###           groupedData - data frame with a grouping structure
### Copyright 2006-2023  The R Core team
### Copyright 1997-2003  Jose C. Pinheiro,
###                      Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

groupedData <-
  ## Constructor for the groupedData class.  Takes a formula and a frame
  ## The formula must be of the form "response ~ primary | groups",
  ## "response ~ primary | groups1/groups2/.../groups_k",
  ## or "response ~ (primary1 | groups1) / ... / (primary|groups_k)"
  ## where groups_i evaluates to a factor in frame.
  function(formula, data = NULL, order.groups = TRUE,
	   FUN = function(x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE), outer = NULL,
           inner = NULL, labels = NULL, units = NULL)
  if (!(inherits(formula, "formula") && length(formula) == 3)) {
    stop("first argument to 'groupedData' must be a two-sided formula")
  if (is.null(grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(formula, asList = TRUE))) {
    stop("right-hand side of first argument must be a conditional expression")
  mCall <- match.call()
  mCall[[1]] <- if(length(grpForm) == 1)## nlme:: needed if 'nlme' not attached
		else quote(nlme::nmGroupedData)
  eval(mCall, envir = parent.frame())

nfGroupedData <-
  ## Constructor for the nfGroupedData class.  Takes a formula and a frame
  ## The formula must be of the form "response ~ primary | groups"
  ## where groups evaluates to a factor in frame.
  function(formula, data = NULL, order.groups = TRUE,
	   FUN = function(x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE), outer = NULL,
           inner = NULL, labels = NULL, units = NULL)
  ## want to stop exporting nfGroupedData()
  ## called internally from groupedData() via eval or from collapse.groupedData()
  .internal <- any(unlist(lapply(tail(sys.frames()[-sys.nframe()],
                                      3), # no need to look further up
                                 utils::packageName)) == "nlme")
    .Deprecated("groupedData", "nlme")
  if (!(inherits(formula, "formula") && length(formula) == 3)) {
    stop("first argument to 'nfGroupedData' must be a two-sided formula")
  grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(formula, asList = TRUE)
  if (is.null(grpForm)) {
    stop("right-hand side of first argument must be a conditional expression")
  if (length(grpForm) > 1) {
    stop("only one level of grouping allowed")
  ## create a data frame in which formula, inner, and outer can be evaluated
  if (missing(data) || is.null(data)) {
    vnames <- all.vars(asOneFormula(formula, inner, outer))
    alist <- lapply(as.list(vnames), as.name)
    names(alist) <- vnames
    data <- do.call('data.frame', alist)
  } else if (!inherits(data, "data.frame"))
      stop("second argument to 'groupedData' must inherit from data.frame")
  ## Although response and primary are not always used, they are
  ## evaluated here to verify that they can be evaluated.
  response <- getResponse(data, formula)
  primary <- getCovariate(data, formula)
  groupName <- names(grpForm)
  groups <- getGroups(data, formula)
  data[[groupName]] <- groups

  if (order.groups && !inherits(groups, "ordered")) {
    levs <-
      if (is.null(outer)) {
        names(sort(tapply(response, groups, FUN)))
      } else {
        ## split the data according to the 'outer' factors and
        ## obtain the order within each group
        outer <- asOneSidedFormula(outer)
        ## paste together all variables in outer with a character
        ## unlikely to be in a name
        combined <-
          do.call("paste", c(data[, all.vars(outer), drop = FALSE], sep='\007'))
        as.vector(unlist(lapply(split(data.frame(response = response,
                                                 groups = groups),
                                function(obj, func) {
                                                      obj$groups, func)))
                                }, func = FUN)))
    data[[groupName]] <- ordered(groups, levels = levs)
  attr(data, "formula") <- formula
  attr(data, "labels") <- labels
  attr(data, "units") <- units
  attr(data, "outer") <- outer
  attr(data, "inner") <- inner
  attr( data, "FUN" ) <- FUN
  attr( data, "order.groups" ) <- order.groups
  cl <-
      if ((length(all.vars(getCovariateFormula(formula))) == 0) ||
          !is.numeric(primary)) {
          "nffGroupedData"  # primary covariate is a factor or a "1"
      } else {
          "nfnGroupedData"  # primary covariate is numeric
  class(data) <- unique(c(cl, "nfGroupedData", "groupedData", class(data)))

