\name{F_1_panel.dotplot} \alias{panel.dotplot} \title{ Default Panel Function for dotplot} \description{ Default panel function for \code{dotplot}. } \usage{ panel.dotplot(x, y, horizontal = TRUE, pch, col, lty, lwd, col.line, levels.fos, groups = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x,y}{ variables to be plotted in the panel. Typically y is the \sQuote{factor} } \item{horizontal}{ logical. If FALSE, the plot is \sQuote{transposed} in the sense that the behaviours of x and y are switched. x is now the \sQuote{factor}. Interpretation of other arguments change accordingly. See documentation of \code{\link{bwplot}} for a fuller explanation. } \item{pch, col, lty, lwd, col.line}{ graphical parameters} \item{levels.fos}{ locations where reference lines will be drawn } \item{groups}{ grouping variable (affects graphical parameters)} \item{\dots}{ extra parameters, passed to \code{panel.xyplot} which is responsible for drawing the foreground points (\code{panel.dotplot} only draws the background reference lines). } } \details{ Creates (possibly grouped) Dotplot of \code{x} against \code{y} or vice versa } \seealso{\code{\link{dotplot}}} \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \keyword{dplot}