% This file is part of the 'foreign' package for R % It is distributed under the GPL version 2 or later \name{lookup.xport} \alias{lookup.xport} \title{Lookup Information on a SAS XPORT Format Library} \description{ Scans a file as a SAS XPORT format library and returns a list containing information about the SAS library. } \usage{ lookup.xport(file) } \arguments{ \item{file}{character variable with the name of the file to read. The file must be in SAS XPORT format.} } \value{ A list with one component for each dataset in the XPORT format library. } \references{ SAS Technical Support document TS-140: \dQuote{The Record Layout of a Data Set in SAS Transport (XPORT) Format} available as \url{https://support.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/technical-papers/record-layout-of-a-sas-version-5-or-6-data-set-in-sas-transport-xport-format.pdf} } \author{Saikat DebRoy} \seealso{ \code{\link{read.xport}} } \examples{ \dontrun{## no XPORT file is installed. lookup.xport("test.xpt") } } \keyword{file}