\name{F_1_panel.qqmath} \alias{panel.qqmath} \title{ Default Panel and Prepanel Function for qqmath } \description{ This is the default panel function for \code{qqmath}. } \usage{ panel.qqmath(x, f.value = NULL, distribution = qnorm, qtype = 7, groups = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ vector (typically numeric, coerced if not) of data values to be used in the panel. } \item{f.value, distribution}{ Defines how quantiles are calculated. See \code{\link{qqmath}} for details. } \item{qtype}{ The \code{type} argument to be used in \code{\link{quantile}} } \item{groups}{ An optional grouping variable. Within each panel, one Q-Q plot is produced for every level of this grouping variable, differentiated by different graphical parameters. } \item{\dots}{ further arguments, often graphical parameters. } } \details{ Creates a Q-Q plot of the data and the theoretical distribution given by \code{distribution}. Note that most of the arguments controlling the display can be supplied directly to the high-level \code{qqmath} call. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \seealso{ \code{\link{qqmath}} } \keyword{dplot}