\name{lattice-Internal} \alias{Rows} \alias{extend.limits} \alias{lpretty} \alias{generateNewName} \alias{calculateAxisComponents} \alias{cupdate} \alias{.lattice.print.more} \alias{do.breaks} \alias{compute.layout} \alias{construct.scales} \alias{construct.3d.scales} \alias{limits.and.aspect} \alias{trellis.skeleton} \alias{make.list.from.intervals} \alias{prepanel.default.bwplot} \alias{prepanel.default.levelplot} \alias{prepanel.default.cloud} \alias{prepanel.default.densityplot} \alias{prepanel.default.histogram} \alias{prepanel.default.parallel} \alias{prepanel.default.qq} \alias{prepanel.default.qqmath} \alias{prepanel.default.splom} \alias{prepanel.default.tmd} \alias{prepanel.default.xyplot} \alias{ldrop.levels} \alias{ldrop.levels.factor} \alias{ldrop.levels.shingle} \alias{ldrop.levels.default} \alias{is.characterOrExpression} \alias{rearrangeUnit} \alias{latticeAsFormula} \title{Miscellaneous Functions used within Lattice} \description{ These functions are used by various Lattice routines. } \usage{ generateNewName(names.current, new.prefix) lpretty(x, \dots) construct.3d.scales(draw = TRUE, axs = "r", tck = 1, lty = 1, lwd = 1, distance = c(1, 1, 1), tick.number = 5, cex = 1, rot = FALSE, at = FALSE, labels = FALSE, col = FALSE, log = FALSE, font = FALSE, arrows = TRUE, relation = "same", x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, \dots) construct.scales(draw = TRUE, axs = "r", tck = 1, tick.number = 5, cex = 1, rot = FALSE, at = FALSE, labels = FALSE, col = FALSE, log = FALSE, font = FALSE, alternating = TRUE, relation = "same", abbreviate, minlength, limits, x = NULL, y = NULL, \dots) compute.layout(layout, cond.max.level, skip = FALSE) limits.and.aspect(prepanel.default.function, prepanel = NULL, have.xlim = FALSE, xlim = NULL, have.ylim = FALSE, ylim = NULL, x.relation, y.relation, panel.args.common = list(), panel.args = list(), aspect, nplots, x.axs, y.axs, \dots) trellis.skeleton(as.table = FALSE, aspect = "fill", between = list(x = 0, y = 0), key = NULL, page = NULL, main = NULL, sub = NULL, par.strip.text = list(), skip = FALSE, strip = strip.default, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, panel, \dots) extend.limits(lim, length = 1, prop = 0.07) calculateAxisComponents(x, at = FALSE, labels = FALSE, logpaste = "", abbreviate = NULL, minlength = 4, format.posixt, \dots) .lattice.print.more cupdate(index, maxim) do.breaks(endpoints, nint) ldrop.levels(x, subset) make.list.from.intervals(x) prepanel.default.bwplot(\dots) prepanel.default.levelplot(x, y, wx, wy, subscripts, \dots) prepanel.default.cloud(distance, xlim, ylim, zlim, zoom = 1, rot.mat = rot.mat, aspect = aspect,\dots) prepanel.default.densityplot(\dots) prepanel.default.histogram(\dots) prepanel.default.parallel(\dots) prepanel.default.qq(\dots) prepanel.default.qqmath(\dots) prepanel.default.splom(\dots) prepanel.default.tmd(\dots) prepanel.default.xyplot(x, y, type, \dots) is.characterOrExpression(x) rearrangeUnit(x, pos, u) latticeAsFormula(x) } \arguments{ \item{length}{ desired length of the resulting interval, with center given by the center of lim. Used for relation="sliced". } \item{prop}{ Proportion by which to extend limits. } \item{x,y}{ numeric, factor or shingle. \code{x} in \code{is.characterOrExpression} can be an arbitrary S object, in \code{rearrangeUnit}, a grid 'unit' vector. } \item{subset}{ indices to keep. } \item{which}{logical ?} \item{lim}{length 2 numeric} \item{index}{current values of levels} \item{maxim}{max values of levels} \item{endpoints}{see histogram} \item{nint}{see histogram} \item{zoom, rot.mat,aspect}{see panel.cloud} \item{distance, xlim, ylim, zlim}{see panel.cloud} \item{wx, wy, subscripts}{see panel.levelplot} \item{type}{ type argument as in \code{panel.xyplot}} \item{pos}{integer} \item{u}{grid unit object of length 1} \item{at, labels, logpaste, abbreviate, minlength, format.posixt}{arguments used in \code{calculateAxisComponents}} \item{names.current, new.prefix}{names to disambiguate and new prefix} \item{\dots}{other arguments} } \details{ Some of these functions are indigenous, some are counterparts of functions in the S-Plus Trellis Displays library. \code{lpretty} is used instead of pretty (which gives very non-pretty results in some cases, particularly densityplot). \code{ldrop.levels} returns an object of the same class as \code{x}, with the redundant factor/shingle levels dropped, if any. Used to avoid empty panels when using the \code{subset} argument. \code{.lattice.print.more} is a global logical to handle the \code{more} argument in print.trellis. \code{rearrangeUnit} is a hack that emulates \code{x[pos] <- u} \code{calculateAxisComponents} is modified from axis.POSIXct. This aims to be a general function which given a general 'range' x and optional at, generates the locations of tick marks and corresponding labels. Ultimately will be a replacement for lpretty. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \seealso{\code{\link{Lattice}}} \keyword{internal}