% This file is part of the 'foreign' package for R % It is distributed under the GPL version 2 or later \name{read.epiinfo} \alias{read.epiinfo} \title{Read Epi Info Data Files} \description{ Reads data files in the \code{.REC} format used by Epi Info versions 6 and earlier and by EpiData. Epi Info is a public domain database and statistics package produced by the US Centers for Disease Control and EpiData is a freely available data entry and validation system. } \usage{ read.epiinfo(file, read.deleted = FALSE, guess.broken.dates = FALSE, thisyear = NULL, lower.case.names = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{file}{A filename, URL, or connection.} \item{read.deleted}{Deleted records are read if \code{TRUE}, omitted if \code{FALSE} or replaced with \code{NA} if \code{NA}.} \item{guess.broken.dates}{Attempt to convert dates with 0 or 2 digit year information (see \sQuote{Details}).} \item{thisyear}{A 4-digit year to use for dates with no year. Defaults to the current year.} \item{lower.case.names}{Convert variable names to lowercase?} } \details{ Epi Info allows dates to be specified with no year or with a 2 or 4 digits. Dates with four-digit years are always converted to \code{Date} class. With the \code{guess.broken.dates} option the function will attempt to convert two-digit years using the operating system's default method (see \link{Date}) and will use the current year or the \code{thisyear} argument for dates with no year information. If \code{read.deleted} is \code{TRUE} the \code{"deleted"} attribute of the data frame indicates the deleted records. } \note{ Some later versions of Epi Info use the Microsoft Access file format to store data. That may be readable with the \pkg{RODBC} package. } \value{ A data frame. } \references{ \url{https://www.cdc.gov/epiinfo/}, \url{http://www.epidata.dk} } \seealso{ \link{DateTimeClasses} } \examples{ \dontrun{## That file is not available read.epiinfo("oswego.rec", guess.broken.dates = TRUE, thisyear = "1972") } } \keyword{ file }