData <-
           data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
           correlation = NULL,
           weights = NULL,
           method = c("REML", "ML"),
           na.action = na.fail,
           control = list(),
           contrasts = NULL, keep.data = TRUE)
  args <- as.list(match.call())[-1L]
  names(args)[1L] <- "data"
  form <- getResponseFormula(fixed)
  form[[3]] <- getCovariateFormula(fixed)[[2L]]
  do.call(lme, c(list(fixed = form), args))

lme.lmList <-
           data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
           correlation = NULL,
           weights = NULL,
           method = c("REML", "ML"),
           na.action = na.fail,
           control = list(),
           contrasts = NULL, keep.data = TRUE)
  if (length(grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(fixed, asList = TRUE)) > 1) {
    stop("can only fit \"lmList\" objects with single grouping variable")
  this.call <- as.list(match.call())[-1L]
  ## warn "data" is passed to this function
  if (!is.na(match("data", names(this.call)))) {
    warning("'lme.lmList' will redefine 'data'")
  ## add object, data, and groups from the call that created object
  last.call <- as.list(attr(fixed, "call"))[-1L]
  whichLast <- match(c("object", "data", "na.action"), names(last.call))
  whichLast <- whichLast[!is.na(whichLast)]
  last.call <- last.call[whichLast]
  names(last.call)[match(names(last.call), "object")] <- "fixed"
  this.call[names(last.call)] <- last.call
  this.call$fixed <- eval(substitute(L ~ R,
				     list(L = getResponseFormula (fixed)[[2L]],
					  R = getCovariateFormula(fixed)[[2L]])))
  if (missing(random)) {
    random <- eval(as.call(this.call[["fixed"]][-2]))
  random <- reStruct(random, data = NULL)
  mData <- this.call[["data"]]
  if (is.null(mData)) {			# will try to construct
    allV <- all.vars(formula(random))
    if (length(allV) > 0) {
      alist <- lapply(as.list(allV), as.name)
      names(alist) <- allV
      alist <- c(as.list(quote(data.frame)), alist)
      mode(alist) <- "call"
      mData <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
  } else {
    if (mode(mData) == "name" || mode(mData) == "call") {
      mData <- eval(mData)

  reSt <- reStruct(random, data = mData) # getting random effects names
  names(reSt) <- names(grpForm)
  if (length(reSt) > 1) {
    stop("can only fit \"lmList\" objects with single grouping variable")
  rNames <- Names(reSt[[1L]])
  if (all(match(rNames, names(cf <- na.omit(coef(fixed))), 0))) {
    if (isInitialized(reSt)) {
      warning("initial value for \"reStruct\" overwritten in 'lme.lmList'")
    madRes <- mad(resid(fixed), na.rm = TRUE)
    madRan <- unlist(lapply(cf, mad, na.rm = TRUE)[rNames])
    names(madRan) <- rNames
    matrix(reSt) <- diag((madRan/madRes)^2, ncol = length(rNames))
  this.call[["random"]] <- reSt
  val <- do.call(lme.formula, this.call)
  val$origCall <- match.call()

lme.formula <-
           data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
           random = pdSymm( eval( as.call(fixed[-2]) ) ),
           correlation = NULL,
           weights = NULL,
           method = c("REML", "ML"),
           na.action = na.fail,
           control = list(),
           contrasts = NULL,
           keep.data = TRUE)
  Call <- match.call()
  miss.data <- missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data)

  ## control parameters
  controlvals <- lmeControl()
  if (!missing(control)) {
    controlvals[names(control)] <- control
  fixedSigma <- controlvals$sigma > 0
  ## if(fixedSigma && controlvals$apVar) {
  ##   if("apVar" %in% names(control))
  ##     warning("for 'sigma' fixed, 'apVar' is set FALSE, as the cov approxmation is not yet available.")
  ##   controlvals$apVar <- FALSE
  ## }

  ## checking arguments
  if (!inherits(fixed, "formula") || length(fixed) != 3) {
    stop("fixed-effects model must be a formula of the form \"resp ~ pred\"")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  REML <- method == "REML"
  reSt <- reStruct(random, REML = REML, data = NULL)
  groups <- getGroupsFormula(reSt)
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    if (inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
      groups <- getGroupsFormula(data)
      namGrp <- rev(names(getGroupsFormula(data, asList = TRUE)))
      Q <- length(namGrp)
      if (length(reSt) != Q) { # may need to repeat reSt
        if (length(reSt) != 1) {
          stop("incompatible lengths for 'random' and grouping factors")
        randL <- vector("list", Q)
        names(randL) <- rev(namGrp)
        for(i in 1:Q) randL[[i]] <- random
        reSt <- reStruct(as.list(randL), REML = REML, data = NULL)
      } else {
        names(reSt) <- namGrp
    } else {
      ## will assume single group
      groups <- ~ 1
      names(reSt) <- "1"
  ## check if corStruct is present and assign groups to its formula,
  ## if necessary
  if (!is.null(correlation)) {
    add.form <- FALSE
    if(!is.null(corGrpsForm <- getGroupsFormula(correlation, asList = TRUE))) {
      corGrpsForm <- unlist(lapply(corGrpsForm,
				   function(el) deparse(el[[2L]])))
      lmeGrpsForm <- unlist(lapply(splitFormula(groups),
				   function(el) deparse(el[[2L]])))
      corQ <- length(corGrpsForm)
      lmeQ <- length(lmeGrpsForm)
      if (corQ <= lmeQ) {
        if (any(corGrpsForm != lmeGrpsForm[1:corQ])) {
          stop("incompatible formulas for groups in 'random' and 'correlation'")
        if (corQ < lmeQ) {
          warning("cannot use smaller level of grouping for 'correlation' than for 'random'. Replacing the former with the latter.")
          add.form <- TRUE
      } else if (any(lmeGrpsForm != corGrpsForm[1:lmeQ])) {
        stop("incompatible formulas for groups in 'random' and 'correlation'")
    } else {
      add.form <- TRUE
      corQ <- lmeQ <- 1
      ## using the same grouping as in random
      attr(correlation, "formula") <-
        eval(substitute(~ COV | GRP,
                        list(COV = getCovariateFormula(formula(correlation))[[2L]],
                             GRP = groups[[2L]])))
  } else {
    corQ <- lmeQ <- 1
  ## create an lme structure containing the random effects model and plug-ins
  lmeSt <- lmeStruct(reStruct = reSt, corStruct = correlation,
                     varStruct = varFunc(weights))

  ## extract a data frame with enough information to evaluate
  ## fixed, groups, reStruct, corStruct, and varStruct
  mfArgs <- list(formula = asOneFormula(formula(lmeSt), fixed, groups),
                 data = data, na.action = na.action)
  if (!missing(subset)) {
    mfArgs[["subset"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(Call[["subset"]])[[2L]]
  mfArgs$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  dataMix <- do.call(model.frame, mfArgs)
  origOrder <- row.names(dataMix)	# preserve the original order
  for(i in names(contrasts))            # handle contrasts statement
    contrasts(dataMix[[i]]) <- contrasts[[i]]
  ## sort the model.frame by groups and get the matrices and parameters
  ## used in the estimation procedures
  grps <- getGroups(dataMix, groups)
  ## ordering data by groups
  if (inherits(grps, "factor")) {	# single level
    ord <- order(grps)	#"order" treats a single named argument peculiarly
    grps <- data.frame(grps)
    row.names(grps) <- origOrder
    names(grps) <- as.character(deparse((groups[[2L]])))
  } else {
    ord <- do.call(order, grps)
    ## making group levels unique
    for(i in 2:ncol(grps)) {
      grps[, i] <-
        as.factor(paste(as.character(grps[, i-1]),
                        as.character(grps[, i  ]), sep = "/"))
  if (corQ > lmeQ) {
    ## may have to reorder by the correlation groups
    ord <- do.call(order, getGroups(dataMix,
  grps <- grps[ord, , drop = FALSE]
  dataMix <- dataMix[ord, ,drop = FALSE]
  revOrder <- match(origOrder, row.names(dataMix)) # putting in orig. order

  ## obtaining basic model matrices
  N <- nrow(grps)
  Z <- model.matrix(reSt, dataMix)      # stores contrasts in matrix form
  ncols <- attr(Z, "ncols")
  Names(lmeSt$reStruct) <- attr(Z, "nams")
  ## keeping the contrasts for later use in predict
  contr <- attr(Z, "contr")
  X <- model.frame(fixed, dataMix)
  Terms <- attr(X, "terms")
  if (length(attr(Terms, "offset")))
    stop("offset() terms are not supported")
  auxContr <- lapply(X, function(el)
    if (inherits(el, "factor") &&
        length(levels(el)) > 1) contrasts(el))
  contr <- c(contr, auxContr[is.na(match(names(auxContr), names(contr)))])
  contr <- contr[!unlist(lapply(contr, is.null))]
  X <- model.matrix(fixed, data=X)
  y <- eval(fixed[[2L]], dataMix)
  ncols <- c(ncols, dim(X)[2L], 1)
  Q <- ncol(grps)
  ## creating the condensed linear model
  dims <- MEdims(grps, ncols)
  attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <-
    list(Xy = array(c(Z, X, y), c(N, sum(ncols)),
                    list(row.names(dataMix), c(colnames(Z), colnames(X),
         dims = dims, logLik = 0,
         ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma:
         sigma = controlvals$sigma, auxSigma = 0)
  ## checking if enough observations per group to estimate ranef
  if(max(dims$ZXlen[[1L]]) < dims$qvec[1L] && !isTRUE(allow <- controlvals$allow.n.lt.q)) {
    msg <- gettextf("fewer observations than random effects in all level %s groups", Q)
        stop (msg, domain = NA)
    else # typically NA, was hardwired default in nlme <= 3.1-137 [2018]
      warning(msg, domain = NA)
  ## degrees of freedom for testing fixed effects
  fixDF <- getFixDF(X, grps, dims$ngrps, terms = Terms)
  ## initialization
  lmeSt <- Initialize(lmeSt, dataMix, grps, control = controlvals)
  parMap <- attr(lmeSt, "pmap")
  ## Checking possibility of single decomposition
  if (length(lmeSt) == 1)  {	# reStruct only, can do one decomposition
    ## need to save conLin for calculating fitted values and residuals
    oldConLin <- attr(lmeSt, "conLin")
    decomp <- TRUE
    attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <- MEdecomp(attr(lmeSt, "conLin"))
  } else decomp <- FALSE
  ## Setup for optimization iterations
  if(controlvals$opt == "nlminb") {
    control <- list(iter.max = controlvals$msMaxIter,
                    eval.max = controlvals$msMaxEval,
                    trace    = controlvals$msVerbose)
    keep <- c("abs.tol", "rel.tol", "x.tol", "xf.tol", "step.min",
              "step.max", "sing.tol", "scale.init", "diff.g")
  } else { ## "optim"
    control <- list(maxit  = controlvals$msMaxIter,
                    reltol = controlvals$msTol,# if(numIter == 0) controlvals$msTol else reltol
                    trace  = controlvals$msVerbose)
    keep <- c("fnscale", "parscale", "ndeps", "abstol", "alpha", "beta",
              "gamma", "REPORT", "type", "lmm", "factr", "pgtol",
              "temp", "tmax")
  control <- c(control, controlvals[names(controlvals) %in% keep])
  ## getting the linear mixed effects fit object,
  ## possibly iterating for variance functions
  numIter <- 0L
  repeat {
    oldPars <- coef(lmeSt)
    optRes <-
      if (controlvals$opt == "nlminb") {
        nlminb(c(oldPars), function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, lmePars),
               control = control)
      } else { ## "optim"
        if(numIter == 1L) { # (yes, strange, but back-compatible ..) :
          reltol <- controlvals$reltol
          if(is.null(reltol)) reltol <- 100*.Machine$double.eps
          control$reltol <- reltol
        optim(c(oldPars), function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, lmePars),
              control = control, method = controlvals$optimMethod)
    coef(lmeSt) <- optRes$par
    attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit") <- MEestimate(lmeSt, grps)
    ## checking if any updating is needed
    if (!needUpdate(lmeSt)) {
      if (optRes$convergence) {
        msg <- gettextf("%s problem, convergence error code = %s\n  message = %s",
                        controlvals$opt, optRes$convergence,
                        paste(optRes$message, collapse = ""))
          stop(msg, domain = NA)
          warning(msg, domain = NA)

    ## updating the fit information
    numIter <- numIter + 1L
    lmeSt <- update(lmeSt, dataMix)
    ## calculating the convergence criterion
    aConv <- coef(lmeSt)
    conv <- abs((oldPars - aConv)/ifelse(aConv == 0, 1, aConv))
    aConv <- NULL
    for(i in names(lmeSt)) {
      if (any(parMap[,i])) {
        aConv <- c(aConv, max(conv[parMap[,i]]))
        names(aConv)[length(aConv)] <- i
    if (max(aConv) <= controlvals$tolerance) {
    if (numIter > controlvals$maxIter) {
      msg <- gettext("maximum number of iterations (lmeControl(maxIter)) reached without convergence")
      if (controlvals$returnObject) {
        warning(msg, domain = NA)
      } else
        stop(msg, domain = NA)

