\name{window.mcmc} \alias{window.mcmc} \alias{window.mcmc.list} \title{Time windows for mcmc objects} \usage{ \method{window}{mcmc}(x, start, end, thin, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an mcmc object} \item{start}{the first iteration of interest} \item{end}{the last iteration of interest} \item{thin}{the required interval between successive samples} \item{\dots}{futher arguments for future methods} } \description{ \code{window.mcmc} is a method for \code{mcmc} objects which is normally called by the generic function \code{window} In addition to the generic parameters, \code{start} and \code{end} the additional parameter \code{thin} may be used to thin out the Markov chain. Setting thin=k selects every kth iteration starting with the first. Note that the value of \code{thin} is \emph{absolute} not relative. The value supplied given to the parameter \code{thin} must be a multiple of \code{thin(x)}. Values of \code{start}, \code{end} and \code{thin} which are inconsistent with \code{x} are ignored, but a warning message is issued. } \seealso{ \code{\link{window}}, \code{\link{thin}}. } \keyword{ts}