### Classes of correlation structures ### ### Copyright 2005-2024 The R Core team ### Copyright 1997-2003 Jose C. Pinheiro, ### Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ # ### FIXME: For larger problems, the approach of corFactor() / corMatrix() of ### ------ of size sumLenSq := sum(len^2), len := table(groups) sucks ! ### Conceptually, one could consider using something like Matrix::sparseVector(.) ### but would have to deal with corresponding C code as well ! ##*## Generics that should be implemented for any corStruct class corFactor <- ## extractor for transpose inverse square root factor of corr matrix function(object, ...) UseMethod("corFactor") corMatrix <- ## extractor for correlation matrix or the transpose inverse ## square root matrix function(object, ...) UseMethod("corMatrix") ###*# Constructor ### There is no constructor function for this class (i.e. no function ### called corStruct) because the class is virtual. ## --- We now check 'sumLenSq' when it is first computed! ## .chkLenSq <- function(nn) { ## if(nn > .Machine$integer.max) ## stop(gettextf("'sumLenSq' = %g is too large (larger than maximal integer)", ## nn), domain = NA) ## else ## nn ## } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corStruct <- function(object, ...) { if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "factor"))) { return(aux) } corD <- Dim(object) ## .chkLenSq(corD[["sumLenSq"]]) val <- .C(corStruct_factList, as.double(unlist(corMatrix(object))), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corStruct <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { if (corr) { ## Do not know how to calculate the correlation matrix stop(gettextf("do not know how to calculate correlation matrix of %s object", dQuote(class(object)[1])), domain = NA) } else { ## transpose inverse square root corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) val <- .C(corStruct_factList, as.double(unlist(corMatrix(object, covariate))), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } } ###*# Methods for standard generics as.matrix.corStruct <- function(x, ...) corMatrix(x) coef.corStruct <- ## Accessor for constrained or unconstrained parameters of ## corStruct objects function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (unconstrained) { if (is.null(isFix <- attr(object, "fixed"))) { stop("\"corStruct\" object must have a \"fixed\" attribute") } if (isFix) { numeric(0) } else { as.vector(object) } } else { stop(gettextf("do not know how to obtain parameters of %s object", dQuote(class(object)[1])), domain = NA) } } ## not used in nlme but for custom classes (some are in ape, covBM) `coef<-.corStruct` <- function(object, ..., value) { ## Assignment of the unconstrained parameter of corStruct objects value <- as.numeric(value) if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corStruct\" object") } object[] <- value ## updating the factor list and logDet, by forcing a recalculation attr(object, "factor") <- NULL attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- NULL attr(object, "logDet") <- logDet(object) object } Dim.corStruct <- function(object, groups, ...) { if (missing(groups)) return(attr(object, "Dim")) ugrp <- unique(groups) groups <- factor(groups, levels = ugrp) ## Note: The 'start' logic assumes the data to be ordered by 'groups', ## but 'start' is only used for internal recalc() in model fitting ## functions and these re-order the data as needed. len <- table(groups) suml2 <- sum(len^2) if(suml2 > .Machine$integer.max) stop(gettextf( "'sumLenSq := sum(table(groups)^2)' = %g is too large. Too large or no groups in your correlation structure?", suml2), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) list(N = length(groups), M = length(len), maxLen = max(len), sumLenSq = suml2, len = len, start = match(ugrp, groups) - 1L) } formula.corStruct <- ## Accessor for the covariate formula function(x, ...) eval(attr(x, "formula")) getCovariate.corStruct <- function(object, form = formula(object), data) { if (!missing(form)) { form <- formula(object) warning("cannot change 'form'") } if (is.null(covar <- attr(object, "covariate"))) { # need to calculate it if (missing(data)) { stop("need data to calculate covariate of \"corStruct\" object") } covForm <- getCovariateFormula(form) grps <- if(!is.null(getGroupsFormula(form))) getGroups(object, data = data) ## else NULL if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 0) { # primary covariate present if (is.null(grps)) { covar <- getCovariate(data, covForm) } else { if (all(all.vars(covForm) == sapply(splitFormula(covForm, "+"), function(el) deparse(el[[2]])))) { covar <- split(getCovariate(data, covForm), grps) } else { covar <- lapply(split(data, grps), getCovariate, covForm) } } } else { if (is.null(grps)) { covar <- 1:nrow(data) } else { covar <- lapply(split(grps, grps), seq_along) } } if (!is.null(grps)) { covar <- as.list(covar) } } covar } getGroups.corStruct <- function(object, form = formula(object), level, data, sep) { if (is.null(val <- attr(object, "groups"))) { # need to calculate if (!missing(data)) { if ((grpLev <- length(getGroupsFormula(form, asList = TRUE))) > 0) { ## use innermost grouping level val <- getGroups(data, form, level = grpLev) factor(val, levels = unique(as.character(val))) } else { rep(1, dim(data)[1]) } } else { NULL } } else { val } } Initialize.corStruct <- ## Initializes some attributes of corStruct objects function(object, data, ...) { ## might already be initialized, e.g., from ARMA(1,0) <-> AR1 methods form <- formula(object) ## obtaining the groups information, if any groups <- if (!is.null(getGroupsFormula(form))) { attr(object, "groups") <- getGroups(object, form, data = data) } else { # no groups as.factor(rep(1L, nrow(data))) } attr(object, "Dim") <- Dim(object, groups) ## obtaining the covariate(s) attr(object, "covariate") <- getCovariate(object, data = data) object } logDet.corStruct <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), ...) { if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "logDet"))) { return(aux) } if (is.null(aux <- attr(object, "factor"))) { ## getting the transpose sqrt factor aux <- corMatrix(object, covariate = covariate, corr = FALSE) } if (is.null(aux1 <- attr(aux, "logDet"))) { ## checking for logDet attribute; if not present, get corr matrix aux <- corMatrix(object, covariate) sum(log(abs(if(is.list(aux)) unlist(lapply(aux, svd.d)) else svd.d(aux) )))/2 } else { -aux1 } } ## NB, no "nobs" logLik.corStruct <- function(object, data, ...) -logDet(object) needUpdate.corStruct <- function(object) FALSE print.corStruct <- function(x, ...) { if (length(aux <- coef(x, unconstrained = FALSE)) > 0) { cat("Correlation structure of class", class(x)[1], "representing\n") print(aux, ...) } else { cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class", class(x)[1], "\n") } invisible(x) } print.summary.corStruct <- function(x, ...) { class(x) <- attr(x, "oClass") cat(paste0("Correlation Structure: ", attr(x, "structName"), "\n")) cat(paste(" Formula:", deparse(formula(x)),"\n")) cat(" Parameter estimate(s):\n") print(coef(x, unconstrained = FALSE), ...) invisible(x) } ## not used in nlme but for custom classes (some are in ape, covBM) recalc.corStruct <- function(object, conLin, ...) { conLin[["Xy"]][] <- .C(corStruct_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(unlist(corFactor(object))))[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + logLik(object) conLin } summary.corStruct <- function(object, structName = class(object)[1], ...) { attr(object, "structName") <- structName attr(object, "oClass") <- class(object) class(object) <- "summary.corStruct" object } update.corStruct <- function(object, data, ...) { object } ##*## Classes that substitute for (i.e. inherit from) corStruct ###*# corSymm - general, unstructured correlation ####* Constructor corSymm <- ## Constructor for the corSymm class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corSymm", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corSymm <- function(object, ...) { corD <- Dim(object) val <- .C(symm_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corSymm <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) if (corr) { val <- .C(symm_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(symm_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corSymm <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (unconstrained) { if (attr(object, "fixed")) { return(numeric(0)) } else { return(as.vector(object)) } } mC <- attr(object, "maxCov") .C(symm_fullCorr, as.double(object), as.integer(mC), corr = double(round(mC * (mC - 1) / 2)))[["corr"]] } `coef<-.corSymm` <- function(object, ..., value) { if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corSymm\" object") } object[] <- value corD <- attr(object, "Dim") ## updating the factor list and logDet aux <- .C(symm_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Initialize.corSymm <- function(object, data, ...) { if (!is.null(attr(object, "maxCov"))) {# initialized - nothing to do return(object) } object <- NextMethod() covar <- attr(object, "covariate") if(!is.list(covar)) covar <- list(covar) if (any(lapply(covar, anyDuplicated) > 0)) { stop("covariate must have unique values within groups for \"corSymm\" objects") } covar <- unlist(covar) - 1 maxCov <- max(uCov <- unique(covar)) + 1 if (length(uCov) != maxCov) { stop("unique values of the covariate for \"corSymm\" objects must be a sequence of consecutive integers") } if (Dim(object)[["M"]] > 1) { attr(object, "covariate") <- split(covar, getGroups(object)) } else { attr(object, "covariate") <- covar } attr(object, "maxCov") <- maxCov natPar <- as.vector(object) if (length(natPar) > 0) { ## parameters assumed in constrained form if (length(natPar) != round(maxCov * (maxCov - 1) / 2)) { stop("initial value for \"corSymm\" parameters of wrong dimension") } if (max(abs(natPar)) >= 1) { stop("initial values for \"corSymm\" must be between -1 and 1") } natMat <- diag(maxCov)/2 natMat[lower.tri(natMat)] <- natPar natMat <- t(natMat) + natMat ## checking if positive-definite if (any(eigen(natMat, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values <= 0)) { stop("initial values for \"corSymm\" do not define a positive-definite correlation structure") } natMat <- chol(natMat) uncPar <- numeric(0) for(i in 2:maxCov) { aux <- acos(natMat[1:(i-1),i]/sqrt(cumsum(natMat[i:1,i]^2)[i:2])) uncPar <- c(uncPar, log(aux/(pi - aux))) } coef(object) <- uncPar } else { # initializing the parameters oldAttr <- attributes(object) object <- double(round(maxCov * (maxCov - 1) / 2)) attributes(object) <- oldAttr attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") } object } print.corSymm <- function(x, ...) { if (length(as.vector(x)) > 0 && !is.null(mC <- attr(x, "maxCov"))) { aux <- coef.corSymm(x, unconstrained = FALSE) val <- diag(mC) dimnames(val) <- list(1:mC, 1:mC) val[lower.tri(val)] <- aux class(val) <- "correlation" cat("Correlation structure of class corSymm representing\n") print(val, ...) } else cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class corSymm\n") invisible(x) } print.summary.corSymm <- function(x, ...) { if (length(as.vector(x)) > 0 && !is.null(mC <- attr(x, "maxCov"))) { cat("Correlation Structure: General\n") cat(paste(" Formula:", deparse(formula(x)),"\n")) cat(" Parameter estimate(s):\n") val <- diag(mC) dimnames(val) <- list(1:mC, 1:mC) val[lower.tri(val)] <- coef.corSymm(x, unconstrained = FALSE) class(val) <- "correlation" print(val, ...) } else cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class corSymm\n") invisible(x) } recalc.corSymm <- function(object, conLin, ...) { val <- .C(symm_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } summary.corSymm <- function(object, structName = "General correlation", ...) { attr(object, "structName") <- structName class(object) <- "summary.corSymm" object } ###*# corNatural - general correlation in natural parametrization ####* Constructor corNatural <- function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corNatural", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corNatural <- function(object, ...) { corD <- Dim(object) val <- .C(nat_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corNatural <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) if (corr) { val <- .C(nat_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(nat_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corNatural <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (unconstrained) { if (attr(object, "fixed")) { return(numeric(0)) } else { return(as.vector(object)) } } mC <- attr(object, "maxCov") val <- .C(nat_fullCorr, as.double(object), as.integer(mC), corr = double(round(mC * (mC - 1) / 2)))[["corr"]] names(val) <- outer(1:mC, 1:mC, function(x,y) paste0("cor(",y,",",x,")"))[ lower.tri(diag(mC))] val } `coef<-.corNatural` <- function(object, ..., value) { if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corNatural\" object") } object[] <- value corD <- attr(object, "Dim") ## updating the factor list and logDet aux <- .C(nat_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Initialize.corNatural <- function(object, data, ...) { if (!is.null(attr(object, "maxCov"))) {# initialized - nothing to do return(object) } object <- NextMethod() covar <- attr(object, "covariate") if(!is.list(covar)) covar <- list(covar) if (any(lapply(covar, anyDuplicated) > 0)) { stop("covariate must have unique values within groups for \"corNatural\" objects") } covar <- unlist(covar) - 1 maxCov <- max(uCov <- unique(covar)) + 1 if (length(uCov) != maxCov) { stop("unique values of the covariate for \"corNatural\" objects must be a sequence of consecutive integers") } if (Dim(object)[["M"]] > 1) { attr(object, "covariate") <- split(covar, getGroups(object)) } else { attr(object, "covariate") <- covar } attr(object, "maxCov") <- maxCov natPar <- as.vector(object) if (length(natPar) > 0) { ## parameters assumed in constrained form if (length(natPar) != round(maxCov * (maxCov - 1) / 2)) { stop("initial value for \"corNatural\" parameters of wrong dimension") } if (max(abs(natPar)) >= 1) { stop("initial values for \"corNatural\" must be between -1 and 1") } natMat <- diag(maxCov)/2 natMat[lower.tri(natMat)] <- natPar natMat <- t(natMat) + natMat ## checking if positive-definite if (any(eigen(natMat, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values <= 0)) { stop("initial values for \"corNatural\" do not define a positive-definite correlation structure") } coef(object) <- log((natPar + 1)/(1 - natPar)) } else { # initializing the parameters oldAttr <- attributes(object) object <- double(round(maxCov * (maxCov - 1) / 2)) attributes(object) <- oldAttr attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") } object } print.corNatural <- function(x, ...) { if (length(as.vector(x)) > 0 && !is.null(mC <- attr(x, "maxCov"))) { aux <- coef(x, FALSE) val <- diag(mC) dimnames(val) <- list(1:mC, 1:mC) val[lower.tri(val)] <- aux class(val) <- "correlation" cat("Correlation structure of class corNatural representing\n") print(val, ...) } else cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class corNatural\n") invisible(x) } print.summary.corNatural <- function(x, ...) { if (length(as.vector(x)) > 0 && !is.null(mC <- attr(x, "maxCov"))) { cat("Correlation Structure: General, with natural parametrization\n") cat(paste(" Formula:", deparse(formula(x)),"\n")) cat(" Parameter estimate(s):\n") aux <- coef.corNatural(x, FALSE) val <- diag(mC) dimnames(val) <- list(1:mC, 1:mC) val[lower.tri(val)] <- aux class(val) <- "correlation" print(val, ...) } else cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class corNatural\n") invisible(x) } recalc.corNatural <- function(object, conLin, ...) { val <- .C(nat_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } summary.corNatural <- function(object, structName = "General correlation, with natural parametrization", ...) { attr(object, "structName") <- structName class(object) <- "summary.corNatural" object } ###*# corIdent - independent structure === DEPRECATED ####* Constructor corIdent <- ## Constructor for the corIdent class function(form = NULL) { .Deprecated( msg = paste0( "The \"corIdent\" class is deprecated.\n", "Use argument 'correlation = NULL' for uncorrelated errors in model functions." ), package = "nlme") value <- numeric(0) attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "fixed") <- TRUE class(value) <- c("corIdent", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corMatrix.corIdent <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr, ...) { .Deprecated(package="nlme", old = "corMatrix.corIdent(): \"corIdent\" class") if(is.list(covariate)) {# by group as.list(lapply(covariate, function(el, object) corMatrix(object, el))) } else { diag(length(covariate)) } } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corIdent <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) numeric(0) `coef<-.corIdent` <- function(object, ..., value) object Initialize.corIdent <- function(object, data, ...) { .Deprecated(package="nlme", old = "Initialize.corIdent(): \"corIdent\" class") attr(object, "logDet") <- 0 object } logDet.corIdent <- function(object, covariate, ...) 0 recalc.corIdent <- function(object, conLin, ...) conLin summary.corIdent <- function(object, structName = "Independent", ...) { .Deprecated(package="nlme", old = "summary.corIdent(): \"corIdent\" class") summary.corStruct(object, structName) } ###*# corAR1 - autoregressive of order one structure ####* Constructor corAR1 <- ## Constructor for the corAR1 class function(value = 0, form = ~ 1, fixed = FALSE) { if (abs(value) >= 1) { stop("parameter in AR(1) structure must be between -1 and 1") } value <- log((1 + value)/( 1 - value)) attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corAR1", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corAR1 <- function(object, ...) { corD <- Dim(object) if(corD[["sumLenSq"]] > .Machine$integer.max) stop(gettextf("'sumLenSq' = %g is too large (larger than maximal integer)", corD[["sumLenSq"]]), domain = NA) val <- .C(AR1_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), ## of size n^2 -- too large !! logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corAR1 <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) if (corr) { val <- .C(AR1_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(AR1_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corAR1 <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (unconstrained) { if (attr(object, "fixed")) { return(numeric(0)) } else { return(as.vector(object)) } } aux <- exp(as.vector(object)) aux <- c((aux - 1)/(aux + 1)) names(aux) <- "Phi" aux } `coef<-.corAR1` <- function(object, ..., value) { if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corAR1\" object") } object[] <- value corD <- attr(object, "Dim") ## updating the factor list and logDet aux <- .C(AR1_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Initialize.corAR1 <- ## Initializes corAR1 objects function(object, data, ...) { object <- NextMethod() covar <- attr(object, "covariate") if(!is.list(covar)) covar <- list(covar) if (any(lapply(covar, anyDuplicated) > 0)) { stop("covariate must have unique values within groups for \"corAR1\" objects") } if (any(unlist(lapply(covar, diff)) != 1)) { ## Cannot use formulas for inverse of square root matrix ## will convert to class ARMA(1,0) attr(object, "p") <- 1 attr(object, "q") <- 0 class(object) <- c("corARMA", "corStruct") Initialize(object, data) } else { ## obtaining the factor list and logDet attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } } recalc.corAR1 <- function(object, conLin, ...) { val <- .C(AR1_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } summary.corAR1 <- function(object, structName = "AR(1)", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } ####*# corCAR1 - continuous time autoregressive of order one structure #####* Constructor corCAR1 <- ## Constructor for the corCAR1 class function(value = 0.2, form = ~ 1, fixed = FALSE) { if (value <= 0 | value >= 1) { stop("parameter in CAR(1) structure must be between 0 and 1") } value <- log(value / (1 - value)) attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corCAR1", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corCAR1 <- function(object, ...) { corD <- Dim(object) val <- .C(CAR1_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corCAR1 <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) if (corr) { val <- .C(CAR1_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(CAR1_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corCAR1 <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (unconstrained) { if (attr(object, "fixed")) { return(numeric(0)) } else { return(as.vector(object)) } } aux <- c(exp(as.vector(object))) aux <- aux/(1+aux) names(aux) <- "Phi" aux } `coef<-.corCAR1` <- function(object, ..., value) { if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corCAR1\" object") } object[] <- value corD <- attr(object, "Dim") ## updating the factor list and logDet aux <- .C(CAR1_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Initialize.corCAR1 <- ## Initializes corCAR1 objects function(object, data, ...) { object <- NextMethod() covar <- attr(object, "covariate") if(!is.list(covar)) covar <- list(covar) if (any(lapply(covar, anyDuplicated) > 0)) { stop("covariate must have unique values within groups for \"corCAR1\" objects") } attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } recalc.corCAR1 <- function(object, conLin, ...) { val <- .C(CAR1_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(unlist(getCovariate(object))), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } summary.corCAR1 <- function(object, structName = "Continuous AR(1)", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } ###*# corARMA - autoregressive-moving average structures ####* Constructor corARMA <- ## Constructor for the corARMA class function(value = double(p + q), form = ~ 1, p = 0, q = 0, fixed = FALSE) { if (!(p >= 0 && (p == round(p)))) { stop("autoregressive order must be a non-negative integer") } if (!(q >= 0 && (q == round(q)))) { stop("moving average order must be a non-negative integer") } if (0 == (p + q)) { stop("at least one of 'p' and 'q' must be > 0") } if (length(value) != p + q) { stop("initial value for parameter of wrong length") } if (max(abs(value)) >= 1) { stop("parameters in ARMA structure must be < 1 in absolute value") } ## unconstrained parameters value <- .C(ARMA_unconstCoef, as.integer(p), as.integer(q), pars = as.double(value))$pars attributes(value) <- list(formula = form, p = p, q = q, fixed = fixed) class(value) <- c("corARMA", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corARMA <- function(object, ...) { maxLag <- attr(object, "maxLag") if(is.null(maxLag)) stop("'object' has not been Initialize()d") corD <- Dim(object) val <- .C(ARMA_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "p")), as.integer(attr(object, "q")), as.integer(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxLag")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corARMA <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) p <- attr(object, "p") q <- attr(object, "q") maxLag <- attr(object, "maxLag") if(is.null(maxLag)) stop("'object' has not been Initialize()d") if (corr) { val <- .C(ARMA_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(p), as.integer(q), as.integer(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(maxLag), as.integer(unlist(corD)), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(ARMA_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "p")), as.integer(attr(object, "q")), as.integer(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(attr(object, "maxLag")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corARMA <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (attr(object, "fixed") && unconstrained) { return(numeric(0)) } val <- as.vector(object) if (!unconstrained) { p <- attr(object, "p") q <- attr(object, "q") nams <- NULL if (p > 0) { nams <- paste(rep("Phi", p), 1:p, sep="") } if (q > 0) { nams <- c(nams, paste(rep("Theta", q), 1:q, sep="")) } val <- c(.C(ARMA_constCoef, as.integer(attr(object,"p")), as.integer(attr(object,"q")), pars = as.double(val))$pars) names(val) <- nams } val } `coef<-.corARMA` <- function(object, ..., value) { maxLag <- attr(object, "maxLag") if(is.null(maxLag)) stop("'object' has not been Initialize()d") if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corARMA\" object") } p <- attr(object, "p") q <- attr(object, "q") object[] <- value ## updating the factor list and logDet corD <- Dim(object) aux <- .C(ARMA_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(p), as.integer(q), as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxLag")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Initialize.corARMA <- function(object, data, ...) { ## Initializes corARMA objects object <- NextMethod() covar <- attr(object, "covariate") if(!is.list(covar)) covar <- list(covar) covar <- lapply(covar, as.integer) if (any(lapply(covar, anyDuplicated) > 0)) { stop("covariate must have unique integer values within groups for \"corARMA\" objects") } p <- attr(object, "p") q <- attr(object, "q") if (p == 1 && q == 0 && all(unlist(lapply(covar, diff)) == 1)) { ## Use AR1 methods instead class(object) <- c("corAR1", "corStruct") Initialize(object, data) } else { maxLag <- max(unlist(lapply(covar, function(el) diff(range(el))))) if (p > maxLag || q > maxLag) { stop(gettextf("\"corARMA\" order (%g, %g) exceeds maximum lag in data (%g)", p, q, maxLag), domain = NA) } attr(object, "maxLag") <- maxLag attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } } recalc.corARMA <- function(object, conLin, ...) { maxLag <- attr(object, "maxLag") if(is.null(maxLag)) stop("'object' has not been Initialize()d") val <- .C(ARMA_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "p")), as.integer(attr(object, "q")), as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(attr(object, "maxLag")), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } summary.corARMA <- function(object, structName = paste("ARMA(",attr(object,"p"),",", attr(object,"q"), ")", sep = ""), ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } ###*# corCompSymm - Compound symmetry structure structure ####* Constructor corCompSymm <- ## Constructor for the corCompSymm class function(value = 0, form = ~ 1, fixed = FALSE) { if (abs(value) >= 1) { stop("parameter in \"corCompSymm\" structure must be < 1 in absolute value") } attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corCompSymm", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corCompSymm <- function(object, ...) { corD <- Dim(object) val <- .C(compSymm_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(attr(object, "inf")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } corMatrix.corCompSymm <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) } else rep(1, length(covariate))) if (corr) { val <- .C(compSymm_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(attr(object, "inf")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(compSymm_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(attr(object, "inf")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for local generics coef.corCompSymm <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (unconstrained) { if (attr(object, "fixed")) { return(numeric(0)) } else { return(as.vector(object)) } } val <- exp(as.vector(object)) val <- c((val + attr(object, "inf"))/(val + 1)) names(val) <- "Rho" val } `coef<-.corCompSymm` <- function(object, ..., value) { if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter of a \"corCompSymm\" object") } object[] <- value corD <- attr(object, "Dim") ## updating the factor list and logDet aux <- .C(compSymm_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(attr(object, "inf")), as.integer(unlist(corD)), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Initialize.corCompSymm <- ## Initializes corCompSymm objects function(object, data, ...) { if (!is.null(attr(object, "inf"))) { # initialized - nothing to do return(object) } object <- NextMethod() natPar <- as.vector(object) corD <- Dim(object) if (natPar <= (attr(object, "inf") <- -1/(corD[["maxLen"]] - 1))) { stop(gettextf("initial value in \"corCompSymm\" must be greater than %s", attr(object, "inf")), domain = NA) } object[] <- log((natPar - attr(object, "inf"))/(1 - natPar)) attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } print.corCompSymm <- function(x, ...) { if (length(as.vector(x)) > 0 && !is.null(attr(x, "inf"))) { NextMethod() } else { cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class corCompSymm\n") invisible(x) } } print.summary.corCompSymm <- print.corCompSymm recalc.corCompSymm <- function(object, conLin, ...) { val <- .C(compSymm_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(attr(object, "inf")), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } summary.corCompSymm <- function(object, structName = "Compound symmetry", ...) { object <- summary.corStruct(object, structName) class(object) <- c("summary.corCompSymm", class(object)) object } ####*# corHF - Huyn-Feldt structure #corHF <- # ## Constructor for the corHuynFeldt class # function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1) #{ # attr(value, "formula") <- form # class(value) <- c("corHF", "corStruct") # value #} ####*# Methods for local generics #corFactor.corHF <- # function(object) #{ # corD <- Dim(object) # val <- .C("HF_factList", # as.double(as.vector(object)), # as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), # as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), # as.integer(unlist(corD)), # factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), # logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] # lD <- val[["logDet"]] # val <- val[["factor"]] # attr(val, "logDet") <- lD # val #} #corMatrix.corHF <- # function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE) #{ # corD <- Dim(object, # if(is.list(covariate)) { # if (is.null(names(covariate))) # names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) # rep(names(covariate), lengths(covariate)) # } else # rep(1, length(covariate))) # if (corr) { # val <- .C("HF_matList", # as.double(as.vector(object)), # as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), # as.integer(unlist(covariate)), # as.integer(unlist(corD)), # mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] # lD <- NULL # } else { # val <- .C("HF_factList", # as.double(as.vector(object)), # as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), # as.integer(unlist(covariate)), # as.integer(unlist(corD)), # factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), # logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] # lD <- val[["logDet"]] # val <- val[["factor"]] # } # if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { # val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) # val <- lapply(val, function(el) { # nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) # array(el, c(nel, nel)) # }) # names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) # } else { # val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) # } # attr(val, "logDet") <- lD # val #} ####*# Methods for standard generics #coef.corHF <- # function(object, unconstrained = TRUE) #{ # aux <- as.vector(object) # if (!unconstrained) { # aux <- 2 * (exp(aux) + attr(object, "inf")) + 1 # } # aux #} #"coef<-.corHF" <- # function(object, value) #{ # if (length(value) != length(object)) { # stop("Cannot change the length of the parameter of a corStruct object") # } # object[] <- value # corD <- attr(object, "Dim") # ## updating the factor list and logDet # aux <- .C("HF_factList", # as.double(as.vector(object)), # as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), # as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), # as.integer(unlist(corD)), # factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), # logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] # attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] # attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] # object #} #initialize.corHF <- # function(object, data, ...) #{ # if (!is.null(attr(object, "inf"))) { # initialized - nothing to do # return(object) # } # object <- NextMethod() # covar <- attr(object, "covariate") # if (is.list(covar)) { # attr(object, "covariate") <- covar <- # lapply(covar, function(el) el - 1) # } else { # attr(object, "covariate") <- covar <- covar - 1 # covar <- list(covar) # } # if (any(unlist(lapply(covar, duplicated)))) { # stop(paste("Covariate must have unique values", # "within groups for corHF objects")) # } # maxCov <- max(uCov <- unique(unlist(covar))) + 1 # if (length(uCov) != maxCov) { # stop(paste("Unique values of the covariate for \"corHF\"", # "objects must be a sequence of consecutive integers")) # } # attr(object, "maxCov") <- maxCov # attr(object, "inf") <- -1/(2*maxCov) # natPar <- as.vector(object) # if (length(natPar) > 0) { # if (length(aux) != attr(object, "maxCov")) # stop("Initial value for Huyn-Feldt parameters of wrong dimension") # ## verifying if initial values satisfy constraints # if (any(natPar <= attr(object, "inf"))) { # stop(paste("Initial values for \"corHF\" parameters", # "must be > than", attr(object, "inf"))) # } # object[] <- log(natPar - attr(object, "inf")) # } else { # initializing the parameters # oldAttr <- attributes(object) # object <- log(rep(-attr(object, "inf"), att(object, "maxCov"))) # attributes(object) <- oldAttr # } # attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) # attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") # object #} #print.corHF <- # function(x, ...) #{ # if (length(as.vector(x)) > 0 && !is.null(attr(object, "maxCov"))) # NextMethod() # else cat("Uninitialized correlation structure of class corHF\n") #} #recalc.corHF <- # function(object, conLin) #{ # val <- # .C("HF_recalc", # Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), # as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), # as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), # as.double(as.vector(object)), # as.integer(unlist(getCovariate(object))), # as.integer(attr(object, "maxCov")), # logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] # conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] # conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] # conLin #} #summary.corHF <- # function(object, structName = "Huyn-Feldt") #{ # summary.corStruct(object, structName) #} ###*# corSpatial - a virtual class of spatial correlation structures ###*# Constructor corSpatial <- ## Constructor for the corSpatial class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, type = c("spherical", "exponential", "gaussian", "linear", "rational"), metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"), fixed = FALSE) { spClass <- c(spherical = "corSpher", exponential = "corExp", gaussian = "corGaus", linear = "corLin", rational = "corRatio")[match.arg(type)] structure(value, "formula" = form, "nugget" = nugget, "metric" = match.arg(metric), "fixed" = fixed, class = c(spClass, "corSpatial", "corStruct")) } ###*# Methods for local generics corFactor.corSpatial <- function(object, ...) { corD <- Dim(object) val <- .C(spatial_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "nugget")), as.double(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(unlist(corD)), as.double(attr(object, "minD")), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] structure(val[["factor"]], logDet = val[["logDet"]]) } corMatrix.corSpatial <- function(object, covariate = getCovariate(object), corr = TRUE, ...) { ## the default 'covariate' excludes 1-obs groups (empty distance) nRt <- function(vec) round((1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(vec))) / 2) corD <- Dim(object, if(is.list(covariate)) { if (is.null(names(covariate))) names(covariate) <- seq_along(covariate) rep(names(covariate), vapply(covariate, nRt, numeric(1))) } else rep(1, nRt(covariate))) if (corr) { val <- .C(spatial_matList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "nugget")), as.double(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), as.double(attr(object, "minD")), mat = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]))[["mat"]] lD <- NULL } else { val <- .C(spatial_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "nugget")), as.double(unlist(covariate)), as.integer(unlist(corD)), as.double(attr(object, "minD")), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] lD <- val[["logDet"]] val <- val[["factor"]] } if (corD[["M"]] > 1) { val <- split(val, rep(1:corD[["M"]], (corD[["len"]])^2)) val <- lapply(val, function(el) { nel <- round(sqrt(length(el))) array(el, c(nel, nel)) }) names(val) <- names(corD[["len"]]) val <- as.list(val) } else { val <- array(val, c(corD[["N"]], corD[["N"]])) } attr(val, "logDet") <- lD val } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corSpatial <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { if (attr(object, "fixed") && unconstrained) { return(numeric(0)) } val <- as.vector(object) if (length(val) == 0) { # uninitialized return(val) } if (!unconstrained) { val <- exp(val) if (attr(object, "nugget")) val[2] <- val[2]/(1+val[2]) } names(val) <- if(attr(object, "nugget")) c("range", "nugget") else "range" val } `coef<-.corSpatial` <- function(object, ..., value) { if (length(value) != length(object)) { stop("cannot change the length of the parameter after initialization") } object[] <- value corD <- attr(object, "Dim") ## updating the factor list and logDet aux <- .C(spatial_factList, as.double(as.vector(object)), as.integer(attr(object, "nugget")), as.double(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.integer(unlist(corD)), as.double(attr(object, "minD")), factor = double(corD[["sumLenSq"]]), logDet = double(1))[c("factor", "logDet")] attr(object, "factor") <- aux[["factor"]] attr(object, "logDet") <- -aux[["logDet"]] object } Dim.corSpatial <- function(object, groups, ...) { if (missing(groups)) return(attr(object, "Dim")) val <- Dim.corStruct(object, groups) val[["start"]] <- c(0, cumsum(val[["len"]] * (val[["len"]] - 1)/2)[-val[["M"]]]) ## will use third component of Dim list for spClass names(val)[3] <- "spClass" val[[3]] <- match(class(object)[1], c("corSpher", "corExp", "corGaus", "corLin", "corRatio"), 0) val } getCovariate.corSpatial <- function(object, form = formula(object), data) { if (is.null(covar <- attr(object, "covariate"))) { # need to calculate it if (missing(data)) { stop("need data to calculate covariate") } covForm <- getCovariateFormula(form) covar <- if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 0) { # covariate present if (attr(terms(covForm), "intercept") == 1) { covForm <- eval(substitute(~ CV - 1, list(CV = covForm[[2]]))) } as.data.frame(unclass( model.matrix(covForm, model.frame(covForm, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)))) } ## else NULL covar <- if (!is.null(getGroupsFormula(form))) { # by groups grps <- getGroups(object, data = data) grps <- if (is.null(covar)) { lapply(split(grps, grps), function(x) as.vector(dist(seq_along(x)))) } else { lapply(split(covar, grps), function(el, metric) { el <- as.matrix(el) if (nrow(el) > 1) as.vector(dist(el, metric)) else numeric(0) }, metric = attr(object, "metric")) } grps[lengths(grps) > 0]# no 1-obs groups } else { # no groups as.vector( if (is.null(covar)) dist(1:nrow(data)) else dist(as.matrix(covar), method = attr(object, "metric"))) } if (any(unlist(covar) == 0)) { stop("cannot have zero distances in \"corSpatial\"") } } covar } Initialize.corSpatial <- function(object, data, ...) { if (!is.null(attr(object, "minD"))) { #already initialized return(object) } object <- Initialize.corStruct(object, data) nug <- attr(object, "nugget") val <- as.vector(object) if (length(val) > 0) { # initialized if (val[1] <= 0) { stop("'range' must be > 0 in \"corSpatial\" initial value") } if (nug) { # with nugget effect if (length(val) == 1) { # assuming nugget effect not given val <- c(val, 0.1) # setting it to 0.1 } else { if (length(val) != 2) { stop("initial value for \"corSpatial\" parameters of wrong dimension") } } if ((val[2] <= 0) || (val[2] >= 1)) { stop("initial value of nugget ratio must be between 0 and 1") } } else { # only range parameter if (length(val) != 1) { stop("initial value for \"corSpatial\" parameters of wrong dimension") } } } else { val <- min(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))) * 0.9 if (nug) val <- c(val, 0.1) } val[1] <- log(val[1]) if (nug) val[2] <- log(val[2]/(1 - val[2])) oldAttr <- attributes(object) object <- val attributes(object) <- oldAttr attr(object, "minD") <- min(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))) attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } recalc.corSpatial <- function(object, conLin, ...) { val <- .C(spatial_recalc, Xy = as.double(conLin[["Xy"]]), as.integer(unlist(Dim(object))), as.integer(ncol(conLin[["Xy"]])), as.double(as.vector(object)), as.double(unlist(getCovariate(object))), as.double(attr(object, "minD")), as.integer(attr(object, "nugget")), logLik = double(1))[c("Xy", "logLik")] conLin[["Xy"]][] <- val[["Xy"]] conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] conLin } Variogram.corSpatial <- function(object, distance = NULL, sig2 = 1, length.out = 50, FUN, ...) { if (is.null(distance)) { rangeDist <- range(unlist(getCovariate(object))) distance <- seq(rangeDist[1], rangeDist[2], length.out = length.out) } params <- coef(object, unconstrained = FALSE) if (length(params) == 1) { # no nugget effect rang <- params nugg <- 0 } else { # nugget effect rang <- params[1] nugg <- params[2] } val <- data.frame(variog = sig2 * (nugg + (1 - nugg) * FUN(distance, rang)), dist = distance) class(val) <- c("Variogram", "data.frame") val } ###*# corExp - exponential spatial correlation structure corExp <- ## Constructor for the corExp class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"), fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget attr(value, "metric") <- match.arg(metric) attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corExp", "corSpatial", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for standard generics summary.corExp <- function(object, structName = "Exponential spatial correlation", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } Variogram.corExp <- function(object, distance = NULL, sig2 = 1, length.out = 50, ...) { Variogram.corSpatial(object, distance, sig2, length.out, function(x, y) { 1 - exp(-x/y) }) } ###*# corGaus - Gaussian spatial correlation structure corGaus <- ## Constructor for the corGaus class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"), fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget attr(value, "metric") <- match.arg(metric) attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corGaus", "corSpatial", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for standard generics summary.corGaus <- function(object, structName = "Gaussian spatial correlation", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } Variogram.corGaus <- function(object, distance = NULL, sig2 = 1, length.out = 50, ...) { Variogram.corSpatial(object, distance, sig2, length.out, function(x, y){ 1 - exp(-(x/y)^2) }) } ###*# corLin - Linear spatial correlation structure corLin <- ## Constructor for the corLin