\name{trellisplots} \title{Trellis plots for mcmc objects} \alias{densityplot.mcmc} \alias{levelplot.mcmc} \alias{qqmath.mcmc} \alias{xyplot.mcmc} \alias{densityplot.mcmc.list} \alias{levelplot.mcmc.list} \alias{qqmath.mcmc.list} \alias{xyplot.mcmc.list} \alias{acfplot} \alias{acfplot.mcmc} \alias{acfplot.mcmc.list} \usage{ \method{densityplot}{mcmc}(x, data, outer, aspect = "xy", default.scales = list(relation = "free"), start = 1, thin = 1, main = attr(x, "title"), xlab = "", plot.points = "rug", \dots, subset) \method{densityplot}{mcmc.list}(x, data, outer = FALSE, groups = !outer, aspect = "xy", default.scales = list(relation = "free"), start = 1, thin = 1, main = attr(x, "title"), xlab = "", plot.points = "rug", \dots, subset) \method{levelplot}{mcmc}(x, data, main = attr(x, "title"), start = 1, thin = 1, \dots, xlab = "", ylab = "", cuts = 10, at, col.regions = topo.colors(100), subset) \method{qqmath}{mcmc}(x, data, outer, aspect = "xy", default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")), prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, start = 1, thin = 1, main = attr(x, "title"), ylab = "", \dots, subset) \method{qqmath}{mcmc.list}(x, data, outer = FALSE, groups = !outer, aspect = "xy", default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")), prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, start = 1, thin = 1, main = attr(x, "title"), ylab = "", \dots, subset) \method{xyplot}{mcmc}(x, data, outer, layout = c(1, nvar(x)), default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")), type = 'l', start = 1, thin = 1, xlab = "Iteration number", ylab = "", main = attr(x, "title"), \dots, subset) \method{xyplot}{mcmc.list}(x, data, outer = FALSE, groups = !outer, aspect = "xy", layout = c(1, nvar(x)), default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")), type = 'l', start = 1, thin = 1, xlab = "Iteration number", ylab = "", main = attr(x, "title"), \dots, subset) acfplot(x, data, \dots) \method{acfplot}{mcmc}(x, data, outer, prepanel, panel, type = 'h', aspect = "xy", start = 1, thin = 1, lag.max = NULL, ylab = "Autocorrelation", xlab = "Lag", main = attr(x, "title"), \dots, subset) \method{acfplot}{mcmc.list}(x, data, outer = FALSE, groups = !outer, prepanel, panel, type = if (groups) 'b' else 'h', aspect = "xy", start = 1, thin = 1, lag.max = NULL, ylab = "Autocorrelation", xlab = "Lag", main = attr(x, "title"), \dots, subset) } \description{ These methods use the Trellis framework as implemented in the \code{lattice} package to produce space-conserving diagnostic plots from \code{"mcmc"} and \code{"mcmc.list"} objects. The \code{xyplot} methods produce trace plots. The \code{densityplot} methods and \code{qqmath} methods produce empirical density and probability plots. The \code{levelplot} method depicts the correlation of the series. The \code{acfplot} methods plot the auto-correlation in the series. Not yet available in S-PLUS. } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an \code{"mcmc"} or \code{"mcmc.list"} object. } \item{data}{ ignored, present for consistency with generic. } \item{outer}{ for the \code{"mcmc.list"} methods, a logical flag to control whether multiple runs of a series are displayed in the same panel (they are if \code{FALSE}, not if \code{TRUE}). If specified in the \code{"mcmc"} methods, this argument is ignored with a warning. } \item{groups}{ for the \code{"mcmc.list"} methods, a logical flag to control whether the underlying \code{lattice} call will be supplied a \code{groups} arguments indicating which run a data point originated from. The panel function is responsible for handling such an argument, and will usually differentiate runs within a panel by using different graphical parameters. When \code{outer=FALSE}, the default of \code{groups} is \code{TRUE} if the corresponding default panel function is able to make use of such information. When \code{outer=FALSE}, \code{groups=TRUE} will be ignored with a warning. } \item{aspect}{ controls the physical aspect ratio of the panel. See \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{xyplot}} for details. The default for these methods is chosen carefully - check what the default plot looks like before changing this parameter.} \item{default.scales}{ this parameter provides a reasonable default value of the \code{scales} parameter for the method. It is unlikely that a user will wish to change this parameter. Pass a value for \code{scales} (see \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{xyplot}}) instead, which will override values specified here. } \item{type}{ a character vector that determines if lines, points, etc. are drawn on the panel. The default values for the methods are carefully chosen. See \code{\link[lattice:panel.xyplot]{panel.xyplot}} for possible values. } \item{thin}{ an optional thinning interval that is applied before the plot is drawn.} \item{start}{ an optional value for the starting point within the series. Values before the starting point are considered part of the "burn-in" of the series and dropped.} \item{plot.points}{ character argument giving the style in which points are added to the plot. See \code{\link[lattice:panel.densityplot]{panel.densityplot}} for details. } \item{layout}{a method-specific default for the \code{layout} argument to the lattice functions.} \item{xlab,ylab,main}{Used to provide default axis annotations and plot labels.} \item{cuts, at}{ defines number and location of values where colors change } \item{col.regions}{ color palette used } \item{lag.max}{ maximum lag for which autocorrelation is computed. By default, the value chosen by \code{\link{acf}} is used } \item{prepanel,panel}{ suitable prepanel and panel functions for \code{acfplot}. The prepanel function omits the lag-0 auto-correlation (which is always 1) from the range calculations. } \item{\dots}{other arguments, passed to the lattice function. Documentation of the corresponding generics in the \code{lattice} package should be consulted for possible arguments. } \item{subset}{indices of the subset of the series to plot. The default is constructed from the \code{start} and \code{thin} arguments.} } \value{ An object of class \code{"trellis"}. The relevant \code{\link[lattice:update.trellis]{update}} method can be used to update components of the object and the \code{\link[lattice:print.trellis]{print}} method (usually called by default) will plot it on an appropriate plotting device. } \seealso{ \code{\link[lattice:Lattice]{Lattice}} for a brief introduction to lattice displays and links to further documentation. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \examples{ data(line) \dontrun{ xyplot(line) xyplot(line[[1]], start = 10) densityplot(line, start = 10) qqmath(line, start = 10) levelplot(line[[2]]) acfplot(line, outer = TRUE) } } \keyword{hplot}