\name{multi.menu} \alias{multi.menu} \title{Choose multiple options from a menu} \usage{ multi.menu(choices, title, header, allow.zero = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{choices}{Character vector of labels for choices} \item{title}{Title printed before menu} \item{header}{Character vector of length 2 giving column titles} \item{allow.zero}{Permit 0 as an acceptable response} } \description{ \code{multi.menu} presents the user with a menu of choices labelled from 1 to the number of choices. The user may choose one or more options by entering a comma separated list. A range of values may also be specified using the ":" operator. Mixed expressions such as "1,3:5, 6" are permitted. If \code{allow.zero} is set to TRUE, one can select `0' to exit without choosing an item. } \value{ Numeric vector giving the numbers of the options selected, or 0 if no selection is made. } \author{Martyn Plummer} \seealso{ \code{\link{menu}}. } \keyword{utilities}