class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"), fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget attr(value, "metric") <- match.arg(metric) attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corLin", "corSpatial", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corLin <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { val <- NextMethod() if (!unconstrained) val[1] <- val[1] + attr(object, "minD") val } Initialize.corLin <- function(object, data, ...) { if (!is.null(attr(object, "minD"))) { #already initialized return(object) } object <- Initialize.corStruct(object, data) nug <- attr(object, "nugget") minD <- min(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))) val <- as.vector(object) if (length(val) > 0) { # initialized if (val[1] <= 0) { stop("'range' must be > 0 in \"corLin\" initial value") } if (val[1] <= minD) { warning("initial value for 'range' less than minimum distance. Setting it to 1.1 * min(distance)") val[1] <- 1.1 * minD } if (nug) { # with nugget effect if (length(val) == 1) { # assuming nugget effect not given val <- c(val, 0.1) # setting it to 0.1 } else { if (length(val) != 2) { stop("initial value for \"corLin\" parameters of wrong dimension") } } if ((val[2] <= 0) || (val[2] >= 1)) { stop("initial value of nugget ratio must be between 0 and 1") } } else { # only range parameter if (length(val) != 1) { stop("initial value for \"corLin\" parameters of wrong dimension") } } } else { val <- minD * 1.1 if (nug) val <- c(val, 0.1) } val[1] <- log(val[1] - minD) if (nug) val[2] <- log(val[2]/(1 - val[2])) oldAttr <- attributes(object) object <- val attributes(object) <- oldAttr attr(object, "minD") <- minD attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } summary.corLin <- function(object, structName = "Linear spatial correlation", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } Variogram.corLin <- function(object, distance = NULL, sig2 = 1, length.out = 50, ...) { Variogram.corSpatial(object, distance, sig2, length.out, function(x, y) { pmin(x/y, 1) }) } ###*# corRatio - rational quadratic spatial correlation structure corRatio <- ## Constructor for the corRational class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"), fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget attr(value, "metric") <- match.arg(metric) attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corRatio", "corSpatial", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for standard generics summary.corRatio <- function(object, structName = "Rational quadratic spatial correlation", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } Variogram.corRatio <- function(object, distance = NULL, sig2 = 1, length.out = 50, ...) { Variogram.corSpatial(object, distance, sig2, length.out, function(x, y) { x <- (x/y)^2 x/(1+x) }) } ###*# corSpher - spherical spatial correlation structure corSpher <- ## Constructor for the corSpher class function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"), fixed = FALSE) { attr(value, "formula") <- form attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget attr(value, "metric") <- match.arg(metric) attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed class(value) <- c("corSpher", "corSpatial", "corStruct") value } ###*# Methods for standard generics coef.corSpher <- function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...) { val <- NextMethod() if (!unconstrained) val[1] <- val[1] + attr(object, "minD") val } Initialize.corSpher <- function(object, data, ...) { if (!is.null(attr(object, "minD"))) { #already initialized return(object) } object <- Initialize.corStruct(object, data) nug <- attr(object, "nugget") minD <- min(unlist(attr(object, "covariate"))) val <- as.vector(object) if (length(val) > 0) { # initialized if (val[1] <= 0) { stop("range must be > 0 in \"corSpher\" initial value") } if (val[1] <= minD) { warning("initial value for 'range' less than minimum distance. Setting it to 1.1 * min(distance)") val[1] <- 1.1 * minD } if (nug) { # with nugget effect if (length(val) == 1) { # assuming nugget effect not given val <- c(val, 0.1) # setting it to 0.1 } else { if (length(val) != 2) { stop("initial value for \"corSpher\" parameters of wrong dimension") } } if ((val[2] <= 0) || (val[2] >= 1)) { stop("initial value of nugget ratio must be between 0 and 1") } } else { # only range parameter if (length(val) != 1) { stop("initial value for \"corSpher\" parameters of wrong dimension") } } } else { val <- minD * 1.1 if (nug) val <- c(val, 0.1) } val[1] <- log(val[1] - minD) if (nug) val[2] <- log(val[2]/(1 - val[2])) oldAttr <- attributes(object) object <- val attributes(object) <- oldAttr attr(object, "minD") <- minD attr(object, "factor") <- corFactor(object) attr(object, "logDet") <- -attr(attr(object, "factor"), "logDet") object } summary.corSpher <- function(object, structName = "Spherical spatial correlation", ...) { summary.corStruct(object, structName) } Variogram.corSpher <- function(object, distance = NULL, sig2 = 1, length.out = 50, ...) { Variogram.corSpatial(object, distance, sig2, length.out, function(x, y) { x <- pmin(x/y, 1) 1.5 * x - 0.5 * x^3 }) } ####*# corWave - Wave spatial correlation structure #corWave <- # ## Constructor for the corWave class # function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, nugget = FALSE, # metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan")) #{ # attr(value, "formula") <- form # attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget # attr(value, "metric") <- match.arg(metric) # class(value) <- c("corWave", "corSpatial", "corStruct") # value #} ####*# Methods for standard generics #summary.corWave <- # function(object, structName = "Wave spatial correlation") #{ # summary.corStruct(object, structName) #} ##*## Beginning of epilogue ### This file is automatically placed in Outline minor mode. ### The file is structured as follows: ### Chapters: ^L # ### Sections: ##*## ### Subsections: ###*### ### Components: non-comment lines flushed left ### Random code beginning with a ####* comment ### Local variables: ### mode: outline-minor ### outline-regexp: "\^L\\|\\`#\\|##\\*\\|###\\*\\|[a-zA-Z]\\|\\\"[a-zA-Z]\\|####\\*" ### ess-indent-offset: 2 ### End: