Note that all further changes will be noted in a separate file (SvnLog). 2004-04-08 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/qq.R, R/qqmath.R, man/qq.Rd, man/qqmath.Rd: changed default behaviour of qq and qqmath to use actual data instead of sample quantiles. The new behaviour is different from the corresponding S-PLUS functions, but is closer to analogous base functions qqplot and qqnorm 2004-03-22 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/print.trellis.R: changed behaviour of skip * man/xyplot.Rd: updated docs for skip 2004-03-19 Deepayan Sarkar <> * utilities.3d.Rd: removed palette.shade from docs * adjusted docs for panel.3dwire's shade.colors arg * latticeParseFormula.Rd: fixed docs for drop * R/*.R: added drop.unused.levels as a high-level argument to xyplot etc. The earlier behaviour was a trellis.par.get-table setting, but that doesn;t make sense because this is not a display parameter 2004-03-17 Deepayan Sarkar <> * panel.functions.Rd: added panel.rug in docs * lset.Rd: added link to trellis.device 2004-03-13 Deepayan Sarkar <> * added note saying x,y,z could all be matrices * cloud.Rd: added docs in wireframe for parametrized 3-D surfaces 2004-03-12 Deepayan Sarkar <> * DESCRIPTION: updated version * tests/test.R: minor changes * demo/lattice.R: added wireframe sphere * R/densityplot.R: fixed default prepanel function to not throw an error (in density()) when panel has only 1 point * R/common.R: modified latticeParseFormula to keep matrices unchanged (so that a formula of the form matrix ~ matrix * matrix can be used in wireframe) * R/cloud.R: added (way cool) changes to allow wireframe to render 3-D surfaces parametrized on a grid (e.g. a sphere) * man/update.trellis.Rd: added mention of legend * man/panel.pairs.Rd: fixed synopsis * man/print.trellis.Rd: fixed grid links (hopefully) 2004-03-08 Deepayan Sarkar <> * miscellaneous.R: added a col.line arg for lplot.xy to distinguish between color for lines and points (not that it matters here, but panel.xyplot and panel.superpose make the distinction, and it's easier to just pass it down here) * cloud.R, levelplot.R, scales.R, settings.R, update.trellis.R, zzz.R: many improvements to cloud and wireframe, plus misc changes 2004-03-05 Deepayan Sarkar <> * tmd.R: tmd simplified using update(), fixed potential xlab/ylab bug * miscellaneous.R, print.trellis.R, update.trellis.R: obscure improvements to axis setting usage and update method * R: bunch of updates, mostly dealing with fonts (fontfaces, fontwidths) and labels (main, sub, xlab, ylab) 2004-03-03 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man/xyplot.Rd: added docs for perm.cond, index.cond; updated other parts * R: bunch of fairly major changes, including code reorganization and addition of features, too numerous to list. A summary of the changes is available in inst/Changes 2004-03-02 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man: doc updates mostly to ensure R CMD check passage 2004-02-14 Deepayan Sarkar <> * xyplot.Rd: added entry for par.settings, corrected statements about subscripts 2004-02-13 Deepayan Sarkar <> * xyplot.Rd: added note on panel.number and panel.counter arguments. Has a related brief and oblique mention of the conditioning variable permutation / reordering stuff. Not sure what the best place to put a more detailed description is. 2004-02-10 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man/Lattice.Rd: wireframe is no longer slow, so removed statement to that effect. Replaced S-Plus with S-PLUS 2004-02-08 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man/print.trellis.Rd: added warning not to use aspect != "fill" with explicit panel.width and panel.height 2004-02-05 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man/xyplot.Rd, cloud.Rd: fixed errors of the form \link{\code{stuff}} 2003-12-20 Deepayan Sarkar <> * DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE : made changes to deal with package reorganization in R 1.9.0-pre. Some other files changed as well (mostly dealing with loess.smooth, which is now in stats) 2003-10-17 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/axis.R : added trim = TRUE in format() when calculating axis tick labels. Without this, labels often had leading spaces, causing a visible 'right shift' (reported by Patrick Connolly). 2003-10-10 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/ : split common.R into common.R, axis.R and scales.R 2003-10-09 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/levelplot.R: Fixed panel.levelplot bug where nothing was drawn if a panel contained only one unique value of x/y (reported by Wolfram Fischer). 2003-09-15 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/miscellaneous.R: added some code to handle cex when pch = character, using new grid feature. However, grid has a bug when pch - numeric, so there's still a workaround in place, which should eventually be removed. This overrides related changes on 2003-09-03 * man/panel.pairs.Rd: added doc for prepanel.limits, pscales * tests/test.R: added code with splom pscales weirdness * R/splom.R: earlier interpretation of pscales was ambiguous. Changed to make specification of limits, at and labels consistent. See panel.pairs docs. * man/splom.Rd: moved bulk of pscales doc over to help page for panel.pairs 2003-09-05 Deepayan Sarkar <> * splom.R: added a prepanel.limits argument to panel.pairs to allow custom axis range calculations for each variable 2003-09-03 Deepayan Sarkar <> * miscellaneous.R: lplot.xy modified to use grid.text when pch is non-numeric. This would allow pch like pch = 'string' or pch = expression(sigma). This feature would disappear in the future. 2003-08-29 Deepayan Sarkar <> * levelplot.R: the older contourplot routine went horribly wrong when there were NA's in the z-values. This has now been addressed with a slightly crude hack: all z-NA's are now replaced by min(z, na.rm = TRUE) for the contour drawing routine. This may cause inaccuracies near the "border", but should be OK in most real-life cases, where the non-NA part should be a largish connected piece, with a fairly insignificant boundary. This incidentally fixes another bug, apparent when the at vector does not cover the full z range (colors used to be recycled instead of leaving blank spaces) 2003-08-22 Deepayan Sarkar <> * settings.R: (canonical.theme) also added clip option for the strip * print.trellis.R: clipping for panel and strip now determined by trellis setting "clip" * settings.R: added a clip = list(panel = TRUE) to the list of valid settings 2003-08-21 Deepayan Sarkar <> * levelplot.R (panel.levelplot): shrinking had problems for constant z values within a panel (diff(range()) = 0, leading to division by 0). Also, it turns out that shrinking was being done based on range of z within each panel, not the overall data frame. This could be misleading, so changed. 2003-08-20 Deepayan <> * common.R (calculateAxisComponents): the format argument renamed to format.posixt (to avoid confusion with the format function). More importantly, in the "plain numeric" case, as.character(at) replaced with format(at). So now at = c(1, 1.5, 2) will be labeled as c("1.0", "1.5", "2.0") instead of c("1", "1.5", "2"). Both changes suggested by Tom Short. * common.R, settings.R, zzz.R: Supplemental changes related to NAMESPACE. Also renamed man/lattice-internal.Rd to man/ --- this is ignored by R CMD scripts, but has been retained as a possibly useful reference for internal (unexported) functions. 2003-08-05 Deepayan <> * zzz.R: NAMESPACE changes (due to Prof Ripley) * print.trellis.R: changes associated with NAMESPACE (actually moving .lattice.print.more to an environment) * NAMESPACE: added NAMESPACE file * R/zzz.R, R/print.trellis.R, R/settings.R: changes related to NAMESPACES (actually due to moving a couple of global variables to a new environment (see R/zzz.R) ), due to Prof Ripley. Also simplified trellis.par.get() a bit. 2003-05-31 Deepayan Sarkar <> * bwplot.R, cloud.R, miscellaneous.R, xyplot.R: changed order to sort.list where appropriate 2003-05-29 Deepayan Sarkar <> * levelplot.R: added na.rm = TRUE to min in min(abs(slopes)) because sometimes slopes can be NaN. Also, added graphics parameters for panel.levelplot labels 2003-05-24 Deepayan Sarkar <> * panels.R: added a function called panel.curve, similar to curve() in base. * R/panel.functions.Rd: added docs for panel.curve * man/panel.pairs.Rd: added doc entry for 'panel.number' 2003-05-22 Deepayan Sarkar <> * tests/scales.R: added output file name * tests/MASSch04.R: changes a call to title() to main= * tests/test.R: added output file * tests/dotplotscoping.R: added output filename 2003-05-22 Deepayan Sarkar <> * DESCRIPTION: updated DESCRIPTION * man/panel.pairs.Rd: added doc entry for 'panel.number' * R/common.R (limits.and.aspect): Following up on a report by Kevin Wright, I discovered that the presence of blank panels (either by skip or due to layout specifying more panels than were actually there) caused problems in calculating factor levels (adding an extra NA level). This should be fixed now. Also, handling of xlim=list(...) improved in cases with skip (not that anyone is ever going to use it). 2003-05-22 Deepayan Sarkar <> * splom.R: panel functions can now optionally ask for a panel.number argument, which would be supplied as an argument only if the panel function has such an argument. Unfortunately, this was not working as intended in splom, because of the unusual nature of the panel/superpanel arguments. This has been fixed. 2003-05-19 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man: fixed minor doc problems to pass R CMD check 2003-05-18 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R: Almost all files updated to fix bugs related to the scales argument --- limits inside scales had a bad bug which is now fixed, also added and improved support for multiple (as lists) limits, at, labels. axs = "i" should also work. * tests: new tests added * R/miscellaneous.R: modified lsegments to accept x0, x1 as well as x1, x2 (a la S-PLUS). 2003-04-10 Deepayan Sarkar <> * man: Documentation updates 2003-03-26 Deepayan Sarkar <> * bwplot.R, common.R, panels.R, print.trellis.R, zzz.R: some bugfixes, added MASS ch04 script to tests 2003-03-26 Deepayan Sarkar <> * print.trelis.R: fixed problem with expressions as axis tick labels when relation = "same". Reverted back to using (slower) old code in colorkey because of (grid?) bug in new version. * common.R: added code in latticeParseFormula to convert matrices to data frames (for splom and parallel) before subsetting. 2003-03-15 Deepayan Sarkar <> * common.R: fixed some problems when outer and conditioning variables interact * print.trellis.R: fixed y-axis scales drawing * common.R (latticeParseFormula): added argument outer=FALSE. When outer = TRUE, variables separated by + (when multiple = TRUE) are made into a conditioning variable instead of grouping variable * several: updated support for multiple LHS/RHS in formula, auto.key, outer 2003-03-14 Deepayan Sarkar <> * levelplot.R: changed prepanel functions to handle factors gracefully. Fixed problem with unequally spaced grid points. Improved contourplot labelling. New argument shrink in panel.levelplot, allowing rectangle dimensions to be proportional to height. (Many of these were actually done much earlier, but committed now) * bwplot.R: fixed some problems with processing of formula in dotplot etc before calling bwplot * common.R: removed latticeAsFormula, no use 2003-03-14 Deepayan Sarkar <> * print.trellis.R (print.trellis): Among other things, a rewrite of how axis ticks and annotation are drawn (mainly how the parameters translate to physical dimensions). The tck, rot and cex components of scales can now be length 2 vectors, for bottom/left and top/right scales. tck can be negative, giving ticks inside panels. panel functions with a ... argument are now passed a variable called panel.number, giving the sequence number of the panel (not sure what happens when skip is non-FALSE) * plot.shingle.R: modified plot.shingel to make tck, cex and rot 2-vectors 2003-03-13 Deepayan Sarkar <> * bwplot.R: added code to panel.barchart (also panel.dotplot) to handle groups. Substantially changed the way arguments are processed in barchart, dotplot and stripplot before being passed on to bwplot. When y is missing, and x has non-null names(), names are used as the y variable. Also added changes necessary to enable multiple LHS and RHS is formula with allow.multiple = TRUE. 2003-03-13 Deepayan Sarkar <> * common.R (construct.scales): made changes so that cex, tck and rot can now be length 2 vectors in scales, affecting scales at the bottom/left and top/right of panels respectively. Associated changes in print.trellis later. 2003-03-13 Deepayan Sarkar <> * settings.R (trellis.device): Changed the default for the theme argument from NULL to getOption("lattice.theme"), which can be either a list, or a (possibly quoted) function, which when called will return a list. 2003-03-09 Deepayan Sarkar <> * splom.R (panel.pairs): the pscales argument didn't work when it was specified as a list. Fixed. 2003-03-07 Saikat DebRoy <> * common.R (latticeParseFormula): Compute a new element of the answer, subscr, if subscripts=TRUE. 2003-03-07 Deepayan Sarkar <> * common.R (latticeParseFormula): added a subscripts = FALSE argument, which is not used anywhere yet. 2003-03-05 Deepayan Sarkar <> * print.trellis.R (print.trellis): added two new arguments to print.trellis; panel.height = list(1, "null"), panel.width = list(1, "null"), which can be used to specify explicitly the dimensions of each panel in terms of grid units. Any unit is allowed as long as it does not need a 'data'. Not too difficult to add that, but probably unnecessary. Behaviour is undefined (well, it is defined, but I don't want anyone to count on it) when aspect is not "free" in the object being printed. Docs not updated yet. 2003-03-05 Deepayan Sarkar <> * print.trellis.R (draw.colorkey): Colorkey changed to use the vector fill gpar when drawing rectangles. This means all rectangles are drawn at one go, hence less things to grid.pack(), hence faster when lots of cuts in levelplot/wireframe. 2003-03-04 Saikat DebRoy <> * common.R (latticeParseFormula): Fix concat() to handle shingles correctly. 2003-03-03 Saikat DebRoy <> * R/common.R (latticeParseFormula): Allow the possibility of having multiple variables in LHS or RHS of the model formula (eg. y1+y2 ~ x1+x2). 2003-03-03 Saikat DebRoy <> * R/common.R (latticeParseFormula): Use the environment of the model as enclos argument in calls to eval(). 2003-02-24 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/zzz.R: Restructured .First.lib following suggestions from Prof Ripley. Changed library(grid) to require(grid), with an error message if that fails. * R/levelplot.R: xlab, ylab, etc in contourplot was not passed on properly to levelplot. Fixed. 