  } ## end{repeat}

  ## wrapping up
  lmeFit <- attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit")
  names(lmeFit$beta) <- namBeta <- colnames(X)
  attr(fixDF, "varFixFact") <- varFix <- lmeFit$sigma * lmeFit$varFix
  varFix <- crossprod(varFix)
  dimnames(varFix) <- list(namBeta, namBeta)
  ## fitted.values and residuals (in original order)
  Fitted <- fitted(lmeSt, level = 0:Q,
                   conLin = if (decomp) oldConLin else attr(lmeSt, "conLin"))[
    revOrder, , drop = FALSE]
  Resid <- y[revOrder] - Fitted
  rownames(Resid) <- rownames(Fitted) <- origOrder
  attr(Resid, "std") <- lmeFit$sigma/(varWeights(lmeSt)[revOrder])
  ## putting groups back in original order
  grps <- grps[revOrder, , drop = FALSE]
  ## making random effects estimates consistently ordered
  ## for(i in names(lmeSt$reStruct)) {
  ##   lmeFit$b[[i]] <- lmeFit$b[[i]][unique(as.character(grps[, i])),, drop = F]
  ##   NULL
  ## }
  ## inverting back reStruct
  lmeSt$reStruct <- solve(lmeSt$reStruct)
  ## saving part of dims
  dims <- attr(lmeSt, "conLin")$dims[c("N", "Q", "qvec", "ngrps", "ncol")]
  ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
  attr(lmeSt, "fixedSigma") <- fixedSigma
  ## getting the approximate var-cov of the parameters
  apVar <-
    if (controlvals$apVar) {
      lmeApVar(lmeSt, lmeFit$sigma,
               .relStep = controlvals[[".relStep"]],
               minAbsPar = controlvals[["minAbsParApVar"]],
               natural = controlvals[["natural"]])
    } else {
      "Approximate variance-covariance matrix not available"
  ## getting rid of condensed linear model and fit
  attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <- NULL
  attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit") <- NULL
  grpDta <- inherits(data, "groupedData")

  ## creating the  lme object
  structure(class = "lme",
            list(modelStruct = lmeSt,
                 dims = dims,
                 contrasts = contr,
                 coefficients = list(
                   fixed = lmeFit$beta,
                   random = lmeFit$b),
                 varFix = varFix,
                 sigma = lmeFit$sigma,
                 apVar = apVar,
                 logLik = lmeFit$logLik,
                 numIter = if (needUpdate(lmeSt)) numIter, # else NULL
                 groups = grps,
                 call = Call,
                 terms = Terms,
                 method = method,
                 fitted = Fitted,
                 residuals = Resid,
                 fixDF = fixDF,
		 na.action = attr(dataMix, "na.action"),
		 data = if (keep.data && !miss.data) data),
	    ## saving labels and units for plots
	    units = if(grpDta) attr(data, "units"),
	    labels= if(grpDta) attr(data, "labels"))

### Auxiliary functions used internally in lme and its methods

getFixDF <- function(X, grps, ngrps, assign = attr(X, "assign"), terms)
  ## calculates degrees of freedom for fixed effects Wald tests
  if (!is.list(assign)) {               # in R
    namTerms <- attr(terms, "term.labels")
    if (attr(terms, "intercept") > 0) {
      namTerms <- c("(Intercept)", namTerms)
    namTerms <- factor(assign, labels = namTerms)
    assign <- split(order(assign), namTerms)
  ## function to check if a vector is (nearly) a multiple of (1,1,...,1)
  const <- function(x, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
    if (length(x) < 1) return(NA)
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    ## return
    all(abs(if(x[1L] == 0) x else x/x[1L] - 1) < tolerance)
  N <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  Q <- ncol(grps)
  Qp1 <- Q + 1L
  namX <- colnames(X)
  ngrps <- rev(ngrps)[-(1:2)]
  stratNam <- c(names(ngrps), "Residual")
  dfX <- dfTerms <- setNames(c(ngrps, N) - c(0, ngrps), stratNam)
  valX <- setNames(double(p), namX)
  namTerms <- names(assign)
  valTerms <- double(length(assign))
  names(valTerms) <- namTerms
  if (any(notIntX <- !apply(X, 2, const))) {
    ## percentage of groups for which columns of X are inner
    innP <- array(c(rep(1, p),
                       val = double(p * Q))[["val"]]),
		  dim = c(p, Qp1),
		  dimnames = list(namX, stratNam))
    ## strata in which columns of X are estimated
    ## ignoring fractional inner percentages for now
    stratX <- stratNam[apply(innP, 1, function(el, index) max(index[el > 0]),
                             index = 1:Qp1)]
    ## strata in which terms are estimated
    notIntTerms <- unlist(lapply(assign,
                                 function(el, notIntX) {
                                 }, notIntX = notIntX))
    stratTerms <- stratNam[unlist(lapply(assign,
                                         function(el) max(match(stratX[el], stratNam))
    stratX <- stratX[notIntX]
    xDF <- table(stratX)
    dfX[names(xDF)] <- dfX[names(xDF)] - xDF
    if (!all(notIntX)) {                # correcting df for intercept
      dfX[1L] <- dfX[1L] - 1L
    } else {
      dfX[-1L] <- dfX[-1L] + 1L
    valX[notIntX] <- dfX[stratX]
    ## number of parameters in each term
    pTerms <- lengths(assign)[notIntTerms]
    tDF <- tapply(pTerms, stratTerms, sum)
    dfTerms[names(tDF)] <- dfTerms[names(tDF)] - tDF
    if (!all(notIntTerms)) {
      dfTerms[1L] <- dfTerms[1L] - 1L
    } else {
      dfTerms[-1L] <- dfTerms[-1L] + 1L
    valTerms[notIntTerms] <- dfTerms[stratTerms]
  } else {
    notIntTerms <- vapply(assign, function(el) any(notIntX[el]), NA)
  if (!all(notIntX)) {  #intercept included
    valX[!notIntX] <- max(dfX)
    if (!all(notIntTerms))
      valTerms[!notIntTerms] <- max(dfTerms)

  structure(list(X = valX, terms = valTerms),
            assign = assign)

lmeApVar.fullLmeLogLik <- function(Pars, object, conLin, dims, N, settings) {
  ## logLik as a function of sigma and coef(lmeSt)
  fixedSigma <- attr(object, "fixedSigma")
  npar <- length(Pars)
  if (!fixedSigma) {
    sigma <- exp(Pars[npar])           # within-group std. dev.
    Pars <- Pars[-npar]
    lsigma  <- 0
  } else {
    sigma <- lsigma <- conLin$sigma
  coef(object) <- Pars
  if ((lO <- length(object)) > 1) {
    for(i in lO:2)
      conLin <- recalc(object[[i]], conLin)
  val <- .C(mixed_loglik,
            as.double(sigma * unlist(pdFactor(solve(object$reStruct)))),
            logLik = double(1L),
            lRSS = double(1L), sigma=as.double(lsigma))[c("logLik", "lRSS")]
  aux <- (exp(val[["lRSS"]])/sigma)^2
  conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] + (N * log(aux) - aux)/2

lmeApVar <-
  function(lmeSt, sigma, conLin = attr(lmeSt, "conLin"),
           .relStep = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3), minAbsPar = 0,
           natural = TRUE)
  fixedSigma <- attr(lmeSt,"fixedSigma")
  ## calculate approximate variance-covariance matrix of all parameters
  ## except the fixed effects. By default, uses natural parametrization for
  ## for pdSymm matrices
  dims <- conLin$dims
  sett <- attr(lmeSt, "settings")
  N <- dims$N - sett[1L] * dims$ncol[dims$Q + 1L]
  sett[2:3] <- c(1, 0)			# asDelta = TRUE and no grad/Hess
  conLin[["logLik"]] <- 0               # making sure
  sig2 <- sigma * sigma
  reSt <- lmeSt[["reStruct"]]
  for(i in seq_along(reSt)) {
    matrix(reSt[[i]]) <- as.double(sig2) * pdMatrix(reSt[[i]])
    if (inherits(reSt[[i]], "pdSymm") && natural) {
      reSt[[i]] <- pdNatural(reSt[[i]])
    if (inherits(reSt[[i]], "pdBlocked") && natural) {
      for(j in seq_along(reSt[[i]])) {
        if (inherits(reSt[[i]][[j]], "pdSymm")) {
          reSt[[i]][[j]] <- pdNatural(reSt[[i]][[j]])
  lmeSt[["reStruct"]] <- reSt
  cSt <- lmeSt[["corStruct"]]
  if (!is.null(cSt) && inherits(cSt, "corSymm") && natural) {
    cStNatPar <- coef(cSt, unconstrained = FALSE)
    class(cSt) <- c("corNatural", "corStruct")
    coef(cSt) <- log((cStNatPar + 1)/(1 - cStNatPar))
    lmeSt[["corStruct"]] <- cSt
  Pars <- if(fixedSigma) coef(lmeSt) else c(coef(lmeSt), lSigma = log(sigma))
  val <- fdHess(Pars, lmeApVar.fullLmeLogLik, lmeSt, conLin, dims, N, sett,
                .relStep = .relStep, minAbsPar = minAbsPar)[["Hessian"]]
  if (all(eigen(val, only.values=TRUE)$values < 0)) {
    ## negative definite - OK
    val <- solve(-val)
    nP <- names(Pars)
    dimnames(val) <- list(nP, nP)
    attr(val, "Pars") <- Pars
    attr(val, "natural") <- natural
  } else {
    ## problem - solution is not a maximum
    "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"

MEdecomp <-
    ## decompose a condensed linear model.  Returns another condensed
    ## linear model
  dims <- conLin$dims
  if (dims[["StrRows"]] >= dims[["ZXrows"]]) {
    ## no point in doing the decomposition
  dc <- array(.C(mixed_decomp,
              c(dims$StrRows, dims$ZXcols))
  dims$ZXrows <- dims$StrRows
  dims$ZXoff <- dims$DecOff
  dims$ZXlen <- dims$DecLen
  conLin[c("Xy", "dims")] <- list(Xy = dc, dims = dims)

  function(object, conLin, niter = 0)
    ## perform niter iterations of the EM algorithm for conLin
    ## assumes that object is in precision form
  if (niter > 0) {
    dd <- conLin$dims
    pdCl <- attr(object, "settings")[-(1:3)]
    pdCl[pdCl == -1] <- 0
    precvec <- unlist(pdFactor(object))
    zz <- .C(mixed_EM,
             precvec = as.double(precvec),
             as.integer(attr(object, "settings")[1L]),
    Prec <- vector("list", length(object))
    names(Prec) <- names(object)
    for (i in seq_along(object)) {
      len <- dd$qvec[i]^2
      matrix(object[[i]]) <-
        crossprod(matrix(zz[1:len + dd$DmOff[i]], ncol = dd$qvec[i]))

MEestimate <-
  function(object, groups, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"))
  dd <- conLin$dims
  nc <- dd$ncol
  REML <- attr(object$reStruct, "settings")[1L]
  Q <- dd$Q
  rConLin <- recalc(object, conLin)
  zz <- .C(mixed_estimate,
           estimates = double(dd$StrRows * dd$ZXcols),
           ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
           sigma = as.double(conLin$sigma))[["estimates"]]
  estimates <- array(zz, c(dd$StrRows, dd$ZXcols))
  resp <- estimates[ , dd$ZXcols]
  reSt <- object$reStruct
  nam <- names(reSt)
  val <- vector(mode = "list", length = Q)
  start <- dd$StrRows * c(0, cumsum(nc))
  for (i in seq_along(reSt)) {
    val[[i]] <-
      matrix(resp[as.vector(outer(1:(nc[i]), dd$SToff[[i]] - start[i], "+"))],
             ncol = nc[i], byrow = TRUE,
             dimnames = list(unique(as.character(groups[, nam[i]])),
  names(val) <- nam
  p <- nc[[Q + 1L]]
  N <- dd$N - REML * p
  dimE <- dim(estimates)
  ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; ... modified by MM notably for p == 0:
  Np <- N
  auxSigma <- abs(resp[dimE[1]])/sqrt(Np)
  if(conLin$sigma > 0) {
    loglik <- (N * (-log(2 * pi)-2*log(conLin$sigma)))/2 + rConLin$logLik
    sigma <- conLin$sigma
  } else {
    loglik <- (N * (log(N) - (1 + log(2 * pi))))/2 + rConLin$logLik
    sigma <- auxSigma
  list(logLik = loglik,
       b = rev(val),
       beta = if(p) resp[dimE[1] - (p:1)] else double(),
       sigma = sigma,
       auxSigma = auxSigma,
       varFix = if(p)
                  t(solve(estimates[dimE[1] - (p:1), dimE[2] - (p:1), drop = FALSE]))

