\name{effectiveSize} \alias{effectiveSize} \title{Effective sample size for estimating the mean} \description{ Sample size adjusted for autocorrelation. } \usage{ effectiveSize(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An mcmc or mcmc.list object.} } \details{ For a time series \code{x} of length \code{N}, the standard error of the mean is the square root of \code{var(x)/n} where \code{n} is the effective sample size. \code{n = N} only when there is no autocorrelation. Estimation of the effective sample size requires estimating the spectral density at frequency zero. This is done by the function \code{spectrum0.ar} For a \code{mcmc.list} object, the effective sizes are summed across chains. To get the size for each chain individually use \code{lapply(x,effectiveSize)}. } \value{ A vector giving the effective sample size for each column of \code{x}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{spectrum0.ar}}. } \keyword{ts}