\name{rejectionRate} \alias{rejectionRate} \alias{rejectionRate.mcmc} \alias{rejectionRate.mcmc.list} \title{Rejection Rate for Metropolis--Hastings chains} \usage{rejectionRate(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{mcmc} or \code{mcmc.list} object.} } \description{ \code{rejectionRate} calculates the fraction of time that a Metropolis--Hastings type chain rejected a proposed move. The rejection rate is calculates separately for each variable in the \code{mcmc.obj} argument, irregardless of whether the variables were drawn separately or in a block. In the latter case, the values returned should be the same. } \details{ For the purposes of this function, a "rejection" has occurred if the value of the time series is the same at two successive time points. This test is done naively using \code{==} and may produce problems due to rounding error. } \value{ A vector containing the rejection rates, one for each variable. } \author{Russell Almond} \keyword{ts}