\name{traceplot} \alias{traceplot} \title{Trace plot of MCMC output} \usage{traceplot(x, smooth = FALSE, col = 1:6, type = "l", xlab = "Iterations", ylab = "", \dots)} \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{mcmc} or \code{mcmc.list} object} \item{smooth}{draw smooth line through trace plot} \item{col}{graphical parameter (see \code{par})} \item{type}{graphical parameter (see \code{plot})} \item{xlab}{graphical parameter (see \code{plot})} \item{ylab}{graphical parameter (see \code{plot})} \item{\dots}{further graphical parameters} } \description{ Displays a plot of iterations \emph{vs.} sampled values for each variable in the chain, with a separate plot per variable. } \note{ You can call this function directly, but it is more usually called by the \code{plot.mcmc} function. } \seealso{ \code{\link{densplot}}, \code{\link{plot.mcmc}}. } \keyword{hplot}