nmGroupedData <-
  ## Constructor for the nmGroupedData class.  Takes a formula and a frame
  ## The formula must be of the form
  ## "respose ~ primary | groups1/groups2/.../groups_k",
  ## where groups_i evaluates to a factor in frame.
  function(formula, data=NULL, order.groups = TRUE,
	   FUN = function(x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE), outer = NULL,
           inner = NULL, labels = NULL, units = NULL)
  ## want to stop exporting nmGroupedData()
  ## called internally from groupedData() via eval
  .internal <- any(unlist(lapply(tail(sys.frames()[-sys.nframe()],
                                      3), # no need to look further up
                                 utils::packageName)) == "nlme")
    .Deprecated("groupedData", "nlme")
  if (!(inherits(formula, "formula") && length(formula) == 3))
    stop("first argument to 'nmGroupedData' must be a two-sided formula")
  grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(formula, asList = TRUE)
  if (is.null(grpForm))
    stop("right-hand side of first argument must be a conditional expression")
  if (length(grpForm) == 1)
    stop("single group not supported -- use groupedData()")

  checkForList <- function(object, nams, expand = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(object)) return(object)
    if (is.list(object)) {
      if (is.null(names(object))) {
        names(object) <- nams[seq_along(object)]
    } else if (expand) {
      object <- rep(list(object), length(nams))
      names(object) <- nams
    } else {
      object <- list(object)
      names(object) <- nams[length(nams)]

  grpNames <- names(grpForm)
  names(grpNames) <- grpNames
  ## ckecking if arguments are lists
  order.groups <- checkForList(order.groups, grpNames, TRUE)
  outer <- checkForList(outer, grpNames)
  inner <- checkForList(inner, grpNames)

  ## create a data frame in which formula, outer, and inner can be evaluated
  if (missing(data) || is.null(data)) {
    vnames <- all.vars(asOneFormula(formula, outer, inner))
    alist <- lapply(as.list(vnames), as.name)
    names(alist) <- vnames
    data <- do.call('data.frame', alist)
  } else if (!inherits(data, "data.frame"))
      stop("second argument to 'groupedData' must inherit from data.frame")
  ## Although response and primary are not always used, they are
  ## evaluated here to verify that they can be evaluated.
  response <- getResponse(data, formula)
  primary <- getCovariate(data, formula)
  groups <- getGroups(data, formula)
  rm(response, primary, groups)# -NOTE(codetools)

  attr(data, "formula") <- formula
  attr(data, "formulaList") <- grpForm
  attr(data, "labels") <- labels
  attr(data, "units") <- units
  attr(data, "inner") <- inner
  attr(data, "outer") <- outer
  attr(data, "order.groups") <- order.groups
  attr(data, "FUN") <- FUN
  class(data) <- unique(c("nmGroupedData", "groupedData", class(data)))

###*# Methods for standard generics

as.data.frame.groupedData <-
  function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)
  attributes(x) <- attributes(x)[c("names", "row.names")]
  class(x) <- "data.frame"