MEdims <- function(groups, ncols)
  ## define constants used in matrix decompositions and log-lik calculations
  ## first need some local functions
  glengths <-
    ## returns the group lengths from a vector of last rows in the group
    function(lstrow) diff(c(0, lstrow))
  offsets <-
    ## converts total number of columns(N), columns per level(ncols), and
    ## a list of group lengths to offsets in C arrays
    function(N, ncols, lstrow, triangle = FALSE)
    pop <- function(x) x[-length(x)]
    cstart <- c(0, cumsum(N * ncols))
    for (i in seq_along(lstrow)) {
      lstrow[[i]] <- cstart[i] +
        if (triangle) {
          lstrow[[i]] - ncols[i]        # storage offsets style
        } else {
          pop(c(0, lstrow[[i]]))        # decomposition style
  Q <- ncol(groups)                     # number of levels
  N <- nrow(groups)                     # number of observations
  ## 'isLast' indicates if the row is the last row in the group at that level.
  ## this version propagates changes from outer groups to inner groups
  ## isLast <- (array(unlist(lapply(c(rev(as.list(groups)),
  ##                                list(X = rep(0, N), y = rep(0, N))),
  ##                               function(x) c(0 != diff(codes(x)), TRUE))),
  ##                 c(N, Q+2), list(NULL, c(rev(names(groups)), "X", "y")))
  ##            %*% (row(diag(Q+2)) >= col(diag(Q+2)))) != 0
  ## this version does not propagate changes from outer to inner.
  isLast <- array(FALSE, dim(groups) + c(0, 2),
                  list(NULL, c(rev(names(groups)), "X", "y")))
  for(i in 1:Q) {
    isLast[, Q + 1L - i] <- c(0 != diff(as.integer(groups[[i]])), TRUE)
  isLast[N,  ] <- TRUE
  lastRow <- apply(isLast, 2, function(x) seq_along(x)[x])
  if(!is.list(lastRow)) {
    nm <- names(lastRow)
    lastRow <- as.list(lastRow)
    names(lastRow) <- nm

  isLast <- t(isLast)
  strSizes <- cumsum(ncols * isLast) * isLast # required storage sizes
  lastStr <- apply(t(strSizes), 2, function(x) x[x != 0])
  if(!is.list(lastStr)) {
    nm <- names(lastStr)
    lastStr <- as.list(lastStr)
    names(lastStr) <- nm
  strRows <- max(lastStr[[length(lastStr)]])
  lastBlock <- vector("list", Q)
  names(lastBlock) <- rownames(strSizes)[1:Q]
  for(i in 1:Q) lastBlock[[i]] <- c(strSizes[i, -N], strRows)
  maxStr <- do.call(pmax, lastBlock)
  for(i in 1:Q) lastBlock[[i]] <- maxStr[as.logical(lastBlock[[i]])]
  lastBlock <- c(lastBlock, list(X = strRows, y = strRows))
  list(N = N,                   # total number of rows in data
       ZXrows = N,              # no. of rows in array
       ZXcols = sum(ncols),     # no. of columns in array
       Q = Q,                   # no. of levels of random effects
       StrRows = strRows,       # no. of rows required for storage
       qvec = ncols * c(rep(1, Q), 0, 0), # lengths of random effects
       ngrps = lengths(lastRow),# no. of groups at each level and 1s for X, y
       DmOff = c(0, cumsum(ncols^2))[1:(Q+2)],# offsets into DmHalf array by level
       ncol = ncols,            # no. of columns decomposed per level
       nrot = rev(c(0, cumsum(rev(ncols))))[-1L],# no. of columns rotated per level

       ZXoff = offsets(N, ncols, lastRow), # offsets into ZXy
       ZXlen = lapply(lastRow, glengths), # lengths of ZXy groups
                                        # storage array offsets
       SToff = offsets(strRows, ncols, lastStr, triangle = TRUE),
                                        # decomposition offsets
       DecOff = offsets(strRows, ncols, lastBlock),
                                        # decomposition lengths
       DecLen = lapply(lastBlock, glengths)

### Methods for standard generics

ACF.lme <-
  function(object, maxLag,
           resType = c("pearson", "response", "normalized"), ...)
  resType <- match.arg(resType)
  res <- resid(object, type = resType, asList = TRUE)
  if(missing(maxLag)) {
    maxLag <- min(c(maxL <- max(lengths(res)) - 1,
                    as.integer(10 * log10(maxL + 1))))
  val <- lapply(res,
                function(el, maxLag) {
                  N <- maxLag + 1L
                  tt <- double(N)
                  nn <- integer(N)
                  N <- min(c(N, n <- length(el)))
                  nn[1:N] <- n + 1L - 1:N
                  ## el <- el - mean(el)
                  for(i in 1:N) {
                    tt[i] <- sum(el[1:(n-i+1)] * el[i:n])
                  array(c(tt,nn), c(length(tt), 2))
                }, maxLag = maxLag)
  val0 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[,2]))
  val1 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[,1]))/val0
  val2 <- val1/val1[1L]
  z <- data.frame(lag = 0:maxLag, ACF = val2)
  attr(z, "n.used") <- val0
  class(z) <- c("ACF", "data.frame")

anova.lme <-
  function(object, ..., test = TRUE, type = c("sequential", "marginal"),
           adjustSigma = TRUE, Terms, L, verbose = FALSE)

  fixSig <- attr(object$modelStruct, "fixedSigma")
  fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
  ## returns the likelihood ratio statistics, the AIC, and the BIC
  Lmiss <- missing(L)
  if ((rt <- ...length() + 1L) == 1L) {    ## just one object
    if (!inherits(object,"lme")) {
      stop(gettextf("object must inherit from class %s", '"lme"'), domain = NA)
    vFix <- attr(object$fixDF, "varFixFact")
    if (adjustSigma && object$method == "ML")
      ## using REML-like estimate of sigma under ML
      vFix <- sqrt(object$dims$N/(object$dims$N - ncol(vFix))) * vFix
    c0 <- solve(t(vFix), fixef(object))
    assign <- attr(object$fixDF, "assign")
    nTerms <- length(assign)
    if (missing(Terms) && Lmiss) {
      ## returns the F.table (Wald) for the fixed effects
      type <- match.arg(type)
      Fval <- Pval <- double(nTerms)
      nDF <- integer(nTerms)
      dDF <- object$fixDF$terms
      for(i in 1:nTerms) {
        nDF[i] <- length(assign[[i]])
        if (type == "sequential") {       # type I SS
          c0i <- c0[assign[[i]]]
        } else {
          c0i <- c(qr.qty(qr(vFix[, assign[[i]], drop = FALSE]), c0))[1:nDF[i]]
        Fval[i] <- sum(c0i^2)/nDF[i]
        Pval[i] <- 1 - pf(Fval[i], nDF[i], dDF[i])
      ## fixed effects F-values, df, and p-values
      aod <- data.frame(numDF= nDF, denDF= dDF, "F-value"= Fval, "p-value"= Pval,
			check.names = FALSE)
      rownames(aod) <- names(assign)
      attr(aod,"rt") <- rt
    } else {
      nX <- length(unlist(assign))
      if (Lmiss) {                 # terms is given
        if (is.numeric(Terms) && all(Terms == as.integer(Terms))) {
          if (min(Terms) < 1 || max(Terms) > nTerms) {
            stop(gettextf("'Terms' must be between 1 and %d", nTerms),
                 domain = NA)
        } else {
          if (is.character(Terms)) {
            if (any(noMatch <- is.na(match(Terms, names(assign))))) {
                                    "term %s not matched",
                                    "terms %s not matched"),
                           paste(Terms[noMatch], collapse = ", ")),
                   domain = NA)
          } else {
            stop("terms can only be integers or characters")
        dDF <- unique(object$fixDF$terms[Terms])
        if (length(dDF) > 1) {
          stop("terms must all have the same denominator DF")
        lab <-
          paste("F-test for:",paste(names(assign[Terms]),collapse=", "),"\n")
        L <- diag(nX)[unlist(assign[Terms]),,drop=FALSE]
      } else {
        L <- as.matrix(L)
        if (ncol(L) == 1) L <- t(L)     # single linear combination
        nrowL <- nrow(L)
        ncolL <- ncol(L)
        if (ncol(L) > nX) {
                                "'L' must have at most %d column",
                                "'L' must have at most %d columns"),
                       nX), domain = NA)
        dmsL1 <- rownames(L)
        L0 <- array(0, c(nrowL, nX), list(NULL, names(object$fixDF$X)))
        if (is.null(dmsL2 <- colnames(L))) {
          ## assume same order as effects
          L0[, 1:ncolL] <- L
        } else {
          if (any(noMatch <- is.na(match(dmsL2, colnames(L0))))) {
                                  "effect %s not matched",
                                  "effects %s not matched"),
                         paste(dmsL2[noMatch],collapse=", ")),
                 domain = NA)
          L0[, dmsL2] <- L
        L <- L0[noZeroRowL <- as.logical((L0 != 0) %*% rep(1, nX)), , drop = FALSE]
        nrowL <- nrow(L)
        rownames(L) <- if(is.null(dmsL1)) 1:nrowL else dmsL1[noZeroRowL]
        dDF <-
          unique(object$fixDF$X[noZeroColL <-
                                  as.logical(c(rep(1,nrowL) %*% (L != 0)))])
        if (length(dDF) > 1) {
          stop("L may only involve fixed effects with the same denominator DF")
        lab <- "F-test for linear combination(s)\n"
      nDF <- sum(svd.d(L) > 0)
      c0 <- c(qr.qty(qr(vFix %*% t(L)), c0))[1:nDF]
      Fval <- sum(c0^2)/nDF
      Pval <- pf(Fval, nDF, dDF, lower.tail=FALSE)
      aod <- data.frame(numDF = nDF, denDF = dDF, "F-value" = Fval, "p-value" = Pval,
      attr(aod, "rt") <- rt
      attr(aod, "label") <- lab
      if (!Lmiss) {
        attr(aod, "L") <-
          if(nrow(L) > 1) L[, noZeroColL, drop = FALSE] else L[, noZeroColL]

  ## Otherwise construct the likelihood ratio and information table
  ## objects in ... may inherit from gls, gnls, lm, lmList, lme,
  ## nlme, nlsList, and nls
  else {
    ancall <- sys.call() # yuck.. hack
    ancall$verbose <- ancall$test <- ancall$type <- NULL
    object <- list(object, ...)
    valid.cl <- c("gls", "gnls", "lm", "lmList", "lme","nlme","nlsList","nls")
    if (!all(vapply(object, inherits, TRUE, what = valid.cl))) {
      valid.cl <- paste0('"', valid.cl, '"')
      stop(gettextf("objects must inherit from classes %s, or %s",
                    paste(head(valid.cl, -1), collapse=", "), tail(valid.cl, 1)),
    resp <- vapply(object,
                   function(el) deparse(getResponseFormula(el)[[2L]]), "")
    ## checking if responses are the same
    subs <- as.logical(match(resp, resp[1L], FALSE))
    if (!all(subs))
      warning("some fitted objects deleted because response differs from the first model")
    if (sum(subs) == 1)
      stop("first model has a different response from the rest")
    object <- object[subs]
    rt <- length(object)
    termsModel <- lapply(object, function(el) formula(el)[-2])
    estMeth <- vapply(object, function(el)
      if (is.null(val <- el[["method"]])) NA_character_ else val, "")
    ## checking consistency of estimation methods
    if(length(uEst <- unique(estMeth[!is.na(estMeth)])) > 1) {
      stop("all fitted objects must have the same estimation method")
    estMeth[is.na(estMeth)] <- uEst
    ## checking if all models have same fixed effects when estMeth = "REML"
    REML <- uEst == "REML"
    if(REML) {
      aux <- vapply(termsModel,
                    function(el) {
                      tt <- terms(el)
                      val <- paste(sort(attr(tt, "term.labels")), collapse = "&")
                      if (attr(tt, "intercept") == 1)
                        paste(val, "(Intercept)", sep = "&") else val
                    }, ".")
      if(length(unique(aux)) > 1) {
        warning("fitted objects with different fixed effects. REML comparisons are not meaningful.")
    termsCall <-
      lapply(object, function(el) {
        if (is.null(val <- el$call) &&
            is.null(val <- attr(el, "call")))
            stop("objects must have a \"call\" component or attribute")
    termsCall <- vapply(termsCall,
                        function(el) paste(deparse(el), collapse =""), "")
    aux <- lapply(object, logLik, REML)
    if (length(unique(vapply(aux, attr, 1, "nall"))) > 1) {
      stop("all fitted objects must use the same number of observations")
    dfModel <- vapply(aux, attr, 1, "df")
    logLik  <- vapply(aux, c, 1.1)
    aod <- data.frame(call = termsCall,
                      Model = 1:rt,
                      df = dfModel,
                      AIC = vapply(aux, AIC, 1.),
                      BIC = vapply(aux, BIC, 1.),
                      logLik = logLik,
                      check.names = FALSE)
    if (test) {
      ddf <- diff(dfModel)
      if (sum(abs(ddf)) > 0) {
        effects <- rep("", rt)
        for(i in 2:rt) {
          if (ddf[i-1] != 0) {
            effects[i] <- paste(i - 1, i, sep = " vs ")
        pval <- rep(NA, rt - 1)
        ldf <- as.logical(ddf)
        lratio <- 2 * abs(diff(logLik))
        lratio[!ldf] <- NA
        pval[ldf] <- pchisq(lratio[ldf], abs(ddf[ldf]), lower.tail=FALSE)
        aod <- data.frame(aod,
                          Test = effects,
                          "L.Ratio" = c(NA, lratio),
                          "p-value" = c(NA, pval),
                          check.names = FALSE,
                          stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    row.names(aod) <- vapply(as.list(ancall[-1L]), c_deparse, "")
    attr(aod, "rt") <- rt
    attr(aod, "verbose") <- verbose
  class(aod) <- c("anova.lme", "data.frame")

