\name{F_2_panel.superpose} \alias{panel.superpose} \alias{panel.superpose.2} \title{ Panel Function for Display Marked by groups } \description{ These are panel functions for Trellis displays useful when a grouping variable is specified for use within panels. The \code{x} (and \code{y} where appropriate) variables are plotted with different graphical parameters for each distinct value of the grouping variable. } \usage{ panel.superpose(x, y = NULL, subscripts, groups, panel.groups = "panel.xyplot", \dots, col, col.line, col.symbol, pch, cex, fill, font, fontface, fontfamily, lty, lwd, alpha, type = "p", distribute.type = FALSE) panel.superpose.2(\dots, distribute.type = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x,y}{ coordinates of the points to be displayed} \item{panel.groups}{ the panel function to be used for each group of points. Defaults to \code{panel.xyplot} (behaviour in S). To be able to distinguish between different levels of the originating group inside \code{panel.groups}, it will be supplied a special argument called \code{group.number} which will hold the numeric code corresponding to the current level of \code{groups}. No special care needs to be taken when writing a \code{panel.groups} function if this feature is not used. } \item{subscripts}{ subscripts giving indices in original data frame } \item{groups}{ a grouping variable. Different graphical parameters will be used to plot the subsets of observations given by each distinct value of \code{groups}. The default graphical parameters are obtained from \code{superpose.symbol} and \code{superpose.line} using \code{\link{trellis.par.get}} wherever appropriate } \item{type}{ usually a character vector specifying what should be drawn for each group, passed on to the \code{panel.groups} function, which must know what to do with it. By default, this is \code{\link{panel.xyplot}}, whose help page describes the admissible values. The functions \code{panel.superpose} and \code{panel.superpose.2} differ only in the default value of \code{distribute.type}, which controls the way the \code{type} argument is interpreted. If \code{distribute.type = FALSE}, then the interpretation is the same as for \code{panel.xyplot} for each of the unique groups. In other words, if \code{type} is a vector, all the individual components are honoured concurrently. If \code{distribute.type = TRUE}, \code{type} is replicated to be as long as the number of unique values in \code{groups}, and one component used for the points corresponding to the each different group. Even in this case, it is possible to request multiple types per group, specifying \code{type} as a list, each component being the desired \code{type} vector for the corresponding group. If \code{distribute.type = FALSE}, any occurrence of \code{"g"} in \code{type} causes a grid to be drawn, and all such occurrences are removed before \code{type} is passed on to \code{panel.groups}. } \item{col, col.line, col.symbol, pch, cex, fill, font, fontface, fontfamily, lty, lwd, alpha}{ graphical parameters, replicated to be as long as the number of groups. These are eventually passed down to \code{panel.groups}, but as scalars rather than vectors. When \code{panel.groups} is called for the i-th level of \code{groups}, the corresponding element of each graphical parameter is passed to it. } \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments. Passed down to \code{panel.superpose} from \code{panel.superpose.2}, and to \code{panel.groups} from \code{panel.superpose}. } \item{distribute.type}{logical controlling interpretation of the \code{type} argument. } } \details{ \code{panel.superpose} and \code{panel.superpose.2} differ essentially in how \code{type} is interpreted by default. The default behaviour in \code{panel.superpose} is the opposite of that in S, which is the same as that of \code{panel.superpose.2}. } \seealso{ Different functions when used as \code{panel.groups} gives different types of plots, for example \code{\link{panel.xyplot}}, \code{\link{panel.dotplot}} and \code{\link{panel.linejoin}} (This can be used to produce interaction plots). See \code{\link{Lattice}} for an overview of the package. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org} (\code{panel.superpose.2} originally contributed by Neil Klepeis) } \keyword{dplot}