\name{mcmc.subset} \alias{[.mcmc} \alias{[.mcmc.list} \title{Extract or replace parts of MCMC objects} \usage{ \method{[}{mcmc}(x,i,j, drop=missing(i)) \method{[}{mcmc.list}(x,i,j, drop=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{mcmc} object} \item{i}{Row to extract} \item{j}{Column to extract} \item{drop}{if \code{TRUE}, the redundant dimensions are dropped} } \description{ These are methods for subsetting \code{mcmc} objects. You can select iterations using the first dimension and variables using the second dimension. Selecting iterations will return a vector or matrix, not an \code{mcmc} object. If you want to do row-subsetting of an \code{mcmc} object and preserve its dimensions, use the \code{window} function. Subsetting applied to an \code{mcmc.list} object will simultaneously affect all the parallel chains in the object. } \seealso{ \code{\link{[}}, \code{\link{window.mcmc}} } \keyword{ts}