## (This is "cut'n'paste" similar to augPred.gls() in ./gls.R -- keep in sync!)
augPred.lme <-
  function(object, primary = NULL, minimum = min(primary),
           maximum = max(primary), length.out = 51L, level = Q, ...)
  data <- eval.parent(object$call$data)
  if (!inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
    stop(gettextf("data in %s call must evaluate to a data frame",
                  sQuote(substitute(object))), domain = NA)
  if(is.null(primary)) {
    if (!inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
        "%s without \"primary\" can only be used with fits of \"groupedData\" objects",
        sys.call()[[1L]]), domain = NA)
    primary <- getCovariate(data)
    pr.var <- getCovariateFormula(data)[[2L]]
  } else{
    pr.var <- asOneSidedFormula(primary)[[2L]]
    primary <- eval(pr.var, data)
  prName <- c_deparse(pr.var)
  newprimary <- seq(from = minimum, to = maximum, length.out = length.out)

  Q <- object$dims$Q                    # number of levels
  if (is.null(level)) level <- Q
  nL <- length(level)                   # number of requested levels
  maxLev <- max(c(level, 1))
  groups <- getGroups(object, level = maxLev)
  if (!is.ordered(groups)) {
    groups <- ordered(groups, levels = unique(as.character(groups)))
  grName <- ".groups"
  ugroups <- unique(groups)
  value <- data.frame(rep(rep(newprimary, length(ugroups)), nL),
                      rep(rep(ugroups, rep(length(newprimary),
                                           length(ugroups))), nL))
  names(value) <- c(prName, grName)
  ## recovering other variables in data that may be needed for predictions
  ## varying variables will be replaced by their means
  summData <- gsummary(data, groups = groups)
  if (any(toAdd <- is.na(match(names(summData), names(value))))) {
    summData <- summData[, toAdd, drop = FALSE]
  value[, names(summData)] <- summData[value[, 2L], ]
  pred <- predict(object, value[seq_len(nrow(value)/nL), , drop = FALSE],
		  level = level)
  if (nL > 1) {                         # multiple levels
    pred <- pred[, ncol(pred) - (nL - 1):0] # eliminating groups
    predNames <- rep(names(pred), rep(nrow(pred), nL))
    pred <- c(unlist(pred))
  } else {
    predNames <- rep("predicted", nrow(value))
  newvals <- cbind(value[, 1:2], pred)
  names(newvals)[3] <- respName <-
    deparse(resp.var <- getResponseFormula(object)[[2L]])
  orig <- data.frame(primary, groups, getResponse(object))
  names(orig) <- names(newvals)
  value <- rbind(orig, newvals)
  attributes(value[, 2]) <- attributes(groups)
  value[, ".type"] <- ordered(c(rep("original", nrow(data)), predNames),
                              levels = c(unique(predNames), "original"))
  labs <- list(x = prName, y = respName)
  unts <- list(x = "", y = "")
  if(inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
    labs[names(attr(data, "labels"))] <- attr(data, "labels")
    unts[names(attr(data, "units"))] <- attr(data, "units")
    attr(value, "units") <- attr(data, "units")
  structure(value, class = c("augPred", class(value)),
	    labels = labs,
	    units  = unts,
	    formula= eval(substitute(Y ~ X | G,
				     list(Y = resp.var, X = pr.var,
					  G = as.name(grName)))))

coef.lme <-
  function(object, augFrame = FALSE, level = Q, data, which = 1:ncol(data),
           FUN = mean, omitGroupingFactor = TRUE, subset = NULL, ...)
  Q <- object$dims$Q
  if (length(level) > 1) {
    stop("only single level allowed")
  fixed <- fixef(object)
  p <- length(fixed)
  value <- ranef(object, level = 1:level)
  grps <- object[["groups"]]
  if (Q > 1) {
    grpNames <- t(array(rep(rev(names(grps)), Q), c(Q, Q)))
    grpNames[lower.tri(grpNames)] <- ""
    grpNames <-
      rev(apply(grpNames, 1,
                function(x) paste(x[x != ""], collapse = " %in% ")))[level]
  } else {
    grpNames <- names(grps)
  grps <- grps[, 1:level, drop = FALSE]
  grps <- gsummary(grps, groups = grps[, level])
  if (level == 1) value <- list(value)
  effNams <- unlist(lapply(value, names))
  grps <- grps[row.names(value[[level]]), , drop = FALSE]
  M <- nrow(grps)
  effNams <- unique(c(names(fixed), effNams))
  effs <- array(0, c(M, length(effNams)),
                list(row.names(grps), effNams))

  effs[, names(fixed)] <- array(rep(fixed, rep(M, p)),	c(M, p))
  for (i in 1:level) {
    nami <- names(value[[i]])
    effs[, nami] <- as.matrix(effs[, nami] + value[[i]][as.character(grps[, i]), ])

  if (augFrame) {			# can only do that for last level
    if (missing(data)) {
      data <- getData(object)
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    data <- data[, which, drop = FALSE]
    value <- ranef(object, TRUE, level, data, FUN = FUN,
                   omitGroupingFactor = omitGroupingFactor,
                   subset = subset)
    whichKeep <- is.na(match(names(value), effNams))
    if (any(whichKeep)) {
      effs <- cbind(effs, value[, whichKeep, drop = FALSE])
  effs <- as.data.frame(effs)
  attr(effs, "level") <- level
  attr(effs, "label") <- "Coefficients"
  attr(effs, "effectNames") <- effNams
  attr(effs, "standardized") <- FALSE
  attr(effs, "grpNames") <- grpNames
  class(effs) <- unique(c("coef.lme", "ranef.lme", class(effs)))

fitted.lme <-
  function(object, level = Q, asList = FALSE, ...)
  Q <- object$dims$Q
  val <- object[["fitted"]]
  if (is.character(level)) {		# levels must be given consistently
    nlevel <- match(level, names(val))
    if (any(aux <- is.na(nlevel))) {
                            "nonexistent level %s",
                            "nonexistent levels %s"),
                   level[aux]), domain = NA)
    level <- nlevel
  } else {				# assuming integers
    level <- 1 + level
  if (length(level) == 1L) {
    grp.nm <- row.names(object[["groups"]])
    grps <- as.character(object[["groups"]][, max(c(1, level - 1))])
    if (asList) {
      val <- as.list(split(val, ordered(grps, levels = unique(grps))))
    } else {
      val <- napredict(object$na.action, val[, level])
      names(val) <- grps[match(names(val), grp.nm)]
    lab <- "Fitted values"
    if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y))
      lab <- paste(lab, aux)
    attr(val, "label") <- lab
  } else napredict(object$na.action, val[, level])

formula.lme <- function(x, ...) formula(x$terms)

fixef.lme <- function(object, ...) object$coefficients$fixed

getGroups.lme <- function(object, form, level = Q, data, sep)
  Q <- object$dims$Q
  val <- object[["groups"]][, level]
  if (length(level) == 1) {		# single group
    attr(val, "label") <- names(object[["groups"]])[level]

getGroupsFormula.lme <-
  function(object, asList = FALSE, sep)
  getGroupsFormula(object$modelStruct$reStruct, asList)

getResponse.lme <-
  function(object, form)
  val <- resid(object) + fitted(object)
  if (is.null(lab <- attr(object, "labels")$y)) {
    lab <- deparse(getResponseFormula(object)[[2L]])
  if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y)) {
    lab <- paste(lab, aux)
  attr(val, "label") <- lab

intervals.lme <-
  function(object, level = 0.95, which = c("all", "var-cov", "fixed"), ...)
  which <- match.arg(which)
  val <- list()
  ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
  fixSig <- attr(object$modelStruct, "fixedSigma")
  fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
  if (which != "var-cov") {		# fixed effects included
    est <- fixef(object)
    len <- -qt((1-level)/2, object$fixDF$X) * sqrt(diag(object$varFix))
    vfix <- array(c(est - len, est, est + len), c(length(est), 3),
                  list(names(est), c("lower", "est.", "upper")))
    attr(vfix, "label") <- "Fixed effects:"
    val <- list(fixed = vfix)
  if (which != "fixed") {		# variance-covariance included
    if (is.character(aV <- object$apVar)) {
      stop(gettextf("cannot get confidence intervals on var-cov components: %s\n Consider '%s'",
                    aV, "which = \"fixed\""), domain = NA)
    est <- attr(aV, "Pars")
    nP <- length(est)
    len <- -qnorm((1-level)/2) * sqrt(diag(aV))
    origInt <-                          # intervals in unconstrained parameters
      array(c(est - len, est, est + len),
            c(nP, 3), list(names(est), c("lower", "est.", "upper")))

    lmeSt <- object$modelStruct
    if (!all(whichKeep <- apply(attr(lmeSt, "pmap"), 2, any))) {
      ## need to deleted components with fixed coefficients
      aux <- lmeSt[whichKeep]
      class(aux) <- class(lmeSt)
      attr(aux, "settings") <- attr(lmeSt, "settings")
      attr(aux, "pmap") <- attr(lmeSt, "pmap")[, whichKeep, drop = FALSE]
      lmeSt <- aux
    cSt <- lmeSt[["corStruct"]]
    if (!is.null(cSt) && inherits(cSt, "corSymm") && attr(aV, "natural")) {
      ## converting to corNatural
      class(cSt) <- c("corNatural", "corStruct")
      lmeSt[["corStruct"]] <- cSt
    pmap <- attr(lmeSt, "pmap")
    namL <- names(lmeSt)
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
    if (fixSig) {
      natInt <- vector("list", length(namL))
      names(natInt) <- namL
    } else {
      natInt <- vector("list", length(namL) + 1)
      names(natInt) <- c(namL, "sigma") # list of intervals in natural pars
      ## intervals for sigma are stored separately and dropped from origInt
      vsig <- exp(origInt[nP,  ])
      attr(vsig, "label") <- "Within-group standard error:"
      natInt[["sigma"]] <- vsig
      origInt <- origInt[ - nP,, drop = FALSE]

    if (attr(aV, "natural")) {          # convert any pdSymm's to pdNatural's
      for(i in seq_along(lmeSt$reStruct)) {
        if (inherits(s.i <- lmeSt$reStruct[[i]], "pdSymm")) {
          s.i <- pdNatural(s.i)
        } else if (inherits(s.i, "pdBlocked")) {
          for(j in seq_along(s.i))
            if (inherits(s.i[[j]], "pdSymm"))
              s.i[[j]] <- pdNatural(s.i[[j]])
        lmeSt$reStruct[[i]] <- s.i
    rownames(origInt) <-           # re-express names if necessary
      ## namP <-
      names(coef(lmeSt, unconstrained = FALSE))
    for(i in 1:3) {                     # re-express intervals in constrained pars
      coef(lmeSt) <- origInt[,i]
      origInt[,i] <- coef(lmeSt, unconstrained = FALSE)
    for(i in namL) {
      natInt[[i]] <- origInt[ pmap[ , i ], , drop = FALSE ]
             "reStruct" = {
               plen <- attr( lmeSt$reStruct, "plen" )
               natInt[[i]] <-
                 rev(as.matrix( split( as.data.frame( natInt[[i]] ),
                                      rep( seq_along(plen), plen ))))
               names(natInt[[i]]) <- rev(names(plen))
               for (j in names(plen)) {
                 dimnames(natInt[[i]][[j]])[[1L]] <-
                   names( coef( lmeSt[[i]][[j]], unconstrained = FALSE ) )
             "corStruct" =,
               "varStruct" = {
                 dimnames(natInt[[i]])[[1L]] <-
                   names(coef(lmeSt[[i]], unconstrained = FALSE))
      attr(natInt[[i]], "label") <-
               reStruct = "Random Effects:",
               corStruct = "Correlation structure:",
               varStruct = "Variance function:",
    val <- c(val, natInt)
  attr(val, "level") <- level
  class(val) <- "intervals.lme"

