\name{plot.mcmc} \alias{plot.mcmc} \title{Summary plots of mcmc objects} \usage{ \method{plot}{mcmc}(x, trace = TRUE, density = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, bwf, auto.layout = TRUE, ask = dev.interactive(), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{mcmc} or \code{mcmc.list}} \item{trace}{Plot trace of each variable} \item{density}{Plot density estimate of each variable} \item{smooth}{Draw a smooth line through trace plots} \item{bwf}{Bandwidth function for density plots} \item{auto.layout}{Automatically generate output format} \item{ask}{Prompt user before each page of plots} \item{\dots}{Further arguments} } \description{ \code{plot.mcmc} summarizes an mcmc or mcmc.list object with a trace of the sampled output and a density estimate for each variable in the chain. } \author{Martyn Plummer} \seealso{ \code{\link{densplot}}, \code{\link{traceplot}}. } \keyword{hplot}