\name{bugs2jags} \alias{bugs2jags} \title{Convert WinBUGS data file to JAGS data file} \usage{ bugs2jags(infile, outfile) } \arguments{ \item{infile}{name of the input file} \item{outfile}{name of the output file} } \description{ \code{bugs2jags} converts a WinBUGS data in the format called "S-Plus" (i.e. the format created by the \code{dput} function) and writes it in \code{dump} format used by JAGS. NB WinBUGS stores its arrays in row order. This is different from R and JAGS which both store arrays in column order. This difference is taken into account by \code{bugs2jags} which will automatically reorder the data in arrays, without changing the dimension. Not yet available in S-PLUS. } \note{ If the input file is saved from WinBUGS, it must be saved in plain text format. The default format for files saved from WinBUGS is a binary compound document format (with extension odc) that cannot be read by bugs2jags. } \references{ Spiegelhalter DJ, Thomas A, Best NG and Lunn D (2003). \emph{WinBUGS version 1.4 user manual} MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK. } \author{Martyn Plummer} \seealso{ \code{\link{dput}}, \code{\link{dump}}. } \keyword{file}