logLik.lme <- function(object, REML, ...)
  ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
  fixSig <- attr(object[["modelStruct"]], "fixedSigma")
  fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
  od <- object$dims
  p <- od$ncol[[od$Q + 1L]]
  N <- od$N
  ##  Np <- N - p
  estM <- object$method
  if (missing(REML)) REML <- estM == "REML"
  val <- object[["logLik"]]
  if (REML && (estM == "ML")) {			# have to correct logLik
    val <- val + (p * (log(2 * pi) + 1L) + (N - p) * log(1 - p/N) +
                  sum(log(abs(svd.d(object$varFix))))) / 2
  if (!REML && (estM == "REML")) {	# have to correct logLik
    val <- val - (p * (log(2*pi) + 1L) + N * log(1 - p/N) +
                  sum(log(abs(svd.d(object$varFix))))) / 2
  structure(val, class = "logLik",
            nall = N,
            nobs = N - REML * p,
            ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
            df = p + length(coef(object[["modelStruct"]])) + as.integer(!fixSig))

nobs.lme <- function(object, ...) object$dims$N

pairs.lme <-
  function(x, form = ~coef(.), label, id = NULL, idLabels = NULL,
           grid = FALSE, ...)
  object <- x
  ## scatter plot matrix plots, generally based on coef or ranef
  if (!inherits(form, "formula")) {
    stop("'form' must be a formula")
  if (length(form) != 2) {
    stop("'form' must be a one-sided formula")
  ## constructing data
  allV <- all.vars(asOneFormula(form, id, idLabels))
  allV <- allV[is.na(match(allV,c("T","F","TRUE","FALSE")))]
  if (length(allV) > 0) {
    data <- getData(object)
    if (is.null(data)) {		# try to construct data
      alist <- lapply(as.list(allV), as.name)
      names(alist) <- allV
      alist <- c(as.list(quote(data.frame)), alist)
      mode(alist) <- "call"
      data <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
    } else {
      if (any(naV <- is.na(match(allV, names(data))))) {
                              "%s not found in data",
                              "%s not found in data"),
                     allV[naV]), domain = NA)
  } else data <- NULL

  ## argument list
  dots <- list(...)
  args <- if(length(dots) > 0) dots else list()

  ## covariate - must be present as a data.frame
  covF <- getCovariateFormula(form)
  .x <- eval(covF[[2L]], list(. = object)) # only function of "."
  if (!inherits(.x, "data.frame")) {
    stop("covariate must be a data frame")
  level <- attr(.x, "level")
  if (!is.null(effNams <- attr(.x, "effectNames"))) {
    .x <- .x[, effNams, drop = FALSE]
  ## eliminating constant effects
  isFixed <- vapply(.x, function(el) length(unique(el)) == 1L, NA)
  .x <- .x[, !isFixed, drop = FALSE]
  nc <- ncol(.x)
  if (nc == 1) {
    stop("cannot do pairs of just one variable")
  if (!missing(label)) {
    names(.x) <- label
  if (nc == 2) {
    ## will use xyplot
    argForm <- .y ~ .x
    argData <- .x
    names(argData) <- c(".x", ".y")
    if (is.null(args$xlab)) args$xlab <- names(.x)[1L]
    if (is.null(args$ylab)) args$ylab <- names(.x)[2L]
  } else {				# splom
    argForm <- ~ .x
    argData <- list(.x = .x)

  auxData <- list()
  ## groups - need not be present
  grpsF <- getGroupsFormula(form)
  if (!is.null(grpsF)) {
    gr <- splitFormula(grpsF, sep = "*")
    for(i in seq_along(gr)) {
      for(j in all.vars(gr[[i]])) {
        auxData[[j]] <- eval(as.name(j), data)
    argForm <- eval(substitute(
      if(length(argForm) == 2) ~ .x | R else .y ~ .x | R,
      list(R = grpsF[[2L]])))
  ## id and idLabels - need not be present
  if (!is.null(id)) {			# identify points in plot
    N <- object$dims$N
    id <-
             numeric = {
               if ((id <= 0) || (id >= 1)) {
                 stop("'id' must be between 0 and 1")
               if (is.null(level)) {
                 stop("covariate must have a level attribute when groups are present")
               aux <- t(as.matrix(ranef(object, level = level)))
               aux <- as.logical(colSums(
               (solve(t(pdMatrix(object$modelStruct$reStruct, factor = TRUE)[[level]]),
                      aux)/object$sigma)^2) > qchisq(1 - id, dim(aux)[1L]))
             call = eval(asOneSidedFormula(id)[[2L]], data),
             stop("'id' can only be a formula or numeric")
    if (length(id) == N) {
      ## id as a formula evaluated in data
      if (is.null(level)) {
        stop("covariate must have a level attribute when 'id' is a formula")
      auxData[[".id"]] <- id

    if (is.null(idLabels)) {
      idLabels <- row.names(.x)
    } else {
      if (mode(idLabels) == "call") {
        idLabels <-
          as.character(eval(asOneSidedFormula(idLabels)[[2L]], data))
      } else if (is.vector(idLabels)) {
        if (length(idLabels <- unlist(idLabels)) != N) {
          stop("'idLabels' of incorrect length")
        idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)
      } else {
        stop("'idLabels' can only be a formula or a vector")
    if (length(idLabels) == N) {
      ## idLabels as a formula evaluated in data
      if (is.null(level)) {
        stop("covariate must have a level attribute when 'idLabels' is a formula")
      auxData[[".Lid"]] <- idLabels

  if (length(auxData)) {		# need collapsing
    auxData <- gsummary(as.data.frame(auxData),
                        groups = getGroups(object, level = level))
    auxData <- auxData[row.names(.x), , drop = FALSE]

    if (!is.null(auxData[[".id"]])) {
      id <- auxData[[".id"]]

    if (!is.null(auxData[[".Lid"]])) {
      idLabels <- auxData[[".Lid"]]
    wchDat <- is.na(match(names(auxData), c(".id", ".idLabels")))
    if (any(wchDat)) {
      argData <- c(argData, as.list(auxData[, wchDat, drop = FALSE]))

  if (!is.null(id)) id <- as.logical(as.character(id))
  idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)

  ## adding to args list
  args <- c(list(argForm, data = argData), args)
  if (is.null(args$strip)) {
    args$strip <- function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1)
  if (is.null(args$cex)) args$cex <- par("cex")
  if (is.null(args$adj)) args$adj <- par("adj")

  ## defining the type of plot
  if (length(argForm) == 3) {		# xyplot
    plotFun <- "xyplot"
      args$panel <- function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        y <- as.numeric(y)
        dots <- list(...)
        if (grid) panel.grid()
        panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
        if (any(ids <- id[subscripts])){
          ltext(x[ids], y[ids], idLabels[subscripts][ids],
                cex = dots$cex, adj = dots$adj)

  } else {				# splom
    plotFun <- "splom"
    if(is.null(args$panel)) {
      args$panel <- function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        y <- as.numeric(y)
        dots <- list(...)
        if (grid) panel.grid()
        panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
        if (any(ids <- id[subscripts])){
          ltext(x[ids], y[ids], idLabels[subscripts][ids],
                cex = dots$cex, adj = dots$adj)
  do.call(plotFun, as.list(args))

plot.ranef.lme <-
  function(x, form = NULL, omitFixed = TRUE, level = Q,
           grid = TRUE, control,
           xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, strip = NULL, ...)
  plotControl <-
    function(drawLine = TRUE, span.loess = 2/3, degree.loess = 1) {
    list(drawLine = drawLine,
         span.loess = span.loess,
         degree.loess = degree.loess)

  pControl <- plotControl()
  if (!missing(control)) pControl[names(control)] <- control
  if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
    ## must be a list of data frames
    Q <- length(x) # the default for 'level'
    if (length(level) > 1) {
      stop("only single level allowed")
    oAttr <- attributes(x)[c("label", "standardized", "namsEff")]
    x <- x[[level]]
    oAttr$namsEff <- oAttr$namsEff[level]
    attributes(x)[c("label", "standardized", "namsEff")] <- oAttr
  if (omitFixed) {			# eliminating constant effects
    isFixed <- vapply(x, function(el) length(unique(el)) == 1L, NA)
    if (any(isFixed)) {
      oattr <- attributes(x)
      oattr <- oattr[names(oattr) != "names"]
      x <- x[, !isFixed, drop = FALSE]
      oattr$effectNames <- oattr$effectNames[!is.na(match(oattr$effectNames,
      attributes(x)[names(oattr)] <- oattr

  eNames <- attr(x, "effectNames")
  if (is.null(form) || (inherits(form, "formula") && length(form) == 2)) {
    ## ~ x : dotplot
    eLen <- length(eNames)
    argData <- data.frame(.pars = as.vector(unlist(x[, eNames])),
                          .enames = ordered(rep(eNames, rep(nrow(x), eLen)),
                                            levels = eNames), check.names = FALSE)
    for(i in names(x)[is.na(match(names(x), eNames))]) {
      argData[[i]] <- rep(x[[i]], eLen)
    argForm <- .groups ~ .pars | .enames
    argData[[".groups"]] <- rep(row.names(x), eLen)
    if (inherits(form, "formula")) {
      onames <- all.vars(form)
      if (any(whichNA <- is.na(match(onames, names(argData))))) {
                              "%s not available for plotting",
                              "%s not available for plotting"),
                     onames[whichNA], collapse = ", "), domain = NA)
      argData[[".groups"]] <-
      if (length(onames) > 1) {
        for(i in onames[-1L]) {
          argData[[".groups"]] <-
    argData[[".groups"]] <- ordered(argData[[".groups"]],
                                    levels = unique(argData[[".groups"]]))
    args <- list(argForm, data = argData, ...)
    args$xlab <- xlab %||% attr(x, "label")
    args$ylab <- ylab %||% if (is.null(form)) attr(x, "grpNames")
                           else deparse(form[[2L]])
    if (is.null(args$scales)) {
      if (!is.null(attr(x, "standardized")) &&
          !attr(x, "standardized")) {
        args$scales <- list(x = list(relation = "free"))
    args$strip <- strip %||% function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1)
    do.call(dotplot, args)

  } else { ##  y ~ x  ---> xyplot(): ------------------------------------------

    if (!inherits(form, "formula")) stop("'form' must be a formula when not NULL")
    reName <- form[[2L]]
    if (length(reName) != 1 &&
                  nchar(deparse(reName), "c") - 10) != "(Intercept)") {
      stop("only single effects allowed in left side of 'form'")
    reName <- deparse(reName)
    if (is.na(match(reName, eNames))) {
      stop(gettextf("%s is not a valid effect name", sQuote(reName)),
           domain = NA)
    vNames <- all.vars(form[[3]])       # variable names
    if (any(!is.na(match(vNames, eNames)))) {
      stop("no effects allowed in right side of formula")
    if (any(whichNA <- is.na(match(vNames, names(x))))) {
                            "%s not available for plotting",
                            "%s not available for plotting"),
                   onames[whichNA], collapse = ", "), domain = NA)
    nV <- length(vNames)                # number of variables
    nG <- nrow(x)			# number of groups
    reVal <- vNam <- vVal <- vector("list", nV)
    vLevs <- vNam;          names(vLevs) <- vNames
    vType <- character(nV); names(vType) <- vNames
    aux <- x[, reName]
    for(i in 1:nV) {
      obj <- x[, vNames[i]]
      if (inherits(obj, "factor") || is.character(obj)) {
        vType[i] <- "factor"
        obj <- as.factor(obj)
        vLevs[[i]] <- levels(obj)
        reVal[[i]] <- c(NA, NA, aux)
        vVal [[i]] <- c(0.5, length(levels(obj)) + 0.5, as.integer(obj))
        vNam [[i]] <- rep(vNames[i], nG + 2)
      } else {                          # numeric
        vType[i] <- "numeric"
        reVal[[i]] <- aux
        vVal [[i]] <- obj
        vNam [[i]] <- rep(vNames[i], nG)
    vNam <- unlist(vNam)
    argData <- data.frame(y = unlist(reVal), x = unlist(vVal),
                          g = ordered(vNam, levels = vNames))

    ## this is a hack to make this work, it's probably possible to
    ## implement the whole thing much more succintly -- ds

    ## The idea here is that the limits component of scales$x is going
    ## to be a list -- and character vectors have special meaning as
    ## limits, controlling both limits and the tick mark
    ## positions/labels
    condvar <- eval(expression(g), argData)
    xscales.lim <- as.list(levels(condvar))
    subsc <- seq_along(condvar)

    for (i in seq_along(xscales.lim)) {
      subscripts <- subsc[condvar == xscales.lim[[i]]]
      vN <- vNam[subscripts][1L]
      xscales.lim[[i]] <-
        if(vType[vN] == "numeric")
        else vLevs[vN][[1L]]

    ## --- further used from the panel() below: ---
    .drawLine <- pControl$drawLine
    .span <-     pControl$span.loess
    .degree <-   pControl$degree.loess
    ## assign("panel.bwplot2", panel.bwplot2, where = 1)
    ## assign(".cex", pControl$cex.axis)#, where = 1)
    ## assign(".srt", pControl$srt.axis)#, where = 1)
    ## assign(".mgp", pControl$mgp.axis)#, where = 1)

    xyplot(y ~ x | g, data = argData, subscripts = TRUE,
           scales = list(x = list(relation = "free", limits = xscales.lim)),
           panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
             vN <- vNam[subscripts][1L]
             if (grid) panel.grid()
             if (vType[vN] == "numeric") {
               panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
               if (.drawLine) {
                 panel.loess(x, y, span = .span, degree = .degree)
             } else {
               panel.bwplot(x, y, horizontal = FALSE)
               if (.drawLine) {
                 plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
                 panel.linejoin(x, y, fun = median, horizontal = FALSE,
                                col.line = plot.line$col,
                                lwd = plot.line$lwd,
                                lty = plot.line$lty)
           xlab = xlab %||% "", ylab = ylab %||% reName,
           strip = strip %||% strip.default, ...)
} ## {plot.ranef.lme}

predict.lme <-
  function(object, newdata, level = Q, asList = FALSE,
           na.action = na.fail, ...)
  ## method for predict() designed for objects inheriting from class lme
  Q <- object$dims$Q
  if (missing(newdata)) {		# will return fitted values
    val <- fitted(object, level, asList)
    if (length(level) == 1) return(val)
    return(data.frame(object[["groups"]][,level[level != 0], drop = FALSE],
                      predict = val))
  maxQ <- max(level)			# maximum level for predictions
  nlev <- length(level)
  fixed <- formula(object)[-2L]  # RHS
  Terms <- object$terms
  newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
  if (maxQ > 0) {			# predictions with random effects
    whichQ <- Q - (maxQ-1):0
    reSt <- object$modelStruct$reStruct[whichQ]
    lmeSt <- lmeStruct(reStruct = reSt)
    groups <- getGroupsFormula(reSt)
    if (anyNA(match(all.vars(groups), names(newdata)))) {
      ## groups cannot be evaluated in newdata
      stop("cannot evaluate groups for desired levels on 'newdata'")
  } else {
    reSt <- NULL

  ## use xlev to make sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts
  ## and to support character-type 'newdata' for factors
  contr <- object$contrasts  # these are in matrix form
  dataMix <- model.frame(formula = asOneFormula(formula(reSt), fixed),
                         data = newdata, na.action = na.action,
                         drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
                         xlev = lapply(contr, rownames))
  origOrder <- row.names(dataMix)	# preserve the original order
  whichRows <- match(origOrder, row.names(newdata))

  if (maxQ > 0) {
    ## sort the model.frame by groups and get the matrices and parameters
    ## used in the estimation procedures
    grps <- getGroups(newdata,          # (unused levels are dropped here)
                      eval(substitute(~ 1 | GRPS,
                                      list(GRPS = groups[[2]]))))
    ## ordering data by groups
    if (inherits(grps, "factor")) {	# single level
      grps <- grps[whichRows]
      oGrps <- data.frame(grps)
      ## checking if there are missing groups
      if (any(naGrps <- is.na(grps))) {
        grps[naGrps] <- levels(grps)[1L]	# input with existing level
      ord <- order(grps)     #"order" treats a single named argument peculiarly
      grps <- data.frame(grps)
      row.names(grps) <- origOrder
      names(grps) <- names(oGrps) <- as.character(deparse((groups[[2L]])))
    } else {
      grps <- oGrps <- grps[whichRows, ]
      ## checking for missing groups
      if (any(naGrps <- is.na(grps))) {
        ## need to input missing groups
        for(i in names(grps)) {
          grps[naGrps[, i], i] <- levels(grps[,i])[1L]
        naGrps <- t(apply(naGrps, 1, cumsum)) # propagating NAs
      ord <- do.call(order, grps)
      ## making group levels unique
      for(i in 2:ncol(grps)) {
        grps[, i] <-
          as.factor(paste(as.character(grps[, i-1]),
                          as.character(grps[, i  ]), sep = "/"))
    naGrps <- cbind(FALSE, naGrps)[ord, , drop = FALSE]
    grps <- grps[ord, , drop = FALSE]
    dataMix <- dataMix[ord, ,drop = FALSE]
  ## restore contrasts for the below model.matrix() calls (which may use
  ## different factor variables, so we avoid passing the whole contr list)
  for(i in intersect(names(dataMix), names(contr))) {
    attr(dataMix[[i]], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]]
  if (maxQ > 0) {
    revOrder <- match(origOrder, row.names(dataMix)) # putting in orig. order
    Z <- model.matrix(reSt, dataMix)
    ncols <- attr(Z, "ncols")
    Names(lmeSt$reStruct) <- attr(Z, "nams")
  N <- nrow(dataMix)
  X <- if (length(all.vars(fixed)) > 0) {
         model.matrix(fixed, model.frame(delete.response(Terms), dataMix))
       } else if(attr(terms(fixed), "intercept")) {
         array(1, c(N, 1), list(row.names(dataMix), "(Intercept)"))
       } else {
         array(, c(N, 0))
  if (maxQ == 0) {
    ## only population predictions
    val <-  if(ncol(X)) c(X %*% fixef(object)) else rep(0, nrow(X))
    attr(val, "label") <- "Predicted values"

  ncols <- c(ncols, dim(X)[2L], 1)
  ## creating the condensed linear model
  attr(lmeSt, "conLin") <-
    list(Xy = array(c(Z, X, double(N)), c(N, sum(ncols)),
                    list(row.names(dataMix), c(colnames(Z), colnames(X), "resp"))),
         dims = MEdims(grps, ncols))
  ## Getting the appropriate BLUPs of the random effects
  re <- object$coefficients$random[1:maxQ]
  for(i in names(re)) {
    ugrps <- unique(as.character(grps[, i]))
    val <- array(NA, c(length(ugrps), ncol(re[[i]])),
                 list(ugrps, dimnames(re[[i]])[[2L]]))
    mGrps <- match(ugrps, dimnames(re[[i]])[[1L]])
    mGrps <- mGrps[!is.na(mGrps)]
    re[[i]] <- re[[i]][mGrps, , drop = FALSE]
    val[dimnames(re[[i]])[[1L]], ] <- re[[i]]
    re[[i]] <- val

  attr(lmeSt, "lmeFit") <- list(beta = fixef(object), b = re)
  val <- fitted(lmeSt, level = 0:maxQ)
  val[as.logical(naGrps)] <- NA			# setting missing groups to NA
  ## putting back in original order and extracting levels
  val <- val[revOrder, level + 1L]		# predictions

  if (maxQ > 1) {                      # making groups unique
    for(i in 2:maxQ)
      oGrps[, i] <-
                        as.character(oGrps[,i  ]), sep = "/"))
  if (nlev == 1) {
    grps <- as.character(oGrps[, level])
    if (asList) {
      val <- split(val, ordered(grps, levels = unique(grps)))
    } else {
      names(val) <- grps
    lab <- "Predicted values"
    if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y)) {
      lab <- paste(lab, aux)
    attr(val, "label") <- lab
  } else {
    data.frame(oGrps, predict = val)

print.anova.lme <- function(x, verbose = attr(x, "verbose"), ...)
  ox <- x
  if ((rt <- attr(x,"rt")) == 1) { ## one object
    if (!is.null(lab <- attr(x, "label"))) {
      if (!is.null(L <- attr(x, "L"))) {
        print(zapsmall(L), ...)
    pval <- format(round(x[, "p-value"],4))
    pval[as.double(pval) == 0] <- "<.0001"
    x[, "F-value"] <- format(zapsmall(x[, "F-value"]))
    x[, "p-value"] <- pval
    print(as.data.frame(x), ...)
  } else { ## several objects
    if (verbose) {
      objNams <- row.names(x)
      for(i in 1:rt) {
        cat(" ",objNams[i],":\n", sep ="")
        cat(" ",as.character(x[i,"call"]),"\n")
    x <- as.data.frame(x[,-1])
    for(i in names(x)) {
      xx <- x[[i]]
      if (i == "p-value") {
        xx <- round(xx, 4)
        xna <- is.na(xx)
        xx[!xna] <- format(xx[!xna])
        xx[as.double(xx) == 0] <- "<.0001"
        xx[xna] <- ""
      } else {
        if (match(i, c("AIC", "BIC", "logLik", "L.Ratio"), 0)) {
          xna <- is.na(xx)
          xx <- zapsmall(xx)
          xx[xna] <- 0
          xx <- format(xx)
          xx[xna] <- ""
      x[[i]] <- xx
    print(as.data.frame(x), ...)

print.intervals.lme <- function(x, ...)
  cat(paste0("Approximate ", attr(x,"level") *100, "% confidence intervals\n"))
  for(i in names(x)) {
    aux <- x[[i]]
    cat("\n ",attr(aux, "label"), "\n", sep = "")
    attr(aux, "label") <- NULL
    if (i == "reStruct") {
      for(j in names(aux)) {
        cat("  Level:", j, "\n")
        print(as.matrix(aux[[j]]), ...)
    } else if (i == "sigma")
      print(c(aux), ...)
      print(as.matrix(aux), ...)

print.lme <- function(x, ...)
  dd <- x$dims
  if (inherits(x, "nlme")) {	# nlme object
    cat( "Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by " )
    cat( if(x$method == "REML") "REML\n" else "maximum likelihood\n")
    cat("  Model:", deparse(x$call$model),"\n")
  } else {				# lme objects
    cat( "Linear mixed-effects model fit by " )
    cat( if(x$method == "REML") "REML\n" else "maximum likelihood\n")
  cat("  Data:", deparse( x$call$data ), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call$subset)) {
    cat("  Subset:", deparse(asOneSidedFormula(x$call$subset)[[2L]]),"\n")
  cat("  Log-", if(x$method == "REML") "restricted-" else "",
      "likelihood: ", format(x$logLik), "\n", sep = "")
  fixF <- x$call$fixed
  cat("  Fixed:",
	if(inherits(fixF, "formula") || is.call(fixF) || is.name(fixF))
	  lapply(fixF, function(el) as.name(deparse(el)))), "\n")
  print(fixef(x), ...)
  print(summary(x$modelStruct), sigma = x$sigma, ...)
  cat("Number of Observations:", dd[["N"]])
  cat("\nNumber of Groups: ")
  Ngrps <- dd$ngrps[1:dd$Q]
  if ((lNgrps <- length(Ngrps)) == 1) {	# single nesting
  } else {				# multiple nesting
    sNgrps <- 1:lNgrps
    aux <- rep(names(Ngrps), sNgrps)
    aux <- split(aux, array(rep(sNgrps, lNgrps),
                            c(lNgrps, lNgrps))[!lower.tri(diag(lNgrps))])
    names(Ngrps) <- unlist(lapply(aux, paste, collapse = " %in% "))
    print(rev(Ngrps), ...)

print.ranef.lme <- function(x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x[[1L]], "data.frame")) {
    print.data.frame(x, ...)
  } else {                              # list
    for(i in seq_along(x)) {
      cat("Level:", attr(x, "grpNames")[i],"\n")
      if (i < length(x)) cat("\n")

print.summary.lme <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  dd <- x$dims
  verbose <- verbose || attr(x, "verbose")
  if (inherits(x, "nlme")) {	# nlme object
    cat( "Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by " )
    cat( if(x$method == "REML") "REML\n" else "maximum likelihood\n")
    cat("  Model:", deparse(x$call$model),"\n")
  } else {				# lme objects
    cat( "Linear mixed-effects model fit by " )
    cat( if(x$method == "REML") "REML\n" else "maximum likelihood\n")
  ##  method <- x$method
  cat("  Data:", deparse( x$call$data ), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call$subset)) {
    cat("  Subset:", deparse(asOneSidedFormula(x$call$subset)[[2L]]),"\n")
  print(data.frame(AIC = x$AIC, BIC = x$BIC, logLik = c(x$logLik),
                   row.names = " "), ...)
  if (verbose) cat("Convergence at iteration:",x$numIter,"\n")
  print(summary(x$modelStruct), sigma = x$sigma,
        reEstimates = x$coefficients$random, verbose = verbose, ...)
  fixF <- x$call$fixed
  cat("Fixed effects: ",
        if(inherits(fixF, "formula") || is.call(fixF))
          lapply(fixF, function(el) as.name(deparse(el)))),
  ## fixed effects t-table and correlations
  xtTab <- as.data.frame(x$tTable)
  wchPval <- match("p-value", names(xtTab))
  for(i in names(xtTab)[-wchPval]) {
    xtTab[, i] <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, i]))
  xtTab[,wchPval] <- format(round(xtTab[,wchPval], 4))
  if (any(wchLv <- (as.double(levels(xtTab[, wchPval])) == 0))) {
    levels(xtTab[, wchPval])[wchLv] <- "<.0001"
  row.names(xtTab) <- dimnames(x$tTable)[[1L]]
  print(xtTab, ...)
  if (nrow(x$tTable) > 1) {
    corr <- x$corFixed
    class(corr) <- "correlation"
    print(corr, title = " Correlation:", ...)
  cat("\nStandardized Within-Group Residuals:\n")
  print(x$residuals, ...)
  cat("\nNumber of Observations:",x$dims[["N"]])
  cat("\nNumber of Groups: ")
  Ngrps <- dd$ngrps[1:dd$Q]
  if ((lNgrps <- length(Ngrps)) == 1) {	# single nesting
  } else {				# multiple nesting
    sNgrps <- 1:lNgrps
    aux <- rep(names(Ngrps), sNgrps)
    aux <- split(aux, array(rep(sNgrps, lNgrps),
                            c(lNgrps, lNgrps))[!lower.tri(diag(lNgrps))])
    names(Ngrps) <- unlist(lapply(aux, paste, collapse = " %in% "))
    print(rev(Ngrps), ...)

