\name{varnames} \alias{varnames} \alias{varnames<-} \alias{chanames} \alias{chanames<-} \title{Named dimensions of MCMC objects} \usage{ varnames(x, allow.null=TRUE) chanames(x, allow.null=TRUE) varnames(x) <- value chanames(x) <- value } \arguments{ \item{x}{an \code{mcmc} or \code{mcmc.list} object} \item{allow.null}{Logical argument that determines whether the function may return NULL} \item{value}{A character vector, or NULL} } \value{ A character vector , or NULL. } \description{ \code{varnames()} returns the variable names and \code{chanames} returns the chain names, or NULL if these are not set. If \code{allow.null = FALSE} then \code{NULL} values will be replaced with canonical names. } \seealso{ \code{\link{mcmc}}, \code{\link{mcmc.list}}. } \keyword{manip}