\name{autocorr} \alias{autocorr} \title{Autocorrelation function for Markov chains} \usage{autocorr(x, lags = c(0, 1, 5, 10, 50), relative=TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{x}{an mcmc object} \item{lags}{a vector of lags at which to calculate the autocorrelation} \item{relative}{a logical flag. TRUE if lags are relative to the thinning interval of the chain, or FALSE if they are absolute difference in iteration numbers} } \description{ \code{autocorr} calculates the autocorrelation function for the Markov chain \code{mcmc.obj} at the lags given by \code{lags}. The lag values are taken to be relative to the thinning interval if \code{relative=TRUE}. High autocorrelations within chains indicate slow mixing and, usually, slow convergence. It may be useful to thin out a chain with high autocorrelations before calculating summary statistics: a thinned chain may contain most of the information, but take up less space in memory. Re-running the MCMC sampler with a different parameterization may help to reduce autocorrelation. } \value{ A vector or array containing the autocorrelations. } \author{Martyn Plummer} \seealso{ \code{\link{acf}}, \code{\link{autocorr.plot}}. } \keyword{ts}