\name{F_2_panel.violin} \alias{panel.violin} \title{ Panel Function to create Violin Plots } \description{ This is a panel function that can create a violin plot. It is typically used in a high-level call to \code{bwplot}. } \usage{ panel.violin(x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width, horizontal = TRUE, alpha, border, lty, lwd, col, varwidth = FALSE, bw, adjust, kernel, window, width, n = 50, from, to, cut, na.rm, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x, y}{ numeric vector or factor. Violin plots are drawn for each unique value of \code{y} (\code{x}) if \code{horizontal} is \code{TRUE} (\code{FALSE}) } \item{box.ratio}{ ratio of the thickness of each violin and inter violin space } \item{box.width}{ thickness of the violins in absolute units; overrides \code{box.ratio}. Useful for specifying thickness when the categorical variable is not a factor, as use of \code{box.ratio} alone cannot achieve a thickness greater than 1. } \item{horizontal}{ logical. If FALSE, the plot is \sQuote{transposed} in the sense that the behaviours of \code{x} and \code{y} are switched. \code{x} is now the \sQuote{factor}. See documentation of \code{\link{bwplot}} for a fuller explanation. } \item{alpha, border, lty, lwd, col}{ graphical parameters controlling the violin. Defaults are taken from the \code{"plot.polygon"} settings. } \item{varwidth}{ logical. If \code{FALSE}, the densities are scaled separately for each group, so that the maximum value of the density reaches the limit of the allocated space for each violin (as determined by \code{box.ratio}). If \code{TRUE}, densities across violins will have comparable scale. } \item{bw, adjust, kernel, window, width, n, from, to, cut, na.rm}{ arguments to \code{\link{density}}, passed on as appropriate } \item{\dots}{ arguments passed on to \code{density}. } } \details{ Creates Violin plot of \code{x} for every level of \code{y}. Note that most arguments controlling the display can be supplied to the high-level (typically \code{bwplot}) call directly. } \examples{ bwplot(voice.part ~ height, singer, panel = function(..., box.ratio) { panel.violin(..., col = "transparent", varwidth = FALSE, box.ratio = box.ratio) panel.bwplot(..., fill = NULL, box.ratio = .1) } ) } \seealso{ \code{\link{bwplot}}, \code{\link{density}} } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \keyword{dplot}