## Contributed by Mary Lindstrom <lindstro@biostat.wisc.edu> # Copyright 2007-2024 The R Core team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ # getVarCov <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("getVarCov") getVarCov.lme <- function(obj, individuals, type= c("random.effects","conditional","marginal"), ...) { type <- match.arg(type) if(inherits(obj, "nlme")) stop("not implemented for \"nlme\" objects") if(length(obj$groups) > 1) stop("not implemented for multiple levels of nesting") sigma <- obj$sigma D <- as.matrix(obj$modelStruct$reStruct[[1]]) * sigma^2 if (type=="random.effects") { result <- D } else { result <- list() groups <- obj$groups[[1]] ugroups <- unique(groups) ## CAVE: both default and numeric 'individuals' are undocumented, ## but unlike getVarCov.gls and perhaps unintentionally, these ## index the groups as they occur in the data, not the levels! if (missing(individuals)) { individuals <- ugroups[1] } else if (is.numeric(individuals)) { individuals <- ugroups[individuals] } for (individ in as.character(individuals)) { ind <- groups == individ ni <- sum(ind, na.rm = TRUE) if (ni == 0) stop(gettextf("individual %s was not used in the fit", sQuote(individ)), domain = NA) if(!is.null(csT <- obj$modelStruct$corStruct) && ni > 1) { # corMatrix.corSpatial() excludes 1-obs groups (PR#16806) V <- corMatrix(csT)[[individ]] } else V <- diag(ni) if(!is.null(obj$modelStruct$varStruct)) { ## CAVE: stored weights are based on internally reordered data, ## so cannot be indexed via obj$groups grp <- if(!is.null(csT)) getGroups(csT) else groups[order(groups)] sds <- 1/varWeights(obj$modelStruct$varStruct)[grp == individ] } else sds <- rep(1, ni) sds <- obj$sigma * sds cond.var <- t(V * sds) * sds dimnames(cond.var) <- list(1:nrow(cond.var),1:ncol(cond.var)) if (type=="conditional") result[[individ]] <- cond.var else { Z <- model.matrix(obj$modelStruct$reStruct, getData(obj))[ind, , drop = FALSE] result[[individ]] <- cond.var + Z %*% D %*% t(Z) } } } class(result) <- c(type,"VarCov") attr(result,"group.levels") <- names(obj$groups) result } getVarCov.gls <- function(obj, individual = 1, ...) { if (is.null(csT <- obj$modelStruct$corStruct)) stop("not implemented for uncorrelated errors") if (is.null(grp <- getGroups(csT))) stop("not implemented for correlation structures without a grouping factor") ind <- if (is.numeric(individual)) { as.integer(grp) == individual } else grp == individual ni <- sum(ind, na.rm = TRUE) if (ni == 0) stop(gettextf("individual %s was not used in the fit", sQuote(individual)), domain = NA) S <- if (ni > 1) corMatrix(csT)[[individual]] else diag(1) # PR#16806 if (!is.null( obj$modelStruct$varStruct)) { vw <- 1/varWeights(obj$modelStruct$varStruct)[ind] } else vw <- rep(1, ni) vars <- (obj$sigma * vw)^2 result <- t(S * sqrt(vars))*sqrt(vars) class(result) <- c("marginal","VarCov") attr(result,"group.levels") <- names(obj$groups) result } print.VarCov <- function(x, corr = FALSE, stdevs = TRUE, digits = 5, ...) { pvc <- function(x, type, corr, stdevs, digits) { cat(c("Random effects","Conditional", "Marginal")[match(type, c("random.effects","conditional", "marginal"))], " ", sep = "") x <- as.matrix(x) class(x) <- NULL attr(x,"group.levels") <- NULL if (corr) { cat("correlation matrix\n") sds <- sqrt(diag(x)) print(signif(t(x/sds)/sds,digits)) } else { cat("variance covariance matrix\n") print(signif(x,digits)) if(stdevs) sds <- sqrt(diag(x)) } if (stdevs) cat(" Standard Deviations:",signif(sds,digits),"\n") } if (!is.list(x)) pvc(x,class(x)[1],corr,stdevs,digits) else { for (nm in names(x)) { cat(attr(x,"group.levels"),nm,"\n") pvc(x[[nm]],class(x)[1],corr,stdevs,digits) } } invisible(x) }