collapse.groupedData <-
  function(object, collapseLevel = Q, displayLevel = collapseLevel,
           outer = NULL, inner = NULL, preserve = NULL, FUN = mean,
           subset = NULL, ...)
  form <- formula(object)
  grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(form, asList = TRUE)
  grpNames <- names(grpForm)
  names(grpNames) <- grpNames
  Q <- length(grpForm)                  # number of levels
  if (Q == 1) {                         # no collapsing
    if (!missing(subset)) {
      warning("'subset' ignored with single grouping factor")
  groups <- getGroups(object, form, level = 1:Q)
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    ## choosing some levels of grouping factors
    if (!is.list(subset)) {
      stop("'subset' must be a list")
    if (!anyNA(match(names(subset), 1:Q))) {
      ## subset names given as integers
      names(subset) <- grpNames[names(subset)]
    if (anyNA(match(names(subset), grpNames))) {
      stop("undefined group declared in 'subset'")
    auxSubset <- rep(TRUE, dim(object)[1])
    for(i in names(subset)) {
      auxSubset <- auxSubset & as.logical(match(groups[[i]], subset[[i]], 0))
    object <- object[auxSubset, , drop = FALSE]
    groups <- groups[auxSubset, , drop = FALSE]
    groups[] <- lapply(groups, function(x) x[drop = TRUE])
  if (length(displayLevel) != 1) {
    stop("only one display level allowed")
  if (is.null(grpForm[[displayLevel]])) {
      stop(gettextf("undefined display level %s for %s",
                    displayLevel, sQuote(substitute(object))), domain = NA)
  attribs <- attributes(object)
  ord <- attribs[["order.groups"]][[displayLevel]]
  if (is.logical(outer)) {
    outer <- attribs[["outer"]][[displayLevel]]
  if (is.logical(inner)) {
    inner <- attribs[["inner"]][[displayLevel]]
  form[[3]][[3]] <- grpForm[[displayLevel]][[2]]
  args <- list(formula = form,
	       order.groups = ord,
	       FUN = attribs[["FUN"]],
	       outer = outer,
	       inner = inner,
	       labels = attribs[["labels"]],
	       units = attribs[["units"]])
  dlevel <- if (is.character(displayLevel)) { # as the level name
              match(displayLevel, grpNames)
	    } else {                    # as the level number
  if (dlevel < Q) {			# may need to collapse object
    if (is.null(grpForm[[collapseLevel]])) {
        stop(gettextf("undefined collapsing level %s for %s",
                      collapseLevel, sQuote(substitute(object))), domain = NA)
    clevel <- if (is.character(collapseLevel)) {
      match(collapseLevel, grpNames)
    } else {
    if (clevel < dlevel) {
      clevel <- dlevel
      warning("collapsing level cannot be smaller than display level; setting it to the display level")
    if ((dlevel < clevel) || (clevel < Q)) {
      collapseGroups <-
        do.call("paste", c(lapply(groups[, 1:clevel, drop = FALSE ],
                                  as.character), sep = "\007"))
      if (dlevel < clevel) {            # may need innerGroups
	object[[".collapseGroups"]] <- as.factor(collapseGroups)
      if (!is.null(preserve)) {
        if (!(inherits(preserve, "formula") && length(preserve) == 2)) {
          stop("'preserve' must be a two-sided formula")
        collapseGroups <- paste(collapseGroups, eval(preserve[[2]], object),
                                sep = "\007")
      collapseGroups <- paste(collapseGroups, getCovariate(object),
                              sep = "\007")
      collapseGroups <- ordered(collapseGroups,
                                levels = unique(as.character(collapseGroups)))
      if (length(levels(collapseGroups)) < dim(object)[1]) {
        ## collapsing the object
        object <- gsummary(object, groups = collapseGroups, FUN = FUN)
        row.names(object) <- 1:dim(object)[1]
        ## need to recalculate groups --- fix from JCP
        groups <- getGroups(object, grpForm, level = 1:Q)
  object <- as.data.frame(object)
  if (dlevel == 1) {			# no outer groups
    args[["data"]] <- object
    value <- do.call("nfGroupedData", args)
  } else {
    ## need to establish an appropriate ordering
    namesDgrp <- names(groups)
    for(i in 2:Q) {
      groups[, i] <- paste(as.character(groups[, i - 1]),
                           as.character(groups[, i]), sep = "/")
      namesDgrp[i] <- paste(namesDgrp[i-1], namesDgrp[i], sep = "/")
    displayGroups <- groups[, dlevel]
    isOrd <- unlist(lapply(groups, is.ordered))[1:dlevel]
    ordOrig <- unlist(attribs[["order.groups"]][1:dlevel]) & !isOrd
    if (any(ordOrig)) {
      groups[ordOrig] <- lapply(groups[ordOrig], function(el, y, func) {
	ordered(el, levels = names(sort(tapply(y, el, func))))
      }, y = getResponse(object, form), func = attribs[["FUN"]])
    if (!is.null(outer)) {
      outFact <- do.call("paste", c(lapply(object[, all.vars(outer)],
					 as.character), sep = "\007"))
      groups <- c(list(outFact), groups)
    displayGroups <- ordered(displayGroups,
      levels = unique(as.character(displayGroups[do.call("order", groups)])))
    form[[3]][[3]] <- quote(.groups)
    object[[".groups"]] <- displayGroups
    args[["formula"]] <- form
    args[["data"]] <- object
    value <- do.call("nfGroupedData", args)
  if (match(".collapseGroups", names(object), 0)) {
    groups <- eval(form[[3]][[3]], value)
    rnams <- unlist(split(1:nrow(value), groups))
    cGroups <- unlist(lapply(split(value[[".collapseGroups"]], groups),
                             function(el) as.integer(el[drop = TRUE])))
    value[[".collapseGroups"]] <- cGroups[order(rnams)]
    attr(value, "innerGroups") <- ~.collapseGroups
  if (dlevel > 1 && !is.na(match(".groups", names(value)))) {
    attr(value[,".groups"], "label") <- namesDgrp[dlevel]