## coef(summary( obj )) # should work for "gls" or "lme" similarly as for lm():
getCTable <- function (object, ...) object$tTable

qqnorm.lme <-
  function(y, form = ~ resid(., type = "p"), abline = NULL,
           id = NULL, idLabels = NULL, grid = FALSE, ...)
    ## normal probability plots for residuals and random effects
  if (!inherits(form, "formula")) stop("'form' must be a formula")
  ## object <- y
  ## constructing data
  allV <- all.vars(asOneFormula(form, id, idLabels))
  allV <- allV[is.na(match(allV,c("T","F","TRUE","FALSE")))]
  if (length(allV) > 0) {
    data <- getData(y)
    if (is.null(data)) {		# try to construct data
      alist <- lapply(as.list(allV), as.name)
      names(alist) <- allV
      alist <- c(as.list(quote(data.frame)), alist)
      mode(alist) <- "call"
      data <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
    } else {
      if (any(naV <- is.na(match(allV, names(data))))) {
                              "%s not found in data",
                              "%s not found in data"),
                     allV[naV]), domain = NA)
  } else data <- NULL
  ## argument list
  args <- list(...) # may be empty list()
  ## appending object to data
  data <- as.list(c(as.list(data), . = list(y)))

  ## covariate - must always be present
  covF <- getCovariateFormula(form)
  .x <- eval(covF[[2L]], data)
  labs <- attr(.x, "label")
  type <-
    if (inherits(.x, "ranef.lme"))
      "reff" # random effects
    else if (!is.null(labs) && (labs == "Standardized residuals" ||
				labs == "Normalized residuals"   ||
				substr(labs, 1, 9) == "Residuals"))
      "res" # residuals
      stop("only residuals and random effects allowed")

  if (is.null(args$xlab)) args$xlab <- labs
  if (is.null(args$ylab)) args$ylab <- "Quantiles of standard normal"
  if(type == "res") { ## residuals ----------------------------------------
    fData <- qqnorm(.x, plot.it = FALSE)
    data[[".y"]] <- fData$x
    data[[".x"]] <- fData$y
    dform <-
      if (!is.null(grp <- getGroupsFormula(form)))
        eval(substitute(.y ~ .x | G, list(G = grp[[2L]])))
        .y ~ .x
    if (!is.null(id)) {			# identify points in plot
      id <-
               numeric = {
                 if (any(id <= 0) || any(id >= 1)) {
                   stop("'Id' must be between 0 and 1")
                 if (labs == "Normalized residuals") {
                   as.logical(abs(resid(y, type="normalized"))
                              > -qnorm(id / 2))
                 } else {
                   as.logical(abs(resid(y, type="pearson"))
                              > -qnorm(id / 2))
               call = eval(asOneSidedFormula(id)[[2L]], data),
               stop("'id' can only be a formula or numeric")
      if (is.null(idLabels)) {
        idLabels <- getGroups(y)
        if (length(idLabels) == 0) idLabels <- seq_len(y$dims$N)
        idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)
      } else {
        if (mode(idLabels) == "call") {
          idLabels <-
            as.character(eval(asOneSidedFormula(idLabels)[[2L]], data))
        } else if (is.vector(idLabels)) {
          if (length(idLabels <- unlist(idLabels)) != length(id)) {
            stop("'idLabels' of incorrect length")
          idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)
        } else {
          stop("'idLabels' can only be a formula or a vector")
  } else { # type "ref" -- random.effects  --------------------------------
    level <- attr(.x, "level")
    std <- attr(.x, "standardized")
    if (!is.null(effNams <- attr(.x, "effectNames"))) {
      .x <- .x[, effNams, drop = FALSE]
    nc <- ncol(.x)
    nr <- nrow(.x)
    fData <- lapply(as.data.frame(.x), qqnorm, plot.it = FALSE)
    fData <- data.frame(.x = unlist(lapply(fData, function(x) x[["y"]])),
                        .y = unlist(lapply(fData, function(x) x[["x"]])),
                        .g = ordered(rep(names(fData),rep(nr, nc)),
                                     levels = names(fData)), check.names = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(grp <- getGroupsFormula(form))) {
      dform <- substitute(.y ~ .x | .g * GG, list(GG = deparse(grp[[2L]])))
      auxData <- data[is.na(match(names(data), "."))]
    } else {
      dform <- .y ~ .x | .g
      auxData <- list()
    ## id and idLabels - need not be present
    if (!is.null(id)) {			# identify points in plot
      N <- y$dims$N
      id <-
               numeric = {
                 if ((id <= 0) || (id >= 1)) {
                   stop("'id' must be between 0 and 1")
                 aux <- ranef(y, level = level, standard = TRUE)
                 as.logical(abs(c(unlist(aux))) > -qnorm(id / 2))
               call = eval(asOneSidedFormula(id)[[2L]], data),
               stop("'id' can only be a formula or numeric")
      if (length(id) == N) {
        ## id as a formula evaluated in data
        auxData[[".id"]] <- id

      idLabels <-
        if (is.null(idLabels)) {
          rep(row.names(.x), nc)
        } else if (mode(idLabels) == "call") {
          as.character(eval(asOneSidedFormula(idLabels)[[2L]], data))
        } else if (is.vector(idLabels)) {
          if (length(idLabels <- unlist(idLabels)) != N)
            stop("'idLabels' of incorrect length")
        } else
          stop("'idLabels' can only be a formula or a vector")
      if (length(idLabels) == N) {
        ## idLabels as a formula evaluated in data
        auxData[[".Lid"]] <- idLabels

    data <-
      if (length(auxData)) { # need collapsing
        auxData <- gsummary(as.data.frame(auxData),
                            groups = getGroups(y, level = level))
        auxData <- auxData[row.names(.x), , drop = FALSE]
        if (!is.null(auxData[[".id"]]))
          id <- rep(auxData[[".id"]], nc)
        if (!is.null(auxData[[".Lid"]]))
          idLabels <- rep(auxData[[".Lid"]], nc)
        cbind(fData, do.call(rbind, rep(list(auxData), nc)))
      } else
  id <- if (!is.null(id)) as.logical(as.character(id))
  idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)
  abl <- abline
  if (is.null(args$strip))
    args$strip <- function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1)
  if (is.null(args$cex)) args$cex <- par("cex")
  if (is.null(args$adj)) args$adj <- par("adj")

  args <- c(list(dform, data = substitute(data)), args)
  if (is.null(args$panel))
    args$panel <- function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
      x <- as.numeric(x)
      y <- as.numeric(y)
      dots <- list(...)
      if (grid) panel.grid()
      panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
      if (any(ids <- id[subscripts])){
        ltext(x[ids], y[ids], idLabels[subscripts][ids],
              cex = dots$cex, adj = dots$adj)
      if (!is.null(abl)) {
	if (length(abl) == 2)
	  panel.abline(a = abl, ...)
	  panel.abline(h = abl, ...)

  if(type == "reff" && !std) {
    args[["scales"]] <- list(x = list(relation = "free"))
  do.call(xyplot, as.list(args))

ranef.lme <-
  ##  Extracts the random effects from an lme object.
  ##  If aug.frame is true, the returned data frame is augmented with a
  ##  values from the original data object, if available.  The variables
  ##  in the original data are collapsed over the cluster variable by the
  ##  function fun.
  function(object, augFrame = FALSE, level = 1:Q, data, which = 1:ncol(data),
           FUN = mean, standard = FALSE , omitGroupingFactor = TRUE,
           subset = NULL, ...)
  Q <- object$dims$Q
  effects <- object$coefficients$random
  if (Q > 1) {
    grpNames <- t(array(rep(rev(names(effects)), Q), c(Q, Q)))
    grpNames[lower.tri(grpNames)] <- ""
    grpNames <-
      rev(apply(grpNames, 1, function(x) paste(x[x != ""], collapse = " %in% ")))
  } else {
    grpNames <- names(effects)
  effects <- effects[level]
  grpNames <- grpNames[level]
  if (standard) {
    for (i in names(effects)) {
      effects[[i]] <-
        t(t(effects[[i]]) /
          (object$sigma *
  effects <- lapply(effects, as.data.frame)
  if (augFrame) {
    if (length(level) > 1) {
      stop("augmentation of random effects only available for single level")
    effects <- effects[[1L]]
    effectNames <- names(effects)
    if (missing(data)) {
      data <- getData(object)
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    subset <- if (is.null(subset)) {  # nlme case
              } else {
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
      subset <- eval(subset[[2L]], data)
      data <- data[subset,  ,drop=FALSE]
    data <- data[, which, drop = FALSE]
    ## eliminating columns with same names as effects
    data <- data[, is.na(match(names(data), effectNames)), drop = FALSE]
    grps <- as.character(object[["groups"]][, level])
    data <- gsummary(data, FUN = FUN, groups = grps)
    if (omitGroupingFactor) {
      data <-
        data[, is.na(match(names(data), names(object$modelStruct$reStruct))),
             drop = FALSE]
    if (length(data) > 0) {
      effects <- cbind(effects, data[row.names(effects),, drop = FALSE])
    attr(effects, "effectNames") <- effectNames
  } else {
    effects <- lapply(effects,
                      function(el) {
                        attr(el, "effectNames") <- names(el)
    if (length(level) == 1) effects <- effects[[1L]]
  structure(effects, class = c("ranef.lme", class(effects)),
            label= if (standard)
                     "Standardized random effects"
                     "Random effects",
            level = max(level),
            standardized = standard,
            grpNames = grpNames)

residuals.lme <-
  function(object, level = Q, type = c("response", "pearson", "normalized"),
           asList = FALSE, ...)

  type <- match.arg(type)
  Q <- object$dims$Q
  val <- object[["residuals"]]
  if (is.character(level)) {		# levels must be given consistently
    nlevel <- match(level, names(val))
    if (any(aux <- is.na(nlevel))) {
                            "nonexistent level %s",
                            "nonexistent levels %s"),
                   level[aux]), domain = NA)
    level <- nlevel
  } else {				# assuming integers
    level <- 1 + level
  if (type != "response") {		# standardize
    ## have to standardize properly for when corStruct neq NULL
    val <- val[, level]/attr(val, "std")
  } else {
    val <- val[, level]
  if (type == "normalized") {
    if (!is.null(cSt <- object$modelStruct$corStruct)) {
      ## normalize according to inv-trans factor
      val <- recalc(cSt, list(Xy = as.matrix(val)))$Xy[, seq_along(level)]
    } else {                            # will just standardized
      type <- "pearson"
  if (length(level) == 1) {
    grps <- as.character(object[["groups"]][, max(c(1, level - 1))])
    if (asList) {
      val <- as.list(split(val, ordered(grps, levels = unique(grps))))
    } else {
      grp.nm <- row.names(object[["groups"]])
      val <- naresid(object$na.action, val)
      names(val) <- grps[match(names(val), grp.nm)]
    attr(val, "label") <-
             response = {
               if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y))
                 paste("Residuals", aux)
               else "Residuals"
             pearson = "Standardized residuals",
             normalized = "Normalized residuals"
  } else naresid(object$na.action, val)

summary.lme <- function(object, adjustSigma = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  ##  variance-covariance estimates for fixed effects
  fixed <- fixef(object)
  stdFixed <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(object$varFix)))
  object$corFixed <- array(t(object$varFix/stdFixed)/stdFixed,
                           dim(object$varFix), list(names(fixed),names(fixed)))
  if (adjustSigma && object$method == "ML")
    stdFixed <- stdFixed *
    sqrt(object$dims$N/(object$dims$N - length(stdFixed)))
  ## fixed effects coefficients, std. deviations and t-ratios
  fDF <- object$fixDF[["X"]]
  tVal <- fixed/stdFixed
  object$tTable <- cbind(Value = fixed, Std.Error = stdFixed, DF = fDF,
			 "t-value" = tVal, "p-value" = 2 * pt(-abs(tVal), fDF))
  ## residuals
  resd <- resid(object, type = "pearson")
  if (length(resd) > 5) {
    resd <- quantile(resd, na.rm = TRUE) # might have NAs from na.exclude
    names(resd) <- c("Min","Q1","Med","Q3","Max")
  object$residuals <- resd
  ## generating the final object
  aux <- logLik(object)
  object$BIC <- BIC(aux)
  object$AIC <- AIC(aux)
  structure(object, verbose = verbose, oClass = class(object),
	    class = c("summary.lme", class(object)))

