\name{coda.options} \alias{coda.options} \alias{display.coda.options} \alias{.Coda.Options} \alias{.Coda.Options.Default} \title{Options settings for the codamenu driver} \usage{ coda.options(\dots) display.coda.options(stats = FALSE, plots = FALSE, diags = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{stats}{logical flag: show summary statistic options?} \item{plots}{logical flag: show plotting options?} \item{diags}{logical flag: show plotting options?} \item{\dots}{list of options} } \description{ \code{coda.options} is a utility function that queries and sets options for the \code{codamenu()} function. These settings affect the behaviour of the functions in the coda library only when they are called via the \code{codamenu()} interface. The \code{coda.options()} function behaves just like the \code{options()} function in the base library, with the additional feature that \code{coda.options(default=TRUE)} will reset all options to the default values. Options can be pretty-printed using the \code{display.coda.options()} function, which groups the options into sections. Available options are \describe{ \item{bandwidth}{Bandwidth function used when smoothing samples to produce density estimates. Defaults to Silverman's ``Rule of thumb''.} \item{combine.corr}{Logical option that determines whether to combine multiple chains when calculating cross-correlations.} \item{combine.plots}{Logical option that determines whether to combine multiple chains when plotting.} \item{combine.plots}{Logical option that determines whether to combine multiple chains when calculating summary statistics.} \item{data.saved}{For internal use only.} \item{densplot}{Logical option that determines whether to plot a density plot when plot methods are called for mcmc objects.} \item{digits}{Number of significant digits to use when printing.} \item{frac1}{For Geweke diagnostic, fraction to use from start of chain. Defaults to 0.1} \item{frac2}{For Geweke diagnostic, fraction to use from end of chain. Default to 0.5.} \item{gr.bin}{For Geweke-Brooks plot, number of iterations to use per bin.} \item{gr.max}{For Geweke-Brooks plot, maximum number of bins to use. This option overrides \code{gr.bin}.} \item{halfwidth}{For Heidelberger and Welch diagnostic, the target value for the ratio of half width to sample mean.} \item{lowess}{Logical option that controls whether to plot a smooth line through a trace plot when plotting MCMC output.} \item{q}{For Raftery and Lewis diagnostic, the target quantile to be estimated} \item{r}{For Raftery and Lewis diagnostic, the required precision.} \item{s}{For Raftery and Lewis diagnostic, the probability of obtaining an estimate in the interval (q-r, q+r).} \item{quantiles}{Vector of quantiles to print when calculating summary statistics for MCMC output.} \item{trace}{Logical option that determines whether to plot a trace of the sampled output when plotting MCMC output.} \item{user.layout}{Logical option that determines whether current value of par("mfrow") should be used for plots (TRUE) or whether the optimal layout should be calculated (FALSE).} } } \seealso{ \code{\link{options}} } \keyword{utilities}