formula.groupedData <-
  function(x, ...) eval(attr(x, "formula"))

plot.nfnGroupedData <-
  function(x, outer = NULL, inner = NULL, innerGroups = NULL,
           xlab = paste(attr(x, "labels")$x, attr(x, "units")$x),
           ylab = paste(attr(x, "labels")$y, attr(x, "units")$y),
           strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1),
           aspect = "xy",
           panel = function(x, y, ...) {
             if (grid) panel.grid()
             panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
             y.avg <- tapply(y, x, mean) # lines through average y
             y.avg <- y.avg[!is.na(y.avg)]
             if (length(y.avg) > 0) {
               xvals <- as.numeric(names(y.avg))
               ord <- order(xvals)
               panel.xyplot(xvals[ord], y.avg[ord], type = "l")
           }, key = TRUE, grid = TRUE, ...)
  labels <- list(xlab = xlab, ylab =  ylab)
  labels <- labels[lengths(labels) > 0]
  args <- c(list(attr(x, "formula"), data = x, strip = strip,
		 aspect = aspect, panel = panel), labels)
  if (length(outer) > 0) {
    if (is.logical(outer) && outer) {	# get the default outer formula
      outer <- attr(x, "outer")
    args[[1]][[3]][[3]] <- asOneSidedFormula(outer)[[2]]
    if (length(innerGroups) == 0) {
      innerGroups <- getGroupsFormula(x)
  if ((length(innerGroups) > 0) && (length(inner) == 0)) {
    inner <- innerGroups
    innerGroups <- NULL
  if (length(inner) > 0) {
    if (is.logical(inner) && inner) {	# get the default inner formula
      inner <- attr(x, "inner")
    args[["subscripts"]] <- TRUE
    trll.set <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")[c("lty", "col")]
    if (length(innerGroups) == 0) {
      args[["groups"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(inner)[[2]]
      if (missing(inner)) {
        Inner <- NULL
        trll.lty <- trll.set[["lty"]][1]
        trll.col <- trll.set[["col"]][1]
        assign("trll.lty", trll.lty)
        assign("trll.col", trll.col)
        args[["panel"]] <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
            panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
            panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, type = "l",
                            col = trll.col, lty = trll.lty)
      } else {
        Inner <- as.factor(eval(asOneSidedFormula(inner)[[2]], x))
        levInn <- levels(Inner)
        args[["panel"]] <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
            panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
            panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, type = "l")
    } else {				#inner and innerGroups
      args[["groups"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(innerGroups)[[2]]
      Inner <- as.factor(eval(asOneSidedFormula(inner)[[2]], x))
      levInn <- levels(Inner)
      Inner <- (as.integer(Inner) - 1) %% length(trll.set[["lty"]]) + 1
      trll.lty <- trll.set[["lty"]][Inner]
      trll.col <- trll.set[["col"]][Inner]
      assign("trll.lty", trll.lty)
      assign("trll.col", trll.col)
      args[["panel"]] <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
	  panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
          aux <- match(unique(groups), groups)
          panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, type = "l",
			  col = trll.col[aux],
			  lty = trll.lty[aux])
  } else {
    Inner <- NULL
  if(is.logical(key)) {
    if(key && (!is.null(Inner) && (lInn <- length(levInn)) > 1)) {
      ## lInn <- min(c(lInn, length(trll.set[["lty"]])))
      args[["key"]] <-
	list(lines = Rows(trellis.par.get("superpose.line"), 1:lInn),
	     text = list(levels = levInn), columns = min(6, lInn))
  } else {
    args[["key"]] <- key
  dots <- list(...)
  args[names(dots)] <- dots
  assign("grid", grid)
  do.call("xyplot", args)

plot.nffGroupedData <-
  function(x, outer = NULL, inner = NULL, innerGroups = NULL,
           xlab = paste(attr(x, "labels")$y, attr(x, "units")$y),
           ylab = groupLabel,
           strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1),
           panel = function(x, y) {
             dot.line <- trellis.par.get("dot.line")
             panel.abline(h = y, lwd = dot.line$lwd,
                          lty = dot.line$lty, col = dot.line$col)
             panel.dotplot(x, y)
           }, key = length(inner) > 0, grid, ...)
  groupExpr <- c_deparse(getGroupsFormula(x)[[2]])
  if (is.null(groupLabel <- attr(x[, groupExpr], "label"))) {
    groupLabel <- groupExpr
  labels <- list(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
  labels <- labels[lengths(labels) > 0]
  if (length(outer) > 0) {
    if (is.logical(outer) && outer) {	# get the default outer formula
      form <- formula(paste(groupExpr,
                            "~", deparse(getResponseFormula(x)[[2]]),"|",
			     c_deparse(attr(x, "outer")[[2]])))
    } else {
      form <-  formula(paste(groupExpr,
			    "~", deparse(getResponseFormula(x)[[2]]),"|",
  } else {
    form <- formula(paste(groupExpr, "~",
  args <- c(list(form, data = x, strip = strip, panel = panel),
  if ((length(innerGroups) > 0) && (length(inner) == 0)) {
    inner <- innerGroups
    innerGroups <- NULL
  if (length(inner) == 0) {
    covForm <- getCovariateFormula(x)
    if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 0) {# non-trivial covariate
      inner <- covForm
  if (length(inner) > 0) {
    if (is.logical(inner) && inner) {	# get the default inner formula
      inner <- attr(x, "inner")
    args[["subscripts"]] <- TRUE
    args[["groups"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(inner)[[2]]
    args[["panel"]] <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups)
	dot.line <- trellis.par.get("dot.line")
	panel.abline(h = y, lwd = dot.line$lwd,
		     lty = dot.line$lty, col = dot.line$col)
	panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups)
  if(is.logical(key) && key && (length(inner) > 0)) {
    Inner <- eval(inner[[2]], x)
    levInn <- levels(as.factor(Inner))
    lInn <- length(levInn)
    ## lInn <- min(c(lInn, length(trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")$pch)))
    args[["key"]] <-
      list(points = Rows(trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol"), 1:lInn),
	     text = list(levels = levInn), columns = min(6, lInn))
  dots <- list(...)
  args[names(dots)] <- dots
  do.call("dotplot", args)

plot.nmGroupedData <-
  function(x, collapseLevel = Q, displayLevel = collapseLevel,
	   outer = NULL, inner = NULL, preserve = NULL, FUN = mean,
           subset = NULL, key = TRUE, grid = TRUE, ...)
  args <- list(outer = outer, inner = inner, key = key, grid = grid, ...)
  Q <- length(getGroupsFormula(x, asList = TRUE))
  if (is.null(preserve) && collapseLevel < Q && !is.null(inner)) {
    preserve <-
      if(is.logical(inner)) attr(x, "inner")[[displayLevel]] else inner
  x <- collapse(x, collapseLevel, displayLevel, outer, inner,
		preserve, FUN, subset)
  args[["innerGroups"]] <- attr(x, "innerGroups")
  args[["x"]] <- x
  do.call("plot", args)

print.groupedData <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Grouped Data: ")
  if(identical(emptyenv(), environment(frm <- attr(x, "formula"))))
      environment(frm) <- globalenv()# for printing, as that will be suppressed
  print(frm, ...)
  print.data.frame(x, ...)

update.groupedData <-
  function(object, formula, data, order.groups, FUN, outer, inner,
           labels, units, ...)

  args <- as.list( attributes( object ) )
  args <- args[is.na(match(names(args),
                       c("names", "row.names", "class", "formulaList")))]
  thisCall <- as.list(match.call())[-(1:2)]
  args[names(thisCall)] <- thisCall
  if (is.null(args[["data"]])) args[["data"]] <- as.data.frame(object)
  do.call("groupedData", args)

"[.groupedData" <-
  function(x, i, j, drop = missing(i) || (nargs() >= 3L && length(cols) == 1))
  oAttr <- attributes(x)
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  data <- NextMethod()
  if (!inherits(data, "data.frame")) return(data)
  allV <- all.vars(asOneFormula(oAttr[["formula"]], oAttr[["inner"]],
  ## check if any columns used in formulas were deleted
  if(anyNA(match(allV, names(data)))) { # return data frame
    cols <- ncol(data)
    return(data[, seq_len(cols), drop = drop])
  args <- as.list(oAttr)
  args <- args[ is.na( match( names( args ), c( "names", "row.names" ) ) ) ]
  if (nrow(x) == nrow(data)) {		# only columns deleted
    attributes(data) <- c( attributes( data ), args )
    return( data )
  } ## otherwise, return  "groupedData" :
  ## pruning the levels of factors
  whichFact <- unlist(lapply(data, is.factor))
  data[whichFact] <- lapply(data[whichFact], function(x) x[drop = TRUE])
  args <- c(args[!is.na(match(names( args ), c("formula", "order.groups",
            "FUN", "outer", "inner", "labels", "units")))], list(data = data))
  do.call("groupedData", args)

isBalanced.groupedData <-
  function(object, countOnly = FALSE, level)
  if (missing(level)) {
    level <- length(getGroupsFormula(object, asList = TRUE))
  if ( countOnly ) {
    return( length( unique( table( getGroups(object, level = level) ) ) ) == 1 )
                      getGroups(object, level = level)))) == 1

asTable.groupedData <-
  if (length(getGroupsFormula(object, asList = TRUE)) > 1) {
    stop("'asTable' cannot be used with multilevel grouped data")
  tab <- table( getGroups(object), getCovariate(object) )
  if (1 != length(unique(tab)))
    stop("'asTable' can only be used with balanced 'groupedData' objects")
  tab[] <- getResponse(object)[order(getCovariate(object),getGroups(object))]

balancedGrouped <-
  function(form, data, labels = NULL, units = NULL)
  form <- as.formula( form )
  data <- t( as.matrix( data ) )
  dn <- dimnames( data )
  if ( !anyNA( suppressWarnings( as.numeric( dn[[1]] ) ) ) ) {
    dn[[1]] <- as.numeric( dn[[1]] )
  names(dn) <- c( as.character(getCovariateFormula(form)[[2]]),
                  as.character(getGroupsFormula   (form)[[2]]) )
  df <- do.call("expand.grid", dn)
  df[[ as.character(getResponseFormula(form)[[2]]) ]] <- as.vector(data)
  groupedData(form, data = df, labels = labels, units = units)