\name{C_04_lattice.options} \alias{lattice.options} \alias{lattice.getOption} \title{ Low-level Options Controlling Behaviour of Lattice } \description{ Functions to handle settings used by lattice. Their main purpose is to make code maintainance easier, and users normally should not need to use these functions. However, fine control at this level maybe useful in certain cases. } \usage{ lattice.options(\dots) lattice.getOption(name) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ character giving the name of a setting } \item{\dots}{ new options can be defined, or existing ones modified, using one or more arguments of the form \code{name = value} or by passing a list of such tagged values. Existing values can be retrieved by supplying the names (as character strings) of the components as unnamed arguments. } } \details{ These functions are modeled on \code{options} and \code{getOption}, and behave similarly for the most part. The components currently used are not documented here, but are fairly self-explanatory. } \value{ \code{lattice.getOption} returns the value of a single component, whereas \code{lattice.options} always returns a list with one or more named components. When changing the values of components, the old values of the modified components are returned by \code{lattice.options}. If called without any arguments, the full list is returned. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \seealso{ \code{\link{options}}, \code{\link{trellis.device}}, \code{\link{trellis.par.get}}, \code{\link{Lattice}} } \examples{ str(lattice.options()) lattice.getOption("save.object") } \keyword{dplot}