2003-01-30 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/densityplot.R: changed prepanel.default.densityplot to return range instead of some-stupid-thing else when a groups argument is given. 2003-01-16 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/settings.R: changed trellis.par.get so that when called with no device open, it starts the default device a la print.trellis 2003-01-15 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/levelplot.R: levelplot used to calculate wx and wy, which was not a good idea since this should have been done inside the panel and prepanel functions. The prepanel function has been rewritten, fixing a bug, but some more reorganization still needs to be done. 2002-12-18 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/miscellaneous.R: fixed problem the with 'adj' argument in ltext (used to ignore second component, PR#2380). added 'pos' argument as in text. No offset yet, though. * R/panels.R: Changed panel.superpose to pass groups and subscripts to panel.groups (PR#2377). Not very obvious how groups might help, but I guess more information is better than less. Also, several other panel functions didn't recognize the col.line argument, this was fixed. 2002-12-15 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/common.R: The changes in lattice 0.5-0.6 added some code that gave bad results when some panels had all NA's. That hopefully fixed. * R/miscellaneous.R: lplot.xy used to call grid.text instead of grid.points when pch was a character. Fixed this. * R/print.trellis.R: draw.key failed when lines component had type='b', because of a missing pch. Fixed this. * R/levelplot.R: Minor fix related to changes in grid. 2002-12-06 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/settings.R: added warnings and error messages in trellis.par.get/set when no active device, and when value in trellis.par.set is not a list. * R/trellis.par.get.Rd: rewrote some things 2002-11-16 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/common.R: added arguments have.log and logbase to calculateAxisComponents() * R/print.trellis.R: made changes to use above changes 2002-10-28 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R: Hmm, lots of changes made without any log entries. Should be more careful ! Anyway, renamed inst/README to inst/Changes, and added a brief overview of changes in lattice 0.6 . Also made some documentation updates. Changed version to 0.6-6, ready to upload. 2002-01-10 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R: Too many changes to list, mainly in print.trellis and documentation. 2001-08-08 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/levelplot.R: Implemented preliminary levelplot (no contourplot though). Also a version of cloud, though no support yet for nice axes/arrows and stuff (does allow panel.superpose though). Again, no plans of implementing wireframe in the near future. 2001-08-08 Saikat DebRoy <> * R/common.R: Added support for 3d formulae in latticeParseFormula 2001-07-26 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/Lattice.Rd: Included llines, lpoints etc for easy adaptation of existing Trellis code. qq() changed to as it should be, should now work with tmd(). 2001-07-12 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/Lattice.Rd: Major redesigning of existing functions. Mainly by collecting common code into a few functions and hence making individual functions easier to handle. Code should now be fairly readable. Also, more or less good support for log scales and key (I hope). Not much checking done yet, there may be bugs. Documentation might be out of step at places. 2001-05-06 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/tmd.R: Name changed from trellis to Lattice. Prelilminary changes to account for change of Lattice to Grid made. New functions rfs, oneway, qq (not final), qqmath, tmd, plot.shingle, update.trellis. Documentation more or less clean. 2001-04-19 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/trellis.R: lots of changes. Introduced trellis objects. Print method for trellis objects. Implementation now includes barchart, bwplot, densityplot, dtplot, histogram, stripplot, xyplot, splom and parallel (and excludes piechart(will probably remain that way), qqmath, qq, timeplot(?), contourplot, levelplot, wireframe and cloud). Cleanup, documentation etc. 2001-03-22 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/trellis.R: added splom and some brief documentation for splom 2001-03-02 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/trellis.R: dtplot (dotplot) implemented. Probably has lots of bugs. Some documentation, including example for dtplot (same as usual dotplot example). 2001-03-02 Deepayan Sarkar <> * R/trellis.R: updated bwplot (with the new layout structure)