## based on R's update.default
update.lme <-
  function (object, fixed., ..., evaluate = TRUE)
  call <- object$call
  if (is.null(call))
    stop("need an object with call component")
  extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
  if (!missing(fixed.))
    call$fixed <- update.formula(formula(object), fixed.)
  if(length(extras) > 0) {
    existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
    ## do these individually to allow NULL to remove entries.
    for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
      call <- as.call(c(as.list(call), extras[!existing]))
  if(evaluate) eval(call, parent.frame())
  else call

## update.lme <-
##  function(object, fixed, data, random, correlation, weights, subset,
##           method, na.action, control, contrasts, ...)
## {
##  thisCall <- as.list(match.call())[-(1:2)]
##  if (is.null(nextCall <- object$origCall) ||
##      !is.null(thisCall$fixed) ||
##      is.null(thisCall$random)) {
##    nextCall <- object$call
##  }
##  nextCall <- as.list(nextCall)[-1L]
##  if (is.null(thisCall$random)  && is.null(thisCall$subset)) {
##    ## no changes in ranef model and no subsetting
##    thisCall$random <- object$modelStruct$reStruct
##  }
##  if (is.na(match("correlation", names(thisCall))) &&
##      !is.null(thCor <- object$modelStruct$corStruct)) {
##    thisCall$correlation <- thCor
##  }
##  if (is.na(match("weights", names(thisCall))) &&
##      !is.null(thWgt <- object$modelStruct$varStruct)) {
##    thisCall$weights <- thWgt
##  }
##    argNams <- unique( c(names(nextCall), names(thisCall)) )
##    args <- vector("list", length(argNams))
##    names(args) <- argNams
##    args[ names(nextCall) ] <- nextCall
##    nextCall <- args
##  if (!is.null(thisCall$fixed)) {
##    thisCall$fixed <- update(as.formula(nextCall$fixed), fixed)
##  }
##  nextCall[names(thisCall)] <- thisCall
##  do.call(lme, nextCall)
## }

Variogram.lme <-
  function(object, distance, form = ~1,
           resType = c("pearson", "response", "normalized"),
           data, na.action = na.fail, maxDist, length.out = 50,
           collapse = c("quantiles", "fixed", "none"), nint = 20, breaks,
           robust = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"),
  resType <- match.arg(resType)
  grps <- getGroups(object, level = object$dims$Q)
  ## checking if object has a corSpatial element
  csT <- object$modelStruct$corStruct
  wchRows <- NULL
  if (missing(distance)) {
    if (missing(form) && inherits(csT, "corSpatial")) {
      distance <- getCovariate(csT)  # this excludes 1-obs groups
    } else {
      metric <- match.arg(metric)
      if (missing(data)) {
        data <- getData(object)
      if (is.null(data)) {			# will try to construct
        allV <- all.vars(form)
        if (length(allV) > 0) {
          alist <- lapply(as.list(allV), as.name)
          names(alist) <- allV
          alist <- c(as.list(quote(data.frame)), alist)
          mode(alist) <- "call"
          data <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
      covForm <- getCovariateFormula(form)
      if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 0) {
        if (attr(terms(covForm), "intercept") == 1) {
          covForm <- eval(substitute( ~ cFORM - 1, list(cFORM = covForm[[2L]])))
        covar <- model.frame(covForm, data, na.action = na.action)
        ## making sure grps is consistent
        wchRows <- !is.na(match(row.names(data), row.names(covar)))
        grps <- grps[wchRows, drop = TRUE]
        covar <- as.data.frame(unclass(model.matrix(covForm, covar)))
      } else {
        covar <-
          data.frame(dist = unlist(tapply(rep(1, nrow(data)), grps, cumsum)))
      covar <- split(covar, grps)
      ## getting rid of 1-observation groups
      covar <- covar[sapply(covar, function(el) nrow(as.matrix(el))) > 1]
      distance <- lapply(covar,
                         function(el, metric) dist(as.matrix(el), metric),
                         metric = metric)
  res <- resid(object, type = resType)
  if (!is.null(wchRows)) {
    res <- res[wchRows]
  res <- split(res, grps)
  res <- res[lengths(res) > 1L] # no 1-observation groups
  ## levGrps <- levels(grps)
  val <- lapply(seq_along(res),
                function(i) Variogram(res[[i]], distance[[i]]))
  names(val) <- names(res)
  val <- do.call(rbind, val)
  if (!missing(maxDist)) {
    val <- val[val$dist <= maxDist, ]
  collapse <- match.arg(collapse)
  if (collapse != "none") {             # will collapse values
    dst <- val$dist
    udist <- sort(unique(dst))
    ludist <- length(udist)
    if (!missing(breaks)) {
      if (min(breaks) > udist[1L]) breaks <- c(udist[1L], breaks)
      if (max(breaks) < udist[2L]) breaks <- c(breaks, udist[2L])
      if (!missing(nint) && nint != (length(breaks) - 1L)) {
        stop("'nint' is not consistent with 'breaks'")
      nint <- length(breaks) - 1
    cutDist <-
      if (nint < ludist) {
        if (missing(breaks))
          breaks <-
            if (collapse == "quantiles") {    # break into equal groups
              unique(quantile(dst, seq(0, 1, 1/nint), names=FALSE))
            } else {                          # fixed length intervals
              seq(udist[1L], udist[length(udist)], length = nint + 1L)
        cut(dst, breaks)
    val <- lapply(split(val, cutDist),
                  function(el) {
                    vrg <- el$variog
                    vrg <- if (robust)
                             ((mean(vrg^0.25))^4) / (0.457+ 0.494/nrow(el))
                    data.frame(variog = vrg,
                               dist = median(el$dist))
    val <- do.call(rbind, val)
    val$n.pairs <- as.vector(table(na.omit(cutDist)))
    val <- na.omit(val)                 # getting rid of NAs
  row.names(val) <- 1:nrow(val)
  if (inherits(csT, "corSpatial") && resType != "normalized") {
    ## will keep model variogram
    sig2 <- if (resType == "pearson") 1 else object$sigma^2
    attr(val, "modelVariog") <-
      Variogram(csT, sig2 = sig2, length.out = length.out)
  structure(val, class = c("Variogram", "data.frame"),
            collapse = (collapse != "none"))

###*### lmeStruct - a model structure for lme fits

lmeStruct <-
  ## constructor for lmeStruct objects
  function(reStruct, corStruct = NULL, varStruct = NULL)

  val <- list(reStruct = reStruct, corStruct = corStruct,
              varStruct = varStruct)
  structure(val[!vapply(val, is.null, NA)], # removing NULL components
            settings = attr(val$reStruct, "settings"),
            class = c("lmeStruct", "modelStruct"))

##*## lmeStruct methods for standard generics

fitted.lmeStruct <-
  function(object, level = Q, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"),
           lmeFit = attr(object, "lmeFit"), ...)
  if (is.null(conLin)) {
    stop("no condensed linear model")
  if (is.null(lmeFit)) {
    stop("no fitted \"lme\" object")
  dd <- conLin$dims
  Q <- dd$Q
  Qp1 <- Q + 1L
  nc <- dd$ncol
  fit <- array(0, c(dd$N, Qp1),
               list(dimnames(conLin$Xy)[[1L]], c("fixed", rev(names(object$reStruct)))))
  ZXstart <- rev(cumsum(c(1, nc[1:Q])))
  ZXend <- rev(cumsum(nc[1:Qp1]))
  ZXlen <- dd$ZXlen[Q:1]
  ZXngrps <- dd$ngrps[Q:1]
  ZXb <- lmeFit$b
  nc <- nc[Q:1]

  if(ZXstart[1L] <= ZXend[1L])
    fit[, "fixed"] <-			# population fitted values
    conLin$Xy[, ZXstart[1L]:ZXend[1L], drop = FALSE] %*% lmeFit$beta

  for(i in 1:Q) {
    j <- i + 1L
    fit[, j] <- fit[, i] +
      (conLin$Xy[, ZXstart[j]:ZXend[j], drop = FALSE] *
       ZXb[[i]][rep(1:ZXngrps[i], ZXlen[[i]]),,drop = FALSE]) %*% rep(1, nc[i])
  ## this is documented to return a vector for one level, matrix for more.
  ## So it should be a matrix if there is only one row, but not if
  ## there is only one columns.
  if(length(level) > 1) fit[, level + 1L, drop = FALSE] else fit[, level+1]

Initialize.lmeStruct <-
  function(object, data, groups, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"),
           control= list(niterEM = 20, gradHess = TRUE), ...)
  object[] <- lapply(object, Initialize, data, conLin, control)
  theta <- lapply(object, coef)
  len <- lengths(theta)
  pmap <- if (sum(len) > 0) {
            num <- seq_along(len)
            outer(rep(num, len), num, "==")
          } else {
            array(FALSE, c(1, length(len)))
  dimnames(pmap) <- list(NULL, names(object))
  attr(object, "pmap") <- pmap
  if (length(object) == 1  &&           # only reStruct
      all(attr(object, "settings")[-(1:3)] >= 0) && # known pdMat class
      control[["gradHess"]]) {
    ## can use numerical derivatives
    attr(object, "settings")[2:3] <- c(0, 1)
    class(object) <- c("lmeStructInt", class(object))
  if (needUpdate(object)) {
    attr(object, "lmeFit") <- MEestimate(object, groups)
    update(object, data)
  } else {

logLik.lmeStruct <-
  function(object, Pars, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"), ...)
  coef(object) <- Pars			# updating parameter values
  recalc(object, conLin)[["logLik"]]	# updating conLin

logLik.lmeStructInt <-
  function(object, Pars, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"), ...)
  ## logLik for objects with reStruct parameters only, with
  ## internally defined class
  q <- length(Pars)
  settings <- as.integer(attr(object, "settings"))
  aux <- .C(mixed_loglik, # >> ../src/nlmefit.c
            as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]),		# ZXy
            as.integer(unlist(conLin$dims)),	# pdims[]
            as.double(Pars),			# pars[]
            settings,				# settings
            val = double(1 + q * (q + 1)),	# logLik[] = (value, gradient, Hessian)
            double(1),				# lRSS
            as.double(conLin$sigma)		# sigma  (17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch ..)
  val <- aux[1L]
  attr(val, "gradient") <- -aux[1 + (1:q)]
  attr(val, "hessian") <- -array(aux[-(1:(q+1))], c(q, q))

residuals.lmeStruct <-
  function(object, level = conLin$dims$Q, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"),
           lmeFit = attr(object, "lmeFit"), ...)
  conLin$Xy[, conLin$dims$ZXcols] - fitted(object, level, conLin, lmeFit)

varWeights.lmeStruct <- function(object)
  if (is.null(object$varStruct)) rep(1, attr(object, "conLin")$dims$N)
  else varWeights(object$varStruct)

## Auxiliary control functions

lmeControl <-
  ## Control parameters for lme
  function(maxIter = 50, msMaxIter = 50, tolerance = 1e-6, niterEM = 25,
           msMaxEval = 200,
           msTol = 1e-7, msVerbose = FALSE,
           returnObject = FALSE, gradHess = TRUE, apVar = TRUE,
           .relStep = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3), minAbsParApVar = 0.05,
           opt = c("nlminb", "optim"),
           optimMethod = "BFGS", natural = TRUE,
           sigma = NULL, ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
           allow.n.lt.q = FALSE, # 23-01-2019 (NA would be back compatible)
    sigma <- 0
  else if(!is.finite(sigma) || length(sigma) != 1 || sigma < 0)
    stop("Within-group std. dev. must be a positive numeric value")
  list(maxIter = maxIter, msMaxIter = msMaxIter, tolerance = tolerance,
       niterEM = niterEM, msMaxEval = msMaxEval, msTol = msTol,
       msVerbose = msVerbose, returnObject = returnObject,
       gradHess = gradHess , apVar = apVar, .relStep = .relStep,
       opt = match.arg(opt), optimMethod = optimMethod,
       minAbsParApVar = minAbsParApVar, natural = natural,
       sigma = sigma,
       allow.n.lt.q = allow.n.lt.q,

## Local Variables:
## ess-indent-